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Quality : very good
Tignes / Termignon
Parc National de la Vanoise
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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R122 Le Lac de Tignes » Refuge de La Leisse
  |   3h20   |   12.6 km   |   693 m   |   296 m

From the Tignes lake, Via Alpina takes the GR® 55 trail across the ski slopes via the Fresse pass and enters the core zone of the Vanoise national park at the Leisse pass. Several lakes precede the arrival at the Leisse hut, the stage destination overlooked by the Grande-Motte glaciers with their lifts.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Le Lac de Tignes
2099 m
| AD  2.5 km / 0h25
Val Claret
2131 m
| D  3.5 km / 1h15
Col de Fresse
2544 m
| D  1.9 km / 0h40
Col de La Leisse
2726 m
| D  4.7 km / 1h00
Refuge de La Leisse
2488 m
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  • Houdayer Alain - 2022-09-07
    J'ai pu dormir mais pas manger car je n'avais pas reservè.Jamais vu ça sur toute la Via Alpina.Heureusement j'avais des provisions de secours.
  • frankie9594 - 2018-02-21
    Monaco- Trieste

    Snow leaving "Refuge de la Leisse." on the way to Col de Fresse,and on the way down; towards the end of June 2017.
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2017-10-01
    Landschaftlich sehr schöne und eindrückliche Etappe. Die Hütten im Nationalpark Vanoise waren Mitte August alle ausgebucht. Es empfiehlt sich, in der Hochsaison frühzeitig zu reservieren.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Scenic very beautiful and impressive stage. The huts in the Vanoise National Park were all booked out in mid-August. It is recommended to reserve early in the high season.
  • Elisabeth - 2015-10-14
    J'ai oublié de signaler que l'AJ des Boisses est fermée.
    Il faudrait modifier le résumé : la VA ne passe pas au col de Fresse !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I forgot to mention that AJ Boisses is closed. Should be amended summary: VA does not pass the Col de Fresse!
  • Daniel - 2015-09-16
    I arrived in Refuge de Leisse at 6.30pm, wet, cold and exhausted because of a snow-storm, and was rejected! A group rented the whole place, and because they had a celebration they would not want a soaked hiker in the room! I asked for some tea before going on, had to pay E2.80 and went of for another 1h30 to Entre Deux Eaux, where I was very warmly welcomed!
  • tof - 2015-02-11
    Trieste-Monaco le 24/09/14

    On laisse derrière les bruits de la station pour gagner des plateaux d'altitude à l'ambiance minérale. Passé le glacier de Tignes, seul au monde et lorsque la neige se met à tomber le refuge de la Leisse prend toute sa fonction.

    Refuge non gardé cette période, mais il y a tout ce qu'il faut et un tronc pour la participation aux frais.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Trieste-Monaco on 24/09/14 is left behind the station noise to gain altitude plateaus with mineral atmosphere. After the glacier of Tignes, alone in the world and when the snow begins to fall the refuge of Leisse takes its function. Refuge unguarded this period, but there is everything you need and a trunk for the participation fee.
  • Thierry M - 2013-12-18
    Monaco - Trieste

    Refuge de la leisse is greatly located and very well kept by Celine. A warm place where it is good to stop fill up stomach and heart with positive vibes

    The youth hostel in Tignes les Boisses is a good option but personnaly think in few years it won t exist anymore..a 5 star resort have just been built nearby

    refuge de la Leisse to Val Claret is about 2h30 (snow all the way in June 2013)

  • Mountain Girl - 2011-10-27
    The refuge is very basic, but the voracious chickens that Jean-Luc mentions were still there in Sept 2011 (and just as hungry).
  • Jean-Luc - 2010-04-26
    super refuge de la Leisse et son petit troupeau de poules très voraces ;-)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    great refuge of Leisse and his little flock of hens voracious ;-)
Last update : 2019-12-17