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Wildstrubel / Höhi Wispile / Lauenental

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R103 Lauenen » Gsteig
  |   2h40   |   7.2 km   |   427 m   |   484 m

Leave Lauenen via the main road to the south, soon branching off in a southwesterly direction to the Chrine pass. After the pass, the trail leads through the Saaligraben rift down to Gsteig, the stage destination.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1242 m
| D  3.4 km / 1h30
1643 m
| D  2.7 km / 0h30
1194 m
| A  1.1 km / 0h40
1187 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 263T Wildstrubel ~ swisstopo (1: 50 000)
  • Saanenland-Simmental Frutigland ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG, Urtenen 3-259-00805-5 (1: 60 000)
  • 5025T Saanenland Simmental (Zusammens.) ~ swisstopo (1: 50'000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Berner Oberland West ~ Bergverlag Rudolf Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4282-6)
  • Wanderwelt Schweiz / SAW und Geotechnisches Institut ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG, Urtenen BE (ISBN 3-259-03697-0)
  • Saanenland-Simmental-Diemtigtal ~ Berner Wanderwege BWW (ISBN 3-952222-3-X)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Eric db - 2022-09-14
    Comme l'indique Berta, une solution très pratique et économique d'hébergement à Lauenen: le gîte de groupe de la vieille école, d'une capacité d'environ 70 places mais qui peut être ouvert pour une seule personne (tarif 21 euros en 2022). Contact: la commune de Lauenen (gemeinde) 00 41 (0)33 765 30 15 du lundi au vendredi, qui vous transmettra le contact de la personne responsable des clefs.
  • Socrate Georgiades - 2019-09-06
    Cette étape vers Gsteig est un peu gâchée par les manoeuvres de l'armée de l'air du lundi au vendredi, m'a t on appris. Mais ce petit village de Gsteig vaut vraiment le détour et le bivouac dans l'alpage au dessus est simplement inoubliable.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    This step towards Gsteig is a bit spoiled by the maneuvers of the Air Force from Monday to Friday, I was taught. But this small village of Gsteig is definitely worth the detour and the camp in the mountain past is simply unforgettable.
  • Berta - 2018-07-16
    Wir haben in der alten Schule genächtigt, man muß allerdings im Touristbüro reservieren. Wir waren alleine im Schlafsaal, alles war wunderbar. Nächtigung 25 CHF pro Person. Im Dorf gibt es ein kleines Geschäft und Essen waren wir im Restaurant vom Campingplatz etwa 1 km entfernt. War sehr gut.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    We stayed in the old school, but you have to book at the tourist office. We were alone in the dorm, everything was wonderful. Overnight stay 25 CHF per person. In the village there is a small shop and food we were in the restaurant from the campsite about 1 km away. Was very good.
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2015-08-19
    Da die Etappe sehr kurz ist, lohnt es sich, von Lauenen auf dem Höhenweg zum schönen Lauenensee zu wandern, diesen im Gegenuhrzeigersinn zu umrunden und dann vom Südende des Sees zur Chrine aufzusteigen.
    In Gsteig haben wir ein Zimmer im grossen Blockhaus des Campingplatzes Heiti gefunden. Sehr schöne Unterkunft!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    As the stage is very short, it is worthwhile to migrate from Lauenen on the trail to the beautiful Lake Lauenen, these circumnavigate counterclockwise and then ascend from the south end of the lake to Chrine. In Gsteig we have found a room at the large log cabin Campsite Heiti. Very nice place to stay!
  • Tof - 2015-02-02
    Trieste-Monaco le 7/9/14

    Petite étape peu difficile. Beau coin de bivouac surla première partie de l'étape suivante (cf.R104).

    A Gsteig, toutes commodités.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Trieste-Monaco on 7/9/14 Little bit difficult step. Beautiful bivouac area Surla first part of the next step (cf.R104). A Gsteig all amenities.
  • Thierry M - 2013-12-27
    Monaco - Trieste
    Tourist office/grocery shop in cute Gsteig
    Gsteig - Lauenen : about 2h20
    Chrinepass is in the trees, trail goes to Gstaad from there
  • SPYD - 2012-09-25
    Nous avons fusionné cette étape avec une partie de la suivante (jusqu'à Sanetsch)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    We merged this stage with some of the following (up Sanetsch)
  • Mountain Girl - 2011-11-28
    Gsteig has an old school building that serves as bunkhouse to groups, but it must be reserved. Tourist office in Gsteig can help. There are 3 hotels in town, 2 of which were closed on the Tuesday I was there in Aug 2011. I continued to the Hotel de Sanetsch at the pass (see following stage) and was glad I did. Hotel: +41(0) 27 395 56 56
  • Janek - 2011-07-21
    There's a grocery store in Gsteig
Last update : 2019-12-17