Forni di Sopra » Rifugio Pordenone
Having followed the right bank of the Tagliamento River for a time the trail then climbs the Vale of Suola and enters the Friuli Dolomites Nature Park. Once through the Mus Pass, the trail follows the Guerra, Postegae and Meluzzo valleys to finally reach the Pordenone hut.
Detailed route description
Trail 362 climbs along the left-hand bank of the river Tagliamento up the Suola valley and enters the Dolomiti Friulane Nature Park. Near the Flaiban-Pacherini hut (1587m) the trail crosses the Dria stream and then rough terrain makes the ascent to the Mus pass (2063m, EE level) a tiring one. From the pass the trail heads down into the Guerra valley and then continues along the Postegae valley until it intersects with the Meluzzo valley. Turn right along trail 361 to reach the Pordenone hut (1249m). A rough track leads along the Cimoliana stream for about 15 km until the village of Cimolais (where the headquarters of the Dolomiti Friulane nature park are situated) in upper Val Cellina.
(Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Natural and cultural heritage
This whole area is part of the Dolomiti Friulane nature park, the aim of which is to care for and preserve the natural environment. The economy of the area is based on pasture, wood collection for burning and the occasional craft industry. The local women were well-known for trading in wooden utensils which they sold in city squares as far off as the Padania valley. Now, with the help of the park, the few remaining local inhabitants are receiving a boost. Towards the west there is a link to the Piave river valley and the villages of Erto, Casso and Longarone, sadly affected by the Vajont dam tragedy in 1963. (The work of Mauro Corona on this issue is of great interest). The harsh, poor environment has led to strong migration away from the area.
(Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Useful topographic maps
02 ~ TABACCO (1:25000)
Foglio B ~ TABACCO - Carnia Trekking (1:25000)
Useful guidebooks
Andar per monti in Friuli Venezia Giulia ~ Istituto Geografico de Agostini (ISBN 88.402.9640.9)
Dolomiti di Sinistra Piave e prealpi carniche ~ Edizioni Dolomiti (ISBN 88.85080.04.9)
Alpi Carniche, vol. II ~ CAI - TCI (ISBN 88.365.0807.3)
Via Alpina Gelber Weg, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4858-7)
Websites relative to natural and cultural heritage
Last update : 2009-12-03
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