Mediterr année: 15,000 km, 20 countries, 12 months to help children affected by war
Between 26 April 2014 and 25 April 2015, Huw Kingston will circumnavigate the Mediterranean via a combination of sea kayaking, walking, ski touring and mountain biking across 20 countries: a distance of some 15,000km.
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The expedition is timed to coincide with the Anzac Centenary in 2015 – 100 years since the landing of Australian and New Zealand soldiers (“Anzacs”) at Gallipoli in Turkey in the 1st World War that resulted in massive loss of life on both sides, but also created the notion of the Anzac spirit: the ideals of courage, endurance and “mateship”. During the journey Huw will be raising much needed funds for the Save the Children charity to assist their work with children caught up in conflict zones across the world.
Huw was born in England and has been living in Australia for 25 years. He is an outdoor activities organiser and travel writer and has received a number of environmental awards for previous actions and campaigns.
Huw plans to follow part of the Via Alpina on a 100-day crossing of the Alps on foot during the summer. The Via Alpina has granted its moral support to his project, a great adventure for peace and understanding between the cultures.
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