"Destination Mountain Huts": Schoolchildren on the Via Alpina
This year Via Alpina France is joining up with the “Destination Refuges” (Destination Mountain Huts) programme of the Conseil Général des Hautes-Alpes (Hautes-Alpes county council) by offering five classes the services of a mountain leader to support the activities on the hikes that will bring these primary school children to spend a night in a mountain hut in June. (...)
Every year the Conseil Général des Hautes-Alpes (Hautes-Alpes county council) in connection with the USEP (Union Sportive de l’Enseignement du Premier Degré or primary education sports union) supports the educational work of the huts by organising accompanied hikes for primary school children from all across the region.
For this seventh edition, Via Alpina France will back this initiative by allowing the classes who have planned to visit a hut on the Via Alpina to enjoy the services of a mountain leader and a Via Alpina representative. These mediators will help the teachers and accompanying adults to make the children discover the huts and their keepers, the different aspects of life in the mountains, for man but also for the Alpine flora and fauna. They will also allow them to put these “nearby” mountains into perspective within the whole of the Alpine Range.
The huts involved are: Buffère, Viso, Tre Alpini and Furfande.
For information: gregoire.bel@grande-traversee-alpes.com, tel. (+33/0) 4 76 42 08 31.