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Lötschberg Südrampe

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R97 Mund » Gampel / Steg
  |   9h55   |   26.9 km   |   645 m   |   1200 m

From Mund, head on a gentle descent down the valley to Eggerberg. Here, climb for a short distance to follow the "Gorperi-Suone" (open water channel). At its source in the Baltschiedertal, change to the "Niwärch-Suone" water channel and follow it to Niwärch. From Ausserberg, the high-altitude trail leads along the south ramp of the Lötschberg railway past Hohtenn to the destination at Gampel/Steg.

Easier alternative route

Niwärch water channel: alternatively, the tunnel can be used. But you will need a torch for this!

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1193 m
| D  1 km / 0h20
1301 m
| D  4.3 km / 1h25
1090 m
| D  2.9 km / 1h30
1189 m
| D  6.3 km / 1h50
1015 m
| D  4.7 km / 1h50
1028 m
| D  1.3 km / 0h30
1010 m
| D  1.5 km / 0h35
985 m
| D  3.5 km / 1h25
832 m
| D  1.4 km / 0h30
Gampel / Steg
640 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 274T Visp ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Lötschental Lauchernalp 3-259-00327-4 ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG, Urtenen BE (1: 25'000)
  • Aletsch Goms Brig Simplon ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG, Urtenen BE (1: 60'000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Brig Simplon Aletsch Goms / Chrisitan Fux ~ Rotten Verlag AG Philipp Mengis (ISBN 3-907624-52-1)
  • 20 Bergwanderungen Region Wallis / Luc Hagmann, Franz u. Brigitte Auf der Maur ~ Tamedia AG Werd Verlag (ISBN 3-85932-305-9)
  • Oberwallis / Waeber/Steinbichler ~ Bergverlag Rudolf Rother GmbH (ISBN 3-7633-4127-7)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Pascal - 2024-09-08
    A Rarnerchumma, 2 chemins possibles en direction de Riedgarto-Ausserberg : par le Bietschal (cf. itinéraire décrit dans le topo), OU par le tracé de l'ancien chemin de fer de chantier et le pont ferroviaire du Bietschal (raccourci, sans montée, 30 minutes de moins. Avec un peu de chance, on peut croiser le train sur le pont !)
  • Berta - 2018-07-08
    In Ausserberg gibt es die Möglichkeit einer Übernachtungen: Hotel Bahnhof , Zimmer mit Frühstück: 147 CHF
    Automatic translation [Google]
    In Ausserberg there is the possibility of an overnight stay: Hotel Bahnhof, room with breakfast: 147 CHF
  • nspangler - 2016-07-28
    Hiked into Gampel-Steg on a Saturday night in July 2016 to find no open hotels and only one restaurant serving dinner. Locals not very friendly. Advise skipping or passing through.
  • Clemens - 2015-07-08
    Zum Kommentar von Elisabeht: Das ist wahr. Quert man den Bach und denkt jetzt geht es wieder links herum, muss man aber rechts laufen ins Tal hinein für ca. 5-10 Minuten. Man sieht einen tollen Wasserfall, und kommt zu Hütten und einer weiteren Brücke. Man geht aber nun links hoch zu den linken Hütten und trifft auf die Niwärch-Suone
    Automatic translation [Google]
    To comment on Elisabeht: That's true. You cross the stream and now thinks it goes left again around, but you have to run right into the valley for about 5-10 minutes. We see a great waterfall, and comes to huts and another bridge. However, it is now left up to the left and strikes the huts Niwärch-Bisse
  • Clemens - 2015-07-08
    Achtung: Der Weg ist aus Ausserberg hinaus am Bahnhof schlecht ausgeschildert. Man läuft schnell Richtung St. German also nach unten, man muss aber rechts bei den Bahngleisen hoch.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Caution: The road is from Ausserberg addition at the station poorly signposted. One runs quickly toward St. German so down, but you have to turn right up at the train tracks.
  • Elisabeth - 2014-12-05
    Hélas, au fond de Blatschiedertal, il n'y a aucune indication pour le bisse Niwärch ! J'ai suivi le bisse Undra qui est aussi un bisse historique.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Alas, at the bottom of Blatschiedertal, there is no indication for Bisse Niwärch! I followed the Undra Bisse is also a historical Bisse.
  • Martine - 2014-09-01
    Steg/Gampel - Il semblerait que le seul hébergement possible soit l'hôtel du Pont et il n'y a personne sur place. Porte fermée et un numéro de téléphone à appeler.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Steg / Gampel - It seems that the only possible accommodation is the Hotel du Pont and there's nobody there. Closed door and a phone number to call.
  • SPYD - 2012-09-23
    Dénivelé erroné... Nous avons eu +510m et -1010m !
    Les suonen valent vraiment le détour.
    Plutôt que d'aller jusqu'à Naturbrücke, nous avons coupé par le pont de chemin de fer.
    Aprés Brägji, nous avons suivi l'indication du pont suspendu, trés jolie descente dans la gorge et nous avons continué jusqu'à Hohten par Lüogjiu.
    A Steg, trés bon accueil à l'hotel du Pont (+41279321129 -
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Elevation wrong ... We had 510 m and 1010m! The Suonen truly worth. Rather than going up Naturbrücke, we cut through the bridge rail. After Brägji, we followed the indication of suspended very pretty descent into the gorge and we continued to Hohten by Lüogjiu bridge. A Steg, very welcome at the hotel du Pont ( 41279321129 -
  • Daniel - 2010-10-17
    The 1.5km long watertunnel with footpath cuts off a very fantastic part of the route. Steep slopes along a at parts very narrow path along the Suonen (water-canals). Beautiful views. I saw some mountain-goats here. Imagine the amount of labor those 14th century mountain people had to do and the dangers they had to face, just to bring water to their village.
  • Daniel - 2010-10-17
    In Aussenberg near the train station there is a hotel with dormitories. In the center of town at Pension Lötschberg there are some rooms for CHF 65.
  • Daniel - 2010-10-17
    In Gampel the Hotel Garni du Rhone (CHF 68) has a very friendly warden who even knew about the Via Alpina!
Last update : 2019-12-17