Hike in places of Giuseppe Ungaretti
TOGETHER WITH GIUSEPPE UNGARETTI: THE SMALL VALLEY OF THE ISOLATED TREE AND MOUNT SAN MICHELE Go to the file on Project “Via Alpina – Way of Peace" RESORT: Carso Isontino, Monfalcone (GO) LENGTH: 3-4 hours PROGRAMME: This trail develops around two peculiar events: the presence of the poet Giuseppe Ungaretti in the Small Valley of the Isolated Tree, comparing his experiences written out in his famous lyrics to the diaries left by other former fighters in the area, and the toss of gases by the Austrian-Hungarians for the first time on the Italian side. MIN/MAX NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS FORESEEN: min. 1 person - max 50 people PRICE: € 96,00 The fee includes: Guiding, welcome and assistance to tourists. The fee doesn’t include: Coach booking for people transport. PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY OF THE OFFER: 15 October to 30 April FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND BOOKINGS: Sentieri di Pace – I.A.T. Fogliano Redipuglia TEL. 0481/489139 0481/489999 FAX 0481/489139 0481/489999 MAIL plfogliano@tiscali.it WEBSITE www.prolocofoglianoredipuglia.it Dokumentation