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Switzerland / Italy
Lombardy / Grisons
Chiesa in Valmalenco / Stampa
Valmalenco, Valle del Muretto, Oberengadin

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R79 Chiareggio » Maloja
  |   5h50   |   15.4 km   |   987 m   |   784 m

From Chiareggio, a dirt track climbs to Alpe dell'Oro pasture from where there are views of Mount Disgrazia. An old military mule track that still shows signs of having been a cobbled road, perhaps as far back as Roman times, leads to the Muretto pass on the Swiss border. The pass trail leads down into the Val Fuorno valley, past an outwash plain and the Cavloc lake to Maloja.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1607 m
| BCD  3.3 km / 1h10
Alpe dell'Oro
2004 m
| CD  4 km / 2h10
Passo del Muretto
2563 m
| D  2.5 km / 1h00
Plan Canin
1965 m
| D  1.8 km / 0h30
Lago da Cavloc
1915 m
| D  3.5 km / 0h50
Passo del Maloja
1819 m
| B  0.3 km / 0h10
1814 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • T 268 Julier ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Oberengadin 28 (Bergell - Puschlav) ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG / 3-259-00887-X (1: 60'000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Bernina (Guida dei Monti d'Italia) ~ CAI - TCI (ISBN )
  • Oberengadin ~ BAW Bündner Wanderwege (ISBN 3-7298-1137-1)
  • Oberengadin ~ Rudolf Rother Bergverlag (ISBN 3-7633-4042-4)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • POPEYE GG - 2020-08-12
    Mercredi 26 juin 2019
    Je n'ai pas fait cette étape du fait du trop fort enneigement du Passo del Muretto. Je suis allé directement si l'on peut dire à Saint-Moritz via de la marche du stop, du train jusqu'à Tirano, puis par le mythique Bernina Express, où je retrouvai mon copain Thierry. Paysages sublimes, que je recommande.
  • Rüdiger - 2018-08-25
    Ja, Salencia ist eine geniale Idee. Macht Spass zusammen zu kochen, abwaschen und die arbeiten teilen. Werde es wider mal besuchen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Yes, Salencia is a brilliant idea. It's fun to cook, wash and share the work together. Will visit it again.
  • OldMac from Hants - 2015-09-03
    Telephone for SportHotel is0818243126. If you are heading West to East, this is quite a long way before the Salecina. Drop to the main road. Turn right, and walk through the town to it. Quite charming old style Alpine hotel - and cheap.
  • Andrea - 2014-09-12
    John hat recht: Salecina ist eine tolle Unterkunft in Maloja. Liegt auf halbem Weg zwischen Lago di Cavloc und Maloja, nach der Brücke, nicht zu verfehlen.
    Selbstverwaltetes Haus, in dem die Gäste selbst kochen und putzen, gut für viele spannende Begegnungen.
    Auch ein guter Ort, um mal ein paar Ruhetage nach langer Wanderung einzulegen.
    Reichhaltiges Essen um 19 Uhr, bequeme Betten (2er bis 12er-Zimmer), Duschen und Trockenraum, freies WLAN, Bibliothek und so weiter :)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    John is right: Salecina is a great accommodation in Maloja. Located halfway between Lago di Cavloc and Maloja, after the bridge, not to miss. Self-governing house where the guests have to cook and clean, good for many exciting encounters. Also a good place and spend the a few days of rest after a long hike. Rich food by 19 clock, comfortable beds (2 or up to 12-room), showers and drying room, free Wi-Fi, library and so on :)
  • John from bath - 2014-07-13
    The Salecina foundation is the best accommodation in Maloja. It is next to the bridge 10 mins short of Maloja post office, with a coloured pole outside. Cost about 55 half pension in a dormitory, but you have to help with housekeeping jobs.
  • Clemens - 2013-07-17
    Höhenangaben stimmen wohl nicht, der Weg geht konsquent nach oben und dann gehts bis auf 15 hm vor Maloja nur noch runter.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Altitude readings do not agree probably, the way is inevitable upwards and then go up to 15 hm before Maloja only still down.
  • Daniel - 2011-08-18
    The former YH now only accepts groups. Soon it will be torn down to be replaced by an apartment flat. That leaves the Sport Hotel as probably the cheapest (CHF 65). The place is OK. Watch the plants growing on the ceiling of the restaurant. Closed on Monday.

    Walk down to a bare rock (5 min South) where you can see the Maloja pass road winding down to the valley
  • Martin Schreiber - 2010-12-04
    The cheapest accommodation is most probably the youth hostel which is administered by the 'Swiss hotel'. Since it was fully booked, I spent the night in the Sporthotel which is the cheapest hotel in Maloja. They also offer WIFI for 5 SF. There's also a supermarket in Maloja as well as a post office.
  • murmel - 2010-07-26
    Sporthotel Maloja zwar billig (für schweizer Verhältnisse). Der Gastwirt ist aber überaus geschäftstüchtig und nur auf den eigenen Vorteil bedacht.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Sporthotel Maloja is cheap (for Swiss standards). The innkeeper is very business-minded and concerned only about their own advantage.
Last update : 2019-12-16