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Trentino Alto Adige
Pozza di Fassa - Canazei - Mazzin
Marmolada - Val di Fassa
S.I.C. (Direttiva Habitat) Val San Nicolò
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
B23 Rifugio Contrin » Fontanazzo
  |   6h10   |   13.6 km   |   1655 m   |   2275 m

This is long stage running straight through the heart of the Trentino Dolomites, across the many hanging valleys of the Marmolada range.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Rifugio Contrin
2016 m
| D  3 km / 1h00
Passo S. Nicolò
2338 m
| D  2.1 km / 0h50
Forcia Neigra
2509 m
| D  1.8 km / 1h10
Rifugio Tobià del Giagher
2100 m
| D  1.2 km / 0h45
Pian de Siele
2361 m
| CD  5.5 km / 2h25
1395 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 06 ~ Tabacco (1:25.000)
  • 686 ~ Kompass (1:25.000)
  • 8 ~ Lagiralpina (1:25.000)
Useful guidebooks
  • "Val di Fassa", Fabrizio Torchio e Enzo Gardumi (1996) ~ Kompass-Fleischmann (ISBN )
  • "Trentino Orientale", Achille Gadler (2000) ~ Panorama (ISBN )
  • Via Alpina Gelber Weg, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4858-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2014-03-19
    Fontanazzo est une étape touristique et le prix des hebergements est à un niveau relativement élévé.
    Bon accueil à l'Hotel Ciamol à proximité des sentiers .
    Tel : +39 0462 767117
    Petit supermarché dans le bourg de Campitello di Fassa
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Fontanazzo is a tourist stop and the price of accommodations is at a somewhat elevated level. Welcome the Hotel Ciamol nearby trails. Tel: +39 0462 767117 Small supermarket in the village of Campitello di Fassa
  • Thierry M - 2014-01-25
    Monaco - Trieste
    in the vincinity of Rifugio Tobià del Giagher there is an opened clean all wood hut with electricity in the skiing area.
    It is possible to sleep and eat at Passo S. Nicolò (better option than very touristic rifugio Contrin)
    From Cointrin alm there is an alpinist way to reach lago di Fedaia on the other side without going down to Penia
  • Via Alpina International Secretariat - 2011-10-31
    @Uwe & Schritt für Schritt: Die Höhenunterschiede für jeder Etappe werden anhand des Tracks berechnet, was für die meisten Etappen optimale Informationen liefert. Das führt aber hier, wo noch keine präzise GPS-Daten vorhanden sind und die Trasse noch sehr grob ist, zur Berücksichtigen falsch positionierter Punkte und zusätzlichem Auf- und Ab, daher die überschätzten Werte. Nathalie Morelle, Internationale Koordinatorin Via Alpina
    Automatic translation [Google]
    @ Uwe & Step by Step: The height differences for each stage are calculated using the tracks, which for most stages provide optimal information. But this leads here, where no precise GPS data are available and the route is still very rough, to consider misplaced points and additional up-and, therefore, the above estimated values. Nathalie Morelle, International Coordinator Via Alpina
  • Schritt für Schritt - 2011-09-14
    Die Höhenangaben stimmen wirklich nicht!
    Das Rif.San Nicolo ist eine wunderbare Alternative zu, Rif.Contrin; am Abend sehr still, fantastische Aussicht und lange Sonnenscheindauer!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The elevation data are wrong really! The Rif.San Nicolo is a wonderful alternative to Rif.Contrin; evening very quiet, fantastic views and long hours of sunshine!
  • Uwe - 2011-08-25
    Bin in der letzten Woche u.a. die Etappe B23 in Gegenrichtung gelaufen. Die angegebenen Höhenmeter (2275 hoch u. 1655 runter) hatten mich erschreckt. Habe deswegen mit der Karte abgeschätzt und kam auf max. 1600 m Aufstieg und 850 m Abstieg. Der Führer von Evamaria Wecker gibt für die Etappe in Originalrichtung 740 hoch und 1360 runter an. Anhand eines Logs des Höhenmessers habe ich meine Schätzung überprüft. Von Fontanazzo bis zum Rif. Tobià del Giagher habe ich 942 m rauf und 194 m runter zurückgelegt. Geschätzt hatte ich bis dahin 1100 m hoch und 300 m runter. Meine Schätzung war also schon deutlich zu hoch. Woher kommen die deutlich höheren Angaben in der Etappenbeschreibung? Ist da ein Fehler oder rechne ich anders?
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I inter alia in the last week passed the stage of B23 in the opposite direction. The specified altitude (2275 up, down and 1655) had scared me. Have therefore estimated using the card to hit max. 1600 m ascent and 850 m descent. The leader of Evamaria alarm is for the stage in the original direction 740 at high and 1360 down. Based on a log of the altimeter, I checked my estimate. Of Fontanazzo to Rif. Tobià del Giagher I up 942 m and 194 m back down down. I had previously estimated 1100 m high and 300 m down. My estimate was thus already far too high. Where do the significantly higher numbers in the stage description? There's a bug or I expect otherwise?
  • Bertrand - 2010-06-17
    J'aimerais commencer la Via alpina jaune à Resuitta.J'ai déjà fait la traversée de la Slovénie.Pourriez vous me dire si je peux laisser mon véhicule à Fontanazzo pendant 15 jours et comment me rendre de Fontanazzo à Resuitta.(car etc......)Merci d'avance
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I would like to start the Via Alpina yellow Resuitta.J have already made the crossing of the Slovénie.Pourriez you tell me if I can leave my vehicle for 15 days and Fontanazzo How do I get to Fontanazzo Resuitta. (Because so. .....) Thanks in advance
  • Via Alpina International Secretariat - 2009-11-24
    @Greg - Indeed we found a technical problem in the database for this and a few other stages. It should all be correct now. Sorry and thanks for your interest! - Nathalie Morelle, Via Alpina International Secretariat
  • Greg - 2009-11-23
    I can't quite work out the times and distances for this stage in the Fontanazzo-rifugio Contrin direction. Is 3h20 the total time to climb from Fontanazzo to Pian de Siele and then go back down to the Tobia refuge?
    Your experience of this stage is much appreciated
Last update : 2009-12-03