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Oasi del lago di Doberdò e del lago di Pietrarossa
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
B4 Sistiana / Sesljan » Gorizia
  |   7h10   |   33.7 km   |   224 m   |   208 m

From Sistiana to Duino the trail goes through the village of San Giovanni in Tuba and then up to Medeazza. Past Jamiano, through Doberdò del Lago the hiker reaches San Martino del Carso. At Gabria take the bus to Gorizia.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Sistiana / Sesljan
75 m
|   3 km / 0h40
176 m
|   3.5 km / 1h00
102 m
|   14.5 km / 4h00
S. Martino del Carso
168 m
|   7 km / 1h30
Savogna d'Isonzo - fraz. Rupa
30 m
|   5.7 km / 0h00
86 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 047 ~ Tabacco (1:25000)
  • 088 GORIZIA ~ Istituto Geografico Militare (IGM) (1:50000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Carso Goriziano ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste, 1984 (ISBN -)
  • Carso Triestino ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN 88.85083.24.2)
  • Il Carso della Grande Guerra - Le trincee raccontano - voll .I e II ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN )
  • Via Alpina Gelber Weg, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4858-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • vaeltava tohtori - 2018-07-06
    I hiked only from Sistiana to Duino and then took the bus and train to Gorizia. Too much walking on tarmac roads.
  • fulvio - 2014-07-26
    segnalazione per il tratto che passa da borgo centa COMUNE DI PREPOTTO (UD) per chi passa da questo paese e visitabile la chiesetta con pausa per gli escursionisti che proseguono o da castelmonte o verso castelmonte poco chiara la segnalazione da cividale del friuli a borgo centa ( tratto di sentiero nel bosco )
    Automatic translation [Google]
    reporting for the section that goes from village centa MUNICIPALITY OF PREPOTTO (UD) to those who pass by this country and visited the church with pause for hikers who continue or to Castelmonte Castelmonte or unclear reporting from Cividale del Friuli at hamlet centa ( section of trail in the woods)
  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2014-02-19
    Longue étape avec dans les premiers kilomètres de trés belles vues sur la mer et le magnifique Chateau de Duino. L'itinéraire se poursuit sur d'anciens chemins militaires sur les landes et les collines sèches et chaudes du karst. Hotel, mais trés cher, en haut du village de San Martino del Carso. j'ai préféré redescendre dans la plaine pour atteindre Gabria. Attention le dimanche il n'y a aucun bus à destination de Gorizia. J'ai continué et terminé l'étape à pied. Arrivé relativement tard à Gorizia, j'ai heureusement trouvé un hebergement dans la vieille ville, au pied du chateau :

    viale g.d'annunzio, 36
    34170 - GORIZIA
    Zona: Salita al Castello
    Cell. 0039340 3141672
    Email :
    Il est préférable de réserver car les ressources hotelières de la ville sont limitées.
    Ce soir là, j'ai échappé au bivouac forcé dans un jardin public !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Long stage with in the first kilometers of breath taking views across the sea and the magnificent Chateau of Duino. The route continues on former military roads on the moors and hot, dry karst hills. Hotel, but very expensive, above the village of San Martino del Carso. I preferred to go down to the plain to reach Gabria. Warning on Sunday there is no bus to Gorizia. I continued and finished the stage distance. Arrived relatively late in Gorizia, I happily found an accommodation in the Old Town, at the foot of the castle: B and B AL CASTELLO g.d'annunzio Viale, 36 34170 - Gorizia Zona: Salita al Castello Cell. 0039340 3141672 Email: It is best to book hotel because the city's resources are limited. That night, I escaped forced bivouac in a public park!
  • Elsa - 2012-07-15
    Bin am 9.6.12 bei leichtem Regen von Sistiana nach Duino gegangen. der Regen wurde in Duino so stark, dass ich ein Taxi von dort nach Gabria zum Albergo da Tommaso genommen habe (30 €). Obwohl das Albergo da Tommaso zur Zeit renoviert wird, konnte ich dort übernachten. Die Renovationen sollten im September 2012 abgeschlossen sein. Herzlicher und freundlicher Empfang: die Unterkunft ist sehr zu empfehlen
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I went on 06/09/12 in light rain Sistiana to Duino. the rain was in Duino so strong that I took a taxi from there to Gabria on Albergo da Tommaso (30 €). Although the Albergo is because Tommaso undergoing renovation, I could stay there. The renovations should be completed by September 2012. Warm and friendly welcome: the property is highly recommended
  • Manuela - 2012-04-05
    GRADITA SORPRESA: arrivati a San Martino del Carso l'assocazione Errastrana offre alloggio gratuito e aiuto durante il vostro viaggio. Nessun obbligo a parte di fornire gli estremi del documento d'identità. La sistemazione è provvisoria (divano, brande) servizi, cucina indipendente o mangierete quello che si mangia in casa. Sarà gradita una offerta libera. Il posto è proprio in centro del paesino .(Via Vicenza 9) Sostare sotto la pergola e fare una chiaccerata e più che piacevole.
    CRITICA: Nel paesino non si trova nessuno dei servizi indicati sulla descrizione della tappa (panificio, medico, farmacia, ristorante) solo la fermata dell'autobus c'è veramente, una stazione dei carabinieri e infatti l'associazione Errastrana.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    APPRECIATE SURPRISE: arrived at San Martino del Carso the assocazione Errastrana offers free accommodation and help during your trip. No obligation to provide some of the details of the identity document. The accommodation is temporary (sofa, bed nets) services, independent kitchen you will eat or what you eat at home. Will appreciate a donation. The place is right in the center of the village. (Via Vicenza 9) To stand under the pergola and make a chiaccerata and pleasant one. CRITIQUE: In the village is not in any of the services listed on the description of the stage (bakery, doctor, pharmacy, restaurant) is really just a bus stop, a police station and in fact the association Errastrana.
  • EllieSektionBritannia - 2011-10-03
    Having stayed at Duino, this stage was shorter than in the guide book. Bus to San Giovanni then walking through woods and undergrowth. It was so hot that we had to get a bus to Gorizia, however the bus routes were hard to find and the next bus was over 2 hours to wait! We stayed at the Albergo Translapina, near the old station in Gorizia. Buses arrive at the new station, and our albergo was quite a distance from there, however there was a direct bus route from new station to old. An interesting town with its Cold War history and we wished we had had more time there to explore it. Again, very friendly and helpful staff, both at the hotel and at the restaurant. Tabacco have published a new map covering this area, so there is now NO GAP in coverage.
  • Pascal - 2009-09-03
    Si, bien sûr il y a des commerces à Gorizia.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Yes, of course there are shops in Gorizia.
  • Pascal - 2009-09-03
    Autre chose, faites bien les courses à Sistiana voire Duino car il n'y a pas de commerces d'ici à Resiutta
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Another thing, do it well or races Sistiana Duino because there are no shops by Resiutta
  • Pascal - 2009-09-03
    Il n'y a pas de bus à Gabria. il faut continuer encore vers Savogna par la route (1h00) pour pouvoir attraper un bus allant à Gorizia.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There is no bus Gabria. yet we must continue to Savogna by road (1:00) in order to catch a bus going to Gorizia.
Last update : 2009-12-03