Call for projects: 3rd edition of the Via Alpina Travel Fellowships
The call for applications to the 3rd Via Alpina Travel Fellowships is now open! In a partnership with the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the Via Alpina Secretariat of the Principality of Monaco, Via Alpina will support four original projects carried out on and around the trails.
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These projects should give a personal view on the Via Alpina, cross-border hiking (or other non-motorised travel) and the issues important to the sustainable development of the Alps. They will be selected according to their impact in the promotion of these topics. One fellowship will be especially earmarked for a project realised by or for children or young people (3-18 years).
The winners will be rewarded by a financial help of 1000 Euros and their projects broadly promoted by the Via Alpina network.
Applications must be sent until 15 November 2012 for projects to be carried out in 2013. The application form and all details are available at Pass the word!