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Žirovnica, Radovljica

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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
A5 Prešernova koča na Stolu » Roblekov Dom
  |   4h15   |   7.4 km   |   457 m   |   1022 m

This stage climbs high up into the mountains. Climb down the gravely and mountainous terrain to the Zelenica glacial valley. The area attracts many skiers to its slopes during winter but only cattle during summer. Most of the hike is across rocky terrain. The valley will be crossed briefly followed by a climb up the two-thousander Begunjščica.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Prešernova koča na Stolu
2176 m
| D  4.6 km / 2h30
1423 m
| D  2.8 km / 1h45
Roblekov Dom
1647 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Stol (2,236m): The peak lies next to Prešernova koča na Stolu. It is a casual 15 min hike to the summit from the hut. There is a spectacular view of Gorenjska and neighbouring Austria from the top. Recommended for all hikers.
Useful topographic maps
  • Karavanke, osrednji del ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
  • Stol in Begunjščica ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 25 000)
  • Gorenjska ~ Geodetski zavod Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Slovenska planinska pot ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-11-x)
  • Karavanke ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-04-7)
  • Vodnik po planinskih postojankah v Sloveniji ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-10-1)
  • Die stillen Pfade der Via Alpina, Evamaria Wecker ~ Bruckmann (ISBN 978-3-7654-4857-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Alpinisten - 2018-07-26
    Wir sind der Wandermarkierung 1 gefolgt und von Dom na Zelenici der Beschilderung nach Roblekov Dom gefolgt. Sehr schöne Variante,aber etwas anspruchsvoll, Trittsicherheit erforderlich! Hüttenteam in Roblekov wunderbar,sehr gutes Essen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    We followed the hiking trail 1 and followed the signs to Roblekov Dom from Dom na Zelenici. Very nice variant, but a little demanding, sure-footedness required! Hut team in Roblekov wonderful, very good food.
  • Martin - 2015-06-19
    Dom na Zelenici was rebuild after fire. It is very nice and open in summer months. B&B from 13 euro.
  • Gerhard - 2013-09-08
    Einfach bewirtschaftet und als jausenstation empfehlenswert ist Dom pri izviru Zavrsnica
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Simply managed and is recommended as a snack station Dom pri izviru Završnica
Last update : 2011-08-17