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The class of the Talander School is reaching its arrival point!

The 11 youngsters who left from Tschagguns in Austria on 1 July have already crossed (again and again) the Swiss and Italian borders. They are expected today in Tirano to celebrate the success of their adventure.

The students and their accompanying adults reached their personal limits many times – physical as well as psychological ones. There were a surprise volte-face towards the valley, small wounds, fits of rage – under the sun, the rain and the snow!

But first of all the pleasure of reaching the summit, the meals prepared by welcoming hut-keepers or by the children in turn, relaxing time and visits in the villages passed and the welcome given by the authorities in Tschagguns, Scuol and soon Tirano, to which the group transmitted the greetings of the mayor of Wangen. In the end, it was with no doubt a challenge successfully taken up individually and jointly as a team, which will have marked the development of each child and should help them to face their difficulties. Congratulations to all – also to Berthold Brommer and Andrea Nenning, whose commitment seems without limit!

The hike will live further in the participants’ minds, but also via a film by Jan Trottnow, a director from Berlin who walked all the way with the group. To be continued on!