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A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
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B10 Passo di Tanamea » Resiutta
  |   13h15   |   48 km   |   1403 m   |   1996 m

Trail 727 climbs to the Bocchetta di Zaiavor pass and on to Sella Carnizza. Trail 731 runs the length of the ridge above Uccea Valley. Near Mt. Guarda there is a fork. Trail 741 leads to Casera Coot. Trail 731 goes to Coritis and the road to Stolvizza. From here trail 643 climbs to Casera Lom, meets trail 632 which leads to the Curnic Pass and trail 631 leads to Resiutta.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Passo di Tanamea
857 m
|   9.5 km / 3h00
S. Anna di Carnizza
1072 m
|   0.5 km / 0h15
Sella Carnizza
1077 m
|   10 km / 3h00
Bivacco Manzano
1690 m
| E  3 km / 1h30
641 m
| E  8 km / 2h00
566 m
| E  5 km / 1h00
Ricovero Igor Crasso
1655 m
| E  12 km / 2h30
317 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Alta Via Resiana.
Useful topographic maps
  • 027 ~ TABACCO (1:25000)
Useful guidebooks

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2014-02-28
    Le deuxième jour de l'étape, j'ai rejoint l'itinéraire suivant le bailsage 631. C'est un large chemin forestier qui parcourt les crètes sud du Val Resia au mileu de vastes espaces boisés avant de redescendre sur le petit village de Povici, puis remonter aux chalets de Lavorada, traverser la rivière FELLA et arriver dans le vieux bourg de Moggio Udinese. Prévoir une reserve d'eau. Sur l'itinéraire j'ai trouvé un seul point d'eau non loin d'un oratoire militaire, à l'intersection des sentiers 638 et 631 au dessus de Prato di Resia.
    Albergo Leon Bianco
    Piazza Uffici,4
    Moggio Udinese
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The second day of stage I joined the route along the 631 bailsage It is a wide woods road that runs through the southern ridges of the milieu Val Resia extensive forests before descending to the village of Povici then back to the chalets Lavorada, cross the river and reach FELLA in the old village of Moggio Udinese. Provide a reserve of water. On the route I found a single point of water not far from a military chapel, at the intersection of 638 and 631 trails above Prato di Resia. Albergo Leon Bianco Piazza Uffici, 4 Moggio Udinese 39043351114 Email:
  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2014-02-28
    J'ai été surpris par la beauté du Val Resia. Malheureusement, les difficultés pour obtenir des informations sur l'état des sentiers et les hebergements resteront aussi la marque de cette vallée, par ailleurs classée en espace naturel protégé, mais qui mériterait plus d'attention.
    J'ai parcouru l'étape sur deux longues journées. Le premier jour, depuis le Passo di Tanamea j'ai rejoint la brèche du Zaiavor avant de redescendre sur St Anna di Carnizza puis parcourir la Crète du Monte Nische par un mauvais sentier envahi par de hautes herbes.Surpris par l'orage et le brouillard, j'ai rejoint le fond du vallon à l'Auberge Malga Coot avant de prendre la direction de Stolvizza puis Prato di Resia par un long trajet penible. Dans ce bourg, j'ai trouvé un hébergement :
    Albergo Alle Alpi
    2,Via San Giorgio
    Tel :+390433553912
    33010 RESIA (UD)
    L'auberge est fermée le mercredi.
    Pharmacie et epicerie dans le village.Prévoir des réserves d'eau !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I was surprised by the beauty of Val Resia. Unfortunately, the difficulties in obtaining information on trail conditions and accommodations will also remain the hallmark of this valley, also classified as protected natural area, but that deserves more attention. I went through the stage on two long days. On the first day, from the Passo di Tanamea I joined the breach of Zaiavor before returning to St Anna di Carnizza then browse Crete Monte Nische invaded by an evil high herbes.Surpris by storm path and fog I joined the valley floor at the Inn Malga Coot before taking the direction of Prato di Resia Stolvizza then a long drive painful. In this town, I found accommodation Albergo Alle Alpi 2, Via San Giorgio Tel: 33010 390 433 553 912 RESIA (UD) The hostel is closed on Wednesdays. Pharmacy and grocery in village.Prévoir water supplies!
