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Quality : very good
Val Grosina Orientale, Val d'Avedo, Val Grosina Occidentale

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R73 Eita » Malghera
  |   6h15   |   15 km   |   2002 m   |   1741 m

From Eita the road goes right up to the entrance of the Avedo valley (a narrow valley with steep green sides). The trail thereafter is comfortable climbing through the typical pastures at Vermolera and Tres and their lakes. A narrow and tortuous trail then leads to the Vermolera pass, then down to Malghera in Sacco Valley, with its church of the Madonna.

Easier alternative route

From Eita it is possible to follow the road, or the dirt track above, down to Fusino and there walk up the Val di Sacco to the Malghera hut. Possible accommodation points are the Locanda Valgrosina (+39 335 6502735) and the Rifugio CRAEM (+39 0342 861338) near to the Fusino dam. This detour is recommended in case of bad weather or if snow is present at high altitudes.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1703 m
| BC  2.5 km / 1h30
1927 m
| C  1.5 km / 0h50
Laghi di Tres
2216 m
| D  2 km / 1h50
Passo di Vermolera
2732 m
| D  5 km / 1h50
Casera di Sacco
1990 m
| C  4 km / 0h15
1964 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The Via Alpina trail follows the same route as the Sentiero Italia trail.
Useful topographic maps
  • 676, 96 ~ Kompass (50000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Rifugi alpini, bivacchi e itinerari scelti ~ Giovanni Peretti (ISBN )
  • Alpi Retiche (Cima Piazzi - Piz Sesvenna) ~ CAI - TCI (ISBN )

