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Quality : rough
Partschins, Naturns
Texelgruppe / Burggrafenamt
Naturpark Texelgruppe
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
B29 Hochganghaus / Rifugio del Valico » Jausenstation Patleid
  |   3h50   |   16 km   |   2037 m   |   2490 m

The stage starts at Hochgang lodge in the protected zone of Texel Nature Park. This stretch of the route leads to the AVS Jugendweg trail (corresponds to part of the Meraner Höhenweg) past meadowland into the Zieltal valley to the Nassereit Hut (1,523m). Other stopoffs on the trail to the Patleid snack-bar (destination, 1,368m) is offered by the Giggelberg, Hochforch, Grub and Galmein inns.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Hochganghaus / Rifugio del Valico
1839 m
| D  5 km / 1h10
Nassereith-Hütte / Rifugio Nassereto
1523 m
| D  2.5 km / 0h40
Gasthaus Giggelberghof
1565 m
| BCD  2 km / 0h30
Gasthaus Hochforch
1555 m
| ABCD  3 km / 0h40
Gasthaus Grub
1377 m
| CD  1 km / 0h15
Gasthaus Galmein
1384 m
| ABCD  2.5 km / 0h35
Jausenstation Patleid
1386 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The Meraner Höhenweg trail circumvents the Texel Nature Park, near which trail no. 24 covers around 100km in approx. 6-7 daily stages. Owing to the many possible climbs and descents, you can start the hike from a point of your choice.
Useful topographic maps
  • Nr. 53 Meran und Umgebung ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 011 Meran und Umgebung ~ Tabacco (1:25.000)
  • WKS 1 und WKS 12 ~ Freytag & Berndt (1:50.000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Lexikon 53 Meran und Umgebung ~ Kompass (ISBN 3-85491-059-2)
  • Wanderführer Rund um Meran ~ Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4267-2)
  • Via Alpina Gelber Weg, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4858-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Julien - 2020-07-31
    Étape en balcon, longue et monotone. Le terrain granitique est exigeant.
    Effectivement les temps donnés ne sont pas bons.
    Je recommande de tenter une variante plus haut.
  • Thierry M - 2014-01-25
    Monaco - Trieste
    Possible variante here to stay up
    Possible variante from Vernago : trail #18 to croda rotta 2815m

    Or from Unser Frau : trail #27 to Vorderkaser, Johannesescharte pass 2854m, lodnerhutte and then reach Hochgang Haus by trail #7 (franz huber steig)

    Hochganghaus is serving great food. B&B at 25euros, allowed me to pitch the tent in the vincinity for free. 2euros for a 6mins hot shower.Great view on the Dolomites Catinaccio/rozengarten from there
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-10-16
    "Pirchhof" is another lodging option, just before Gasthaus Grub. It's super clean & friendly, and features homemade pies and milk fresh from cows in a barn nearby. A charming spot!
  • Philippe - 2010-08-05
    Attention, horaire assez optimiste. Je recommande de rajouter 2 bonnes heures.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Attention, rather optimistic times. I recommend adding a good 2 hours.
  • Lighthiker - 2010-05-17
    Die Nassereith-Hütte war in 2009 geschlossen. Die Jausenstation Patleid hat an Montagen Ruhetag.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The Nassereith cottage was closed in 2009. The hut has Patleid Closed on Mondays.
Last update : 2009-12-03