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Alpineum: exhibition centre built in 1997, a modern wood and glass construction offering 500m2 of exhibition space. Exhibitions on five floors introduce visitors to the alpine environment. Each floor offers a different theme, from the early days of mountaineering to modern rescue techniques and information on alpine dangers. The exhibitions are changed yearly.
Closed on Mondays
Late baroque parish church: Church of the Holy Cross, consecrated on the "16th autumn moon of the year 1787“, Sunday after the exaltation of the Cross, hence the name. Wall and ceiling frescoes and war memorial dating back to 1924
Theme trail: "Flötzersteig“
Kreidelucke: cave with guided visits
Natural attractions: Schiederweiher, Polsterlucke cave, Steyr-Ursprung spring, Klinser waterfalls, Stromboding waterfall
Rubbelwanderweg trail with 15 stations
Crossroads with the 09 long-distance hiking trail: Salzsteigweg (salt climbing trail)
Last update : 2011-05-16