In the past few years, there have been numerous private initiatives around Via Alpina, as testified in our pages Over to the Via Alpinists!. We have been wishing to give a helping hand to people or organizations developing especially interesting projects and now we are there: in September, in collaboration with the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, we’ll publish a call for applications for the award of the first three Via Alpina Travel Fellowships.
These fellowships will go to three projects promoting hiking in stages, the Alpine Convention and the “Spirit of Via Alpina”: meeting people and cultures in the Alps, discovering Alpine nature on foot, linking between the various countries, sustainable development and soft tourism. They may be complete crossings or the Alps or actions of a more limited geographical and temporal scope, but will in any case need to have a strong media impact, so as to allow the transmission of these experiences to many people.
The call for projects and all details will be published on this website around mid-September, for a receipt of applications mid-November. The fellowships, amounting to 1000 Euros each, will be awarded by an international selection committee in January 2011 for a realisation of the projects during the summer. Watch this space!