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Riserva naturale marina di Miramare
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
B3 Villa Opicina (Sella di Opicina) / Opčine » Sistiana / Sesljan
  |   6h40   |   22.5 km   |   8 m   |   204 m

From the Obelisk the Cobolli trail goes past the old town of Prosecco and meets trail no. 9, which leads down to Miramare. On the way to Santa Croce del Carso is the Liburnia tower. The "Sentiero della salvia" (Sage trail) leads to the Tiziana Weiss viewing point. The route then follows the SS. 14 Venezia Giulia road to Sistiana.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Villa Opicina (Sella di Opicina) / Opčine
290 m
|   5 km / 1h30
Prosecco / Prosek
249 m
|   4 km / 1h00
S. Croce del Carso / Križ
207 m
|   5 km / 1h30
Aurisina / Nabrezina
144 m
|   3 km / 0h40
Belvedere - Tiziana Weiss
159 m
|   5.5 km / 2h00
Sistiana / Sesljan
75 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 047 ~ Tabacco (1:25000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Carso Triestino ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN 88.85083.24.2)
  • Il Carso della Grande Guerra - Le trincee raccontano - vol. I ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN )
  • Via Alpina Gelber Weg, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4858-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • vaeltava tohtori - 2018-07-06
    Started hiking yellow route end of May this year from Opicina. Stayed in Opicina at camping place right at the route. Very nice, and the food was great at the restaurant.
    Route from Opicina to Sistiana almost all the route on tarmac road, not nice.
  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2013-11-20
    Itinéraire parfois imprécis et qui se partage avec d'autres sentiers arrivant sur une plage ...Malheureusement, j'avais oublié mes palmes et je suis reparti !
    A SISTIANA j'ai dormi dans une auberge, située sur la route principale à proximité du Sentiero RILKE qui conduit à DUINO..
    Supermarché en bordure de route, 2km plus loin,en direction de DUINO .
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Sometimes vague itinerary and which shares with other trails arriving on a beach...Unfortunately, I forgot my palms and I left! At SISTIANA I slept in a hostel, located on the main road near the Sentiero RILKE, which leads to DUINO.. HOTEL alla DOLINA - SISTIANA 54/F DUINO Supermarket on the edge of road, 2km further on, in the direction of DUINO.
  • Segretariato internazionale Via Alpina - 2013-02-05
    @Zuffi Nicolò: correzione integrata, grazie per la notizia.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    @ Nicholas Zuffi: integrated correction, thanks for the news.
  • Zuffi Nicolò - 2013-02-04
    Prego sostituire il testo con il seguente: I sentieri 6 - 7 e 23 si snodano sulla dorsale carsica a picco sul mare Adriatico e offrono la possibilità all’escursionista di spaziare con lo sguardo su tutto il golfo di Trieste, dal golfo di Capodistria a Punta Salvore, sino a Monfalcone, le foci del Fiume Isonzo e le lagune di Grado e Marano. Sulla destra si ammirano invece le ultime propaggini delle Alpi Giulie e delle Carniche per perdersi ad Ovest sui contrafforti delle Dolomiti bellunesi sovrastanti la pianura veneta, del trevisano e di Vittorio Veneto.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Please replace the text with the following: The trails 6-7 and 23 meander on karst ridge overlooking the Adriatic Sea and offer the possibility hiker to gaze out over the Gulf of Trieste, from the Gulf of Koper in Punta Savudrija, up to Monfalcone, the mouth of the River Isonzo and the lagoons of Grado and Marano. On the right you can admire instead the last layers of the Julian Alps and Carnic to get lost in the west in the foothills of the Dolomite overlying the Veneto plain, the trevisano and Vittorio Veneto.
  • Elsa - 2012-07-15
    Bis Prosecco wunderschöner Weg oben entlang der Küste. Anmerkung zum Bruckmann Führer: Wenn man in Santa Maria di Salvia wieder auf die Hauptstrasse gelangt, muss man dieser links folgen. Nach ca. 50 Metern sieht man das nächste Zeichen. In Santa Croce muss man sich links halten (nicht bis zur Autostrasse runter). Empfehlenswert in Sistiana: gleich am Anfang des Ortes: Osteria Tre Noci
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Prosecco to beautiful way up along the coast. Note to Bruckmann leader: If Santa Maria di Salvia again gets on the main road, you have to follow these links. After about 50 meters you can see the next character. In Santa Croce one has left (not down to the highway). Recommended Sistiana: right at the beginning of the place: Osteria Tre Noci
  • EllieSektionBritannia - 2011-10-03
    Magnificent views out to sea the whole day, and the paths along the cliff top were very good. Some parts were poorly signed, eg around San Gerolamo and Santa Croce. We went on to Duino, and stayed at the Albergo Garni Aurora on Via Trieste, which was very good. The proprietor spoke excellent English, having lived in the UK, and willingly helped us out by contacting one of the later B&Bs.
Last update : 2013-02-05