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Val Avers

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R81 Juf » Innerferrera
  |   5h30   |   18.7 km   |   305 m   |   944 m

Leave Juf and head along the road towards the northwest. In Pürt, cross the road again and dip into the wood at the north side of the valley, following the trail to Cröt. From here, continue on a gentle descent along the old mule trail to Innerferrera, the stage destination.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
2126 m
| D  2.5 km / 0h35
1999 m
| D  2.7 km / 0h55
1929 m
| D  1.5 km / 0h35
1975 m
| D  12 km / 3h25
1485 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • T 268 Julierpass ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • T 267 San Bernardino ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Oberengadin 28 (Bergell - Puschlav) ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG / 3-259-00887-X (1: 60'000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Hinterrhein ~ BAW Bündner Wanderwege (ISBN 3-729-81136-3)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • POPEYE GG - 2020-08-12
    Jeudi 27 juin 2019
    Nous rejoignons Juf par les transports en commun depuis Saint-Moritz, en reprenant le Bernina Express jusqu'à Thusis, puis en car (Pass Lunghin impraticable cause enneigement). De là, étape sans difficulté.
  • souris48 - 2019-08-19
    La route étant coupée par un éboulement, avons pris la direction du Val di Lei, barrage di Lei que l'on traverse puis jusqu'à la Baïta du capriolo (signalée comme buvette) mais qui fait également repas et nuitées. Très sympa les gardiens. De là, descente sur Innerferrera
    Automatic translation [Google]
    As the road was cut off, we took the direction of Val di Lei, a dam of Lei which we then crossed to the Baïta del capriolo (marked as a drink) but which also made meals and overnight. Very nice guardians. From there, descend on Innerferrera
  • Bergziege - 2018-08-18
    Ich empfehle auf jeden Fall über Chresta mit zu besichtigen. Ein schöner kleiner Ort in dem es auch einen Supermarkt gibt. Außerdem sollte man bis Innerferra die Alte Averstraße zu benutzen. Architektonisch und landschaftlich teilweise anspruchsvolle Wegführung. Sie hat sehr großen Spaß gemacht.
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    I definitely recommend to visit Chresta. A nice little place where there is also a supermarket. You should also use to Innerferra the Old Averstraße. Architecturally and landscape partly demanding route guidance. She was great fun.
  • Philippe - 2017-09-17
    Si le Gasthaus Alpenrose à Innerferrera est complet, je recommande de prendre le bus pour descendre (14 minutes) jusqu'à Rofflaschlucht, pour loger au sympathique Gasthaus Rofflaschlucht, qui donne accès à une belle cascade.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    If the Gasthaus Alpenrose in Innerferrera is full, I recommend taking the bus to get off (14 minutes) to Rofflaschlucht, to stay at the cozy Gasthaus Rofflaschlucht, which gives access to a beautiful waterfall.
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2014-09-03
    Wenn im Gasthaus Alpenrose in Innerferrera kein Platz mehr ist, kann man mit dem Postauto hinunter nach Andeer fahren und dort z.B. im Hotel Piz Vizan übernachten. Ein Besuch im Heilbad Andeer lohnt sich auf jeden Fall.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    If Innerferrera is no room in the inn Alpenrose, you can ski down to the bus to Andeer and stay there, for example in the Hotel Piz Vizan. A visit to the spa Andeer worthwhile in any case.
  • John from bath - 2014-07-13
    There are hotels at Juf, Juppa, Pürt, Cresta, Cröt, Innerferrera. All cost about 120 for single half-pension, 100 for shared twin. The only shop is in Cresta - closed Thursday afternoon and Sunday.
  • isabelle - 2014-07-09
    Il est bon de continuer de Innerferrera jusqu au Refuge Bertacchi, car à innerferrera qu un seul hôtel très propre certe, mais très cher. Alors qu au refuge l ambiance est très sympatique et le décor alpin -de jeunes gardiens y sont présents , très bonne cuisine ! Nous sommes arrivées le dimanche 29 juin sous la neige..:)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    It is good to keep up Innerferrera Refuge Bertacchi because Innerferrera that one certe very clean, but expensive. While at the shelter that the atmosphere is very friendly and alpine scenery -de young guards are present, very good food! We arrived Sunday, June 29 in the snow .. :)
  • robert - 2013-10-31
    Il y a maintenant un sentier rive gauche de Juf à Juppa . Hébergements possibles à Purt (B and B) et à Cresta (hotel)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There is now a left bank trail of Juf in Juppa. Accommodation possibilities in Purt (B and B) and Cresta (hotel)
  • Clemens - 2013-07-17
    Noch was: Höhenangaben sind völlig verkehrt. Wenn dann gehts maximal 100 hm insgesamt bergan und gerademal 700 hm runter (das nie steil). Eine wunderschöne Tour zum Ausruhen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    What else: Altitude readings are completely wrong. If you then go up 100 hm total uphill and just 700 hm down (the never sharply). A beautiful tour to rest.
  • Clemens - 2013-07-17
    (Marmotta meint das Edelweiss! in Juf)
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    (Marmotta thinks the Edelweiss! in Juf)
  • Clemens - 2013-07-17
    Nach Cresta aufpassen. Wegweiser nach Innerferrera führt über die Berge. Es geht links runter über die alte Averserstrasse. Hotel Alpenrose unbedingt einplanen. Wirte sind sehr nett. Essen reichlich und sehr gut. Frühstück genial.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Suit Cresta. Signpost takes over the mountains to Innerferrera. It goes left down the old obverse primary race. Hotel Alpenrose necessarily plan. Owners are very nice. Food plentiful and very good. Awesome breakfast.
  • Marmotta - 2011-10-04
    Das Quartier "Apenrose" in Juf ist nicht zu empfehlen: überall verteilte Zigarettenasche, in der Luft eine Mischung aus Bodenreiniger und kaltem Rauch, die auch am nächsten Wandertag noch in der Kleidung hing. Das Essen verdient kaum eine solche Bezeichnung: Aufgewärmtes Dosenkraut und schuhsohlenartiges Fleisch. Eine Ausweichmöglichkeit bietet etwa der Kiosk in Juf oder in Juppa (35 Gehminuten von Juf entfernt) das Hotel Bergalga, Telefon +41 81 667 11 68, e-Mail
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    The neighborhood "Apenrose" in Juf is not recommended: everywhere distributed cigarette ash in the air is a mixture of floor cleaner and stale smoke that hung next hiking or even in clothing. The food hardly deserves such a designation: warmed-up canned cabbage and meat-like shoe sole. An alternative possibility is about the kiosk in Juf or Juppa (35 minutes away from Juf) Bergalga the hotel, telephone +41 81 667 11 68, e-mail
  • Janek - 2011-07-21
    The overall ascent/descent still don't match the elevation diagram. You can buy food in Cresta - there's a small VOgl there, but it is closed on Thursday afternoons - just the time I passed the place.
  • Martin Schreiber - 2010-12-05
    There's no alternative to the inn Alpenrose in Innerferrera. It's better to make a reservation since they only have a limited amount of beds. The food at Alpenrose is amazingly good!