  • Thierry M - 2014-01-27
    Monaco - Trieste
    Val Resia was the toughest (but one of my fav) area to hike through on my Via Alpina Journey. The lack of information did not help.
    From Sella Carnizza it need to go up to 1610m in 1h30 (not mentionned still in the VA roadbook)
    It need an extra hour to reach a road at Passo di Tanamea 890m (not even water there)
    For water and food head to rifugio Aperta which is about 2h away is not a CAI rifugio (ex military but who cares..a roof is a roof) and off Via Alpina but it is just below Punta Montemaggiore
  • Thierry M - 2014-01-27
    Monaco - Trieste
    From casera Canin to Monte kanin it took me 6h return to get up there at 2587m.
    Casera Canin will have rain water if you are lucky.
    Malga Coot is only 1h away from casera canin. it is off the Via Alpina but you can get water/food and even a bed if needed (B&B at 26euros)
    Malga Coot - Bivacco Constantini about 1h15 and the best possible location of the Val water there
    Bivacco Constantini - Sella Carnizza (water/bar/restaurants) is about 3h30 on a stunning ridge hike
  • Thierry M - 2014-01-27
    Monaco - Trieste
    Val Resia is a tough, wild but awesome area. The Via Alpina goes around almost all of the Val Resia and it really worth doing it and more.Variantes or an excursion to Monte Kanin is highly recommended. Lots of possible shortcuts/bypass too.
    In between Resiutta and Stolvizza there is only ONE water spot (that is visible/marked 20m off forestry trail at 1190m), there are others water spots but only locals now them
    The trail in that area is poorly marked (did not passed by prato di resia), I also missed ricovero Igor Crasso. if you get there there is a trail up to Monte need to get low to Stolvizza like I did but if you want water/food you will need to come close to the Resia fiume.In Stolvizza the grocery store is runned/opened by the girl from the bar (almost can get grocery at any hour if the bar opened)
    Stolvizza - Casera Canin is about 3h30 (wrongly mostly followed the road, good luck trying to find the trail)
  • Carol - 2013-11-01
    After Chiessetta Sella di Sagata (above Prato di Resia at the intersection of 631 & 638), trail 631 does not continue as shown on the map. Instead, it continues NW along the dead-end road past the intersection and turns left near the end of the road. The section from there to the road at St. li Rud is meandering, overgrown and obviously poorly travelled, with lots of ticks.
  • Via Alpina International Secretariat - 2013-02-25
    In the German guidebook "Via Alpina Gelber Weg" (out of print but still available from some bookshops) Evamaria Wecker suggests to divide this stage in three days. Accommodation is in the recent unmanned hut Casera Canin, then in Prato di Resia (in the Nature Park's foresteria or the private inn Alle Alpi). She recommends to then walk all the way to Moggio Udinese in order to shorten stage B11.
  • EllieSektionBritannia - 2011-10-03
    Having stayed at Ai Ciclamini, which is a holiday centre and restaurant to the west of Passo Tanamea, we walked back up the next morning and found an old building at Passo Tanamea near where the road crosses the river: the roof was badly damaged probably by snow, and this may be the building referred to by "radagast" in 2009. We went over Sella Carnizza (2 newish restaurants and several small holiday chalets owned by locals) and Casera Nische, which is a ruined building from WW1, to Prato di Resia. The stage is far too long and would need 3 days to do it properly. We stayed at the Albergo Alle Alpi in Prato, very good food. Go and see the knife-grinders museum in Stolvizza, very interesting.
  • joan miller - 2010-07-26
    Casera Coot was closed in late June 2010. The park authorities are very helpful at Resiutta and Pian dei Ciclamini. It is far too long to do as one stage.
  • radagast - 2009-07-09
    wir waren 14 tage auf dem gelben weg unterwegs, bei dieser etappe von geplanten 48km !!! war am ende die unterkunft am passo di tanamea geschlossen. alles sieht sehr heruntergekommen aus - somit war nicht klar ob hier überhaupt nochmal aufgemacht wird.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    We were 14 days on the yellow off the road, at this stage of the planned 48km! was closed at the end of the accommodation at the passo Tanamea Tues. everything looks very run down - so it was not clear whether this is ever opened again.
Last update : 2013-02-25