Basovizza's Foiba


Friuli's war places:
Basovizza's Foiba (Pothole, n.d.t.)
S.S. 14, Loc. Basovizza, 34100 Trieste

Go to Project file “Via Alpina – Way of Peace”


Historical information: A disused mining well, in 1945 it was a theatre of war, executions of Italian soldiers and civilians arrested by Yugoslavian occupation troops; corpses of German soldiers fallen dead during struggles in the nearby area were thrown in, too. After appeals from Italian public opinion, the English and Americans partially retrieved human rests. In 1959 the opening was finally closed after long vicissitudes and the place became a National Monument in 1992. Today, the site is a place of Memory for the families of the foibe’s martyrs, the deported who died in concentration camps in former Yugoslavia and the Italians exiled from Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia.  
Information for visits:

Opening times:
it can always be visited  

• guided tours
• parking lot
• accessible by the disabled