    About 2 of the direction signs on the hiking path from Juf to Innerferrera are a kind of wrong. It's better to rely on your Hiking map.

    Don't use the shortcuts by walking on the street. Otherwise you'll miss a lot of beautiful views!
  • daedalus - 2010-09-04
    the elevation diagram and the ascent/descent at the beginning doesn't match
  • murmel - 2010-07-26
    Kein Geschäft in Innerferrera, nur in Cresta, Kiosk in Juf. Murmeltier-Lehrpfad etwa ab Juppa. Hervorragende Unterkunft in Innerferrera im Gasthaus Alpenrose: Halbpension und Lunchpaket gehören zum Besten in unseren bis hierher 81 Via-Alpina-Etappen. Andere Unterkünfte eigentlich im ganzen Avers-Tal.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    No business in Innerferrera, only in Cresta, kiosk in Juf. Marmot Trail from about Juppa. Excellent accommodation in Innerferrera the Gasthaus Alpenrose: Breakfast and lunch box are among the best in our far-81 Via Alpina stages. Other accommodation actually throughout Avers Valley.
  • Liebl Georg - 2009-08-10
    das Gasthaus Alpenrose vom Etappenziel Inerferera hat jeweils am Montag Ruhetag und es gibt keine Alternative
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    Gasthaus Alpenrose from milestone Inerferera has Closed on Mondays and there is no alternative
Last update : 2019-12-17