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Karsten - 2024-08-29
    Due to the heat down at Tirano and the steep descend (lots of meters of altitude ;) I decided to skip that part and cross via Passo Malghera / Forcila directly to Poschiavo. On the way to the pass is Logo Malghera an the bivacchio above it (north shore). This small hut is well maintained and cosy!
    In Poschiavo I took a train ride with the red Bernina Express to the Opizio Bernina - quite an experience to ride in the open waggon at the end of the train. Shopping at the Coop next to the station. Camped at Boomerang Camping, a bit to the south in Vial.
  • POPEYE GG - 2020-08-12
    Mercredi 19 juin 2019
    Encore une journée particulière suite au fort enneigement: nous avons dû redescendre par la route après être arrivé au Lago Venere. Plusieurs possibilités (voir blog). Finalement, nuitée à l'hôtel Locanda Valgrosina à Fusino, où nous avons passé une soirée mémorable.
  • souris48 - 2019-08-19
    Difficulté | Temps de marche 6h15 | Distance 15 km | 2002 m | 1741 m
    Une fois de plus, vérifier les données....Pour moi, de 1703 m à 2732 m je ne suis pas très douée en math...) mais ça fait 1.029 m et non 2002 m comme indiqué.....
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Difficulty | Walking time 6h15 | Distance 15 km | 2002 m | 1741 m Once again, check the data .... For me, from 1703 m to 2732 m I am not very good at math ...) but it is 1,029 m and not 2002 m as indicated .... .
  • Daniel - 2018-08-27
    Italian toilets! For acrobats only...
  • Berta - 2018-06-19
    Von der Vermolera Alm führt auch ein sehr schöner Weg überRocovero Biancadino zum Rifugio Malghera (wenn am Paß noch Schnee ). Rifugio Malghera ist ein hervorragender Platz, Halbpension 50€. Sehr freundliche Leute und sehr gutes Essen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    From the Vermolera Alm there is also a very nice path via Rocovero Biancadino to Rifugio Malghera (if there is still snow on the pass). Rifugio Malghera is an excellent place, half board 50 €. Very friendly people and very good food.
  • Daniel - 2016-09-18
    Montée = 1100m.
    Descente = 800m.
    Ont retrouve les jallons contre la première parois après un poteau indicateur !! La montée au col est bien marquée par les traces rouges et blanches ainsi que des poteaux en bois, idem dans la descente jusqu'au bivouac de pian del logo ou l'on retrouve le sentier
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Ascent = 1100m. Descent = 800m. Have found the jallons against the first wall after a signpost! The climb to the pass is well marked by the red and white traces as well as wooden poles, ditto in the descent to the bivouac of pian del logo where we find the path
  • Bernard Dafflon - 2015-11-09
    Étape parcourue le 23 août 2015, avec brouillard et pluie fine.
    Du Laghi di Tres au Paso de Vermola, ainsi que du pied du Paso jusqu’à la sortie du Pian del Lago, le marquage est totalement absent (pas trace de fanion de balisage). Il faut absolument préparer les azimuts et travailler à la boussole et l’altimètre en situation de mauvais temps et de léger brouillard. Etape difficile (3 pieds et non 2). Dénivelé en montée : 1049 m. et non 2002 m. comme indiqué, en descente 795 m. et non pas 1741 m. !!!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Step traveled August 23, 2015, with fog and drizzle. Laghi di Tres at the Paso Vermola, and the foot of Paso until the release of Pian del Lago, the marking is completely missing (no trace of markup flag). It is essential to prepare and work round the compass and altimeter experiencing bad weather and light mist. Step difficult (and not 3 feet 2). Vertical climbing: 1049 m. and not 2002 m. as indicated, downhill 795 m. and not 1741 m. !!!
  • Tentorini Chantal - 2015-10-09
    Montée au Col de Vermolada avec balisage très peu visible et même chose à la descente où il faut suivre des cairns qui peuvent vite devenir invisibles dans le mauvais temps. Les données GPS sont approximatives.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Ascent Col de Vermolada with very visible markings and the same on the way down where you have to follow cairns that may soon become invisible in bad weather. The GPS data are approximate.
  • alain grinda - 2014-05-25
    N'y a-t-il pas une erreur importante dans le calcul du dénivelé positif de 2002 m indiqué pour cette étape R73 ?
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    There there is no significant error in the calculation of elevation gain of 2002 meters indicated for this step R73?
  • Elisabeth - 2014-03-18
    Depuis 2010 (voir le commentaire), rien n'a changé : le balisage est même devenu invisible ! Il serait opportun de le refaire. Sans les indications d'un berger, je n'aurais jamais atteint le col de Vermolera. Et c'est pareil sur l'autre versant : il faudrait planter de vraies balises pour traverser le plateau en direction du plan du Lac (les petits poteaux actuels ne se voient pas).
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Since 2010 (see review), nothing has changed: the markup is even become invisible! It would be appropriate to do it again. Without the guidance of a shepherd, I would never have reached the neck Vermolera. And it's the same on the other side: it would need to plant real tags over the plateau towards the plane of the Lake (current small posts can not be seen).
  • RuthW - 2013-09-10
    Recommend you stay at the refuge in Eita. Baita Franzini is pretty tattered and food is average. Refuge is less expensive and nicer.
  • Alpinisten - 2013-08-31
    Weitere Variante (nicht nur bei schlechtem Wetter): ab Eita den Fußweg hinab ins Valtellina Tal über Ravedo nach /Grosio oder nach Grosotto wandern (15km,ca.3h) und von dort dann weitere 15 km auf markiertem Talwanderweg nach Tirano. Sehr schön!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Another variant (not only in bad weather): Eita from the footpath down to the Valtellina valley over Ravedo to / Grosio or petrol hike Gros (15km ca.3h) and from there another 15 km of marked hiking trail to Tirano. Very nice
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2013-07-23
    Die GPS-Daten sind leider immer noch falsch.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The GPS data are still incorrect.
  • licialicia66 - 2012-08-26
    sono la figlia del sig.ernesto franzini.volevo ringraziare tutte le persone che in questi anni hanno avuto l'opportunità di conoscere la mia famiglia e la mia casa purtroppo per i miei genitori l'età avanza e non è piu' possibile garantire una discreta ospitalità............comque per qualsiasi persona che percorre questo sentiero ci sarà sempre un tetto dove dormire e un fuoco dove scaldarsi............A TUTTI GRAZIE E UN GROSSO ABBRACCIO
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    am the daughter of sig.ernesto franzini.volevo thank all the people who in recent years have had the opportunity to meet my family and my home unfortunately for my parents get older and no longer 'can ensure a fair hospitality ............ comque for any person who follows the path there will always be a roof to sleep and a warm fire where ............ THANK YOU TO ALL AND A BIG HUG
  • Bernard et Christian - 2011-09-06
    L'accueil au gîte Ernesto Franzini à Eita est d'un très bon rapport qualité - prix. Leur fille, au nom d'impératrice est vraiment la reine de la gastronomie montagnarde.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The reception at the lodge to Ernesto Franzini Eita is a very good price - quality ratio. Their daughter, the Empress name is really the queen of the mountain cuisine.
  • Christian Rime - 2011-09-06
    Attention! balisage gravement défectueux à la montée depuis lagho di tres. A déconseiller formellement en cas de pluie ou brouillard. Il est meilleur en sens inverse.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Attention! markup seriously flawed since the rise lagho very di. A formally advise in case of rain or fog. It is better in reverse.
  • Via Alpina - Valtellina - 2011-08-17
    Dear Via Alpina walkers, we'll try to re-define the trail, of course the trail it's not so direct... but the stages are correct: Eita, vermolera, Laghi di Tres, Passo di Vermolera or Pas di Matt, Casera di Sacco (not the hight at 2527 m
    after the Casera, the hike runs flat towards Malghera), Malghera.
  • mauerlaeufer - 2011-08-17
    Bei mir wird die Tour auf der Google Karte nur als gerade Verbindung zwischen Eita und Malghera angezeigt ... vielleicht könnt ihr das bitte verbessern lassen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    For me, the tour will be shown on the Google map only as a straight connection between Eita and Malghera ... maybe you can get the better please.
  • Via Alpina - Valtellina - 2010-06-08
    Dear via alpina walkers, the Malghera hut opens in june and close in september, a winter shelter is always open... see the website with the new webcam on ciao and... come on... the snow is quite gone ;)
  • Lighthiker - 2010-05-17
    Rifugio Malghera ist eine große, bewirtschaftete Hütte. Kontakt über: oder
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    Rifugio Malghera is a large, farmed hut. Contact via: or Luca.Vitali @
  • Via Alpina - Valtellina - 2010-05-03
    Dear via alpina walkers, the infos about hight ant time is right, the GPS view is not right, the trip is not so direct... we'll try to solve the problem as soon as possibile... to see some images about the stage R73 Eita-Malghera you can see the video on youtube (see above).
  • Mauerläufer - 2010-04-22
    Die Seite wirkt irgendwie unfertig: nur linearer Tourenverlauf, und die Angabe der Summen von Aufstieg und Abstieg passt nicht zum Profil, dementsprechend wahrscheinlich auch die angegebene Zeit nicht.
    freundliche Grüsse!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The page seems somehow unfinished: only linear itinerary, and an indication of the amounts of ascent and descent does not fit the profile, therefore probably not the time indicated. best regards!
Last update : 2019-12-16