Encounter with 2 Via Alpinists in Belluno on 2 and 11 October
Back from their crossing of the Alps, Valerio Sani and Milena Dalla Piazza will share their experience with the public of the “Oltre le vette” festival (Beyond summits – Metaphors, people, places of the mountains) during its 13th edition from 1-11 October in Belluno (Italy).
In a conference on Friday, 2 October (9pm) Valerio and Milena will show a selection of photographs and tell about their “Alpine adventure” of this summer between Monaco and Trieste. They will also participate in a round-table discussion on “Modernity of the big spiritual ways: from the Way of St James to the Dolomites Path” on Sunday, 11 October (10am).
Download the festival’s programme here: PDF, 565 Kb (in Italian). Free entry. For more information: www.oltrelevette.it, oltrelevette@comune.belluno.it, tel. (+39) 0437 913 292.