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Quality : very good

Bohinj, Tolmin
Julijske Alpe
Triglavski narodni park
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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R10b Rjava skala » Dom na Komni
  |   5h00   |   13 km   |   452 m   |   469 m

There are magnificent views of the Julian Alps and Lake Bohinj. Much of the route follows the ridge connecting the Lower Bohinj mountains. Although the tour is at an altitude of about 2,000m, the hike is not difficult and pleasant. It ends on the spacious Komna plateau, a winter paradise for ski-mountaineers.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Rjava skala
1530 m
|   3 km / 1h00
1805 m
| D  2.3 km / 1h15
1797 m
| D  0.9 km / 0h15
1782 m
| D  6.8 km / 2h30
Dom na Komni
1520 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • Gorenjska ~ Geodetski zavod Slovenije (1: 50 000)
  • Bohinjsko jezero z okolico ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 25 000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Vodnik po Julijskih Alpah ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-08-x)
  • Slovenska planinska pot ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-11-x)
  • Vodnik po planinskih postojankah v Sloveniji ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-10-1)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • flautix - 2023-08-20
    Da der Dauerregen noch anhält und wir nicht noch einmal nahe des Kamms in ein Gewitter kommen wollen wie gestern, entscheiden wir uns für eine alternative Route, die Sija und den Vogel auslässt und auf einem schönen Wanderweg direkt zum Pass Globoko führt. Der Track für diese etwas kürzere Schlechtwetter-Route findet sich hier:
    In Dom na Komni ist im Vergleich zu bisher die Hölle los: jede Menge große internationale Wandergruppen. Super organisiertes Hüttenteam. Die warme Dusche (5€) sollte man sich gönnen, da die nächsten beiden Hütten über keine Dusche und kaum Waschmöglichkeit verfügen.
  • Anne - 2023-07-20
    Because of thubderstorm-probability i did'nt walk back to the ridge but went via planina zadnji vogel (there is a construction site for a ski slope at the moment and it's forbidden to walk there, i did it anyways, was no problem) and Planina Kal to Konijsko Sedlo where the path joined via alpina again. It was e very nice and well marked path! And shorter.
  • Bernd - 2022-09-01
    KORREKTUR: die Ausweich-Unterkunft lag natürlich nicht in Kranj, sondern in Ukranc, westlich vom Bohinj-See!
  • Bernd - 2022-09-01
    Die Hütte Rjava skala war im August geschlossen. Beim Vorab-Anruf empfahl man uns eine Unterkunft in Kranj (Planinski Dom Savica): Teuer, aber leckeres Essen (nur bis 18 Uhr!) und sehr guter Service: Wir wurden von der unteren Seilbahnstation kostenlos abgeholt, und die Seilbahnkosten wurden erstattet. Am nächsten Morgen konnten wir direkt bei der Unterkunft zur nächsten Hütte hochsteigen.
  • Julien Trieste Monaco - 2022-08-15
    Petrovo Brdo Dom na komni in 1 day. Excellent weather, a requirement for this section.
    Very friendly staff and very good food at the hut. They also gave me a single room!
    Water not drinkable but I had no problem drinking it.
  • Karsten - 2022-07-04
    Petrovo Brdo to Dom na Komni: 12 hrs of swift hiking (with a good lunch break at Crna Prst :)
    Dom na Komni is a quite big place, supposedly busy in high seasons and you might want to book in advance at the weekend (when all Slovenians rush to the mountains). No showers but good food and very friendly and knowledable staff!
    The hike was spectacular and the area around the refuge is very beautiful!
  • Socrate georgiades - 2019-06-03
    Magnifique parcours enseveli sous la neige hier lundi 2 juin 2019. Les Slovènes n'ont pas vu autant de neige depuis 1991. Très engagé sur certaines sections.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Beautiful course buried in the snow yesterday Monday, June 2, 2019. The Slovenes have not seen so much snow since 1991. Very engaged on some sections.
  • POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
    17 juin 2017
    Encore un magnifique panorama sur la chaine du Triglav (2864m), le point culminant de la Slovénie!
    Cette étape fut moins difficile que la précédente, il faut toutefois, en guise de mise en train, remonter les 500m qu'on avait descendu la veille (mais par un autre chemin très facile sans avoir besoin de gravir à nouveau le Vogel) pour se retrouver sur le chemin.
    Je suis allé directement jusqu'au refuge Koca pri Tiglavskih Jeserih de l'étape R11: beaucoup de monde, donc bruyant, de l'eau courante et des douches chaudes!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    June 17, 2017 Another magnificent panorama on the Triglav mountain range (2864m), the highest point of Slovenia! This stage was less difficult than the previous one, however, it is necessary, by way of start-up, to go up the 500m that we had descended the day before (but by another very easy way without having to climb again the Vogel) for find on the way. I went directly to the Koca pri Tiglavskih Jeserih refuge of stage R11: a lot of people, so noisy, running water and hot showers!
  • Eva - 2017-09-01
    The trail through the pine forest towards Dom na Komni is in good state. There are blazings, clearly visible and well maintained path. I went via up to the Škrbina pass (beautiful view) and descended down to Koča na planini Razor. What a nice place, friendly people, quiet and beautiful location. I could sleep in the winter room.
  • delbende - 2016-11-02
    Très belle étape, il est possible de faire l'ascension du mont Vogel en 30 min. Très bonne accueil au refuge Dom na Komni avec chambres privées très propres. Douches payantes (3 euros), magnifique vue sur le lac Bohinjsko Jezero. Bruno et Veronique 10/2016
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Very nice stage, it is possible to climb Mount Vogel in 30 min. Very good reception at the Dom na Komni hut with very clean private rooms. Paying showers (3 euros), magnificent view of Lake Bohinjsko Jezero. Bruno and Veronique 10/2016
  • Riccardo Del Re - 2016-01-04
    Extraordinary welcome in Dom Na Komni! Food very good , staff helpful and polite, wonderful rooms . Nice shower and lot of water .

    (we went there on August)
  • tof - 2014-06-26
    bon accueil et bons conseils de la gardienne à Komni.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    welcome and good advice from the nanny Komni.
  • Andrea - 2013-06-14
    Still a lot of snow yesterday. Make sure you have the appropriate equipment. I was happy to have an ice-axe.
  • Via Alpina International Secretariat - 2013-01-14
    Warning: we are currently updating the data from this stage to split R10 into two shorter stages. In the meanwhile contact the Slovenian national secretary at for information.
Last update : 2019-12-15