Vincent Tornay: A personal view of the Red Trail
After his blog, his film and several conferences, in his superb new work Vincent Tornay now gives us his vision of the Alps along the Red Trail of the Via Alpina which he hiked in full during the summer of 2007.
Through his book Vincent illustrates the benefits of taking life slowly and adds all sorts of useful information on how to follow in his footsteps along some selected sections of each massif and how to “enjoy a a truly long escape on your doorstep . All the information on how to get hold of the book, published by Rossolis, is listed in the Documentation section of this site.
Vincent will present his book on Tuesday the 3rd of November 2009 from 5 until 7pm at the bookshop Le Vent des Routes, 50 rue des Bains, CH-12005 Geneva (Tel. +41/0 22 800 33 81).