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Bad Goisern
Gosauzwang: 38m high stone bridge, in Hallstatt: Dachstein mammoth cave, Dachstein giant cave and Kappenbrüllerhöhle cave; Botanic theme trail in Bad Goisern, Chorinsky-Klause barrage: craft displays; "The Old Goisern House no. 2": built in 1400; local history and county museum, Salzkammergut woodcutters' museum, Anzenau Mill Outdoor Museum, Neuwildenstein Castle, brine trail; "Gamsbart" (tuft of chamois hair used as hat decoration) competition: end of August. International blacksmiths event: early August. World heritage centre and cultural landscape of Hallstatt-Dachstein-Salzkammergut, iodine-sulphur spring and climatic health resort.
Last update : 2011-05-16