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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R80 Maloja » Juf
  |   6h10   |   15 km   |   1226 m   |   912 m

Leave Maloja and head northward over the Lunghin and Septimer passes. The pass trail leads on past mountain lakes to the next pass, the Forcellina. Next, take the steep descent on the right side of the valley down onto the valley floor, from where it is just a short distance to the village of Juf, the stage destination.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1814 m
| D  3.9 km / 2h10
Lago dal Lunghin
2483 m
| D  1.2 km / 0h30
Pass Lunghin
2640 m
| D  2.4 km / 0h40
Pass da Sett
2311 m
| D  2.7 km / 1h50
2676 m
| D  4.8 km / 1h00
2126 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • T 268 Julierpass ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Oberengadin 28 (Bergell - Puschlav) ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG / 3-259-00887-X (1: 60'000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Via Spluga ~ Terra Grischun (ISBN 3-7298-1131-2)
  • Hinterrhein ~ BAW Bündner Wanderwege (ISBN 3-729-81136-3)
  • Oberengadin ~ BAW Bündner Wanderwege (ISBN 3-7298-1137-1)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • souris48 - 2019-08-19
    Il est recommandé de continuer sur environ 2 km le long de la Via Alpina, de rester à Juppa et à l’Hotel Bergalga.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    It is recommended to continue for about 2 km along Via Alpina, to stay in Juppa and Hotel Bergalga.
  • Günter - 2019-07-13
    HP 65 € im Touristenlager in der Pension Edelweiß in Juf.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    HP 65 € at the tourist camp in the Pension Edelweiss in Juf.
  • Bergziege - 2018-08-18
    Es besteht noch die Möglichkeit in der Pension Edelweiß zu übernachten.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There is still the possibility to stay in the Pension Edelweiss.
  • Berta - 2018-06-23
    Es ist empfehlenswert noch ca. 2 km weiter die Via Alpina zu gehen, bis Juppa und im Hotel Bergalga zu übernachten. Sehr gutes Essen und bequeme Lager. Halbpension: 78 SF. Falls es ihnen empfohlen wird über das Refugio Alpe del Crot zu gehen, tun sie es nicht. Bleiben Sie auf dem Weg nach Innerferrera. Der Weg vom Refugio del Crot zum Rifugio Bertacchi ist schlecht markiert, extrem anstrengend, da der Paß Sterla 2800 m hoch liegt und der Abstieg ist gefährlich, da extrem steil. Bleiben sie am rechten Weg!!!!!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    It is recommended to continue for about 2 km along the Via Alpina, to stay in Juppa and in the Hotel Bergalga. Very good food and comfortable camp. Half board: 78 SF. If you are advised to go to Refugio Alpe del Crot, do not do it. Stay on the way to Innerferrera. The path from Refugio del Crot to Rifugio Bertacchi is poorly marked, extremely exhausting, as the pass Sterla is 2800 m high and the descent is dangerous, as it is extremely steep. Stay on the right path !!!!!
  • Niki - 2014-07-12
    Je confirme la possibilité d'hébergement plus loin dans la vallée. Me suis arrêtée au bnb Haus79 à Am Bach. Ulrike et Norbert m'ont offert un accueil des plus chaleureux. Ils aiment partager et sont aux petits soins avec leurs hôtes. Prix 35-40.- 081 630 80 39 ou 078 839 58 80 ou
    Attention pour cette étape, en cas de neige au sol le marquage est tout recouvert, par brouillard on peut se perdre, il y a eu avis de recherche cette semaine...
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I confirm the possibility of further accommodation in the valley. I'm stopped at bnb Haus79 Am Bach. Ulrike and Norbert gave me a warm welcome. They like to share and are very caring with their hosts. Price 35-40.- 081 630 80 39 or 078 839 58 80 or careful with this step, if snow on the ground marking is covered by fog you can get lost, there were reviews Research this week ...
  • Secrétariat international Via Alpina - 2014-03-21
    @Elisabeth: merci, le descriptif détaillé est maintenant corrigé
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Elisabeth: Thank you, a detailed description is now fixed
  • Elisabeth - 2014-03-19
    Que vient faire la mention du col de la Maloja entre lac et col Lunghin ?!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    What does make mention of the Maloja Pass between Lake and neck Lunghin!
  • Clemens - 2013-07-17
    Das Hotel Bergala kann ich nur empfehlen. (Essen ist gut und es gibt ein Massenlager)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I can only recommend the hotel Bergala. (Food is good and there is a dormitory)
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-10-16
    Thanks to other hiker comments below, I knew better than to stay at Pension Edelweiss in Juf. I was, however, hungry enough to order lunch here, and was charged SFr 1,60 for tap water-- which flows freely from the trough nearby. 15,50 SFr for a Wurst platter. Bottom line: avoid this place! There are other lodging possibilities further down the road that can be reached on foot or by bus. (Post bus travels down the valley every hour or two in the afternoon.)
  • Giraud Jean-Louis - 2012-03-04
    La Pension EDELWEISS est à éviter . Le prix est élévé et l'accueil est trés désagréable ! Par ailleurs les repas sont mal preparés à partir de conserves et de produits industriels . Ce n'est pas normal dans un tel endroit !
    Il existe une autre possibilité d'hebergement :
    Tel 0041 (0)81 667 12 59
    Je n'ai pas pu m'arréter car c'était fermé !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Pension Edelweiss is avoided. Price is High and the reception is very rude! Moreover Prepared meals are evil from canned and industrial products. This is not normal in such a place! There is another possibility of lodging: MARCUS und CORINNA MENN Tel 0041 (0) 81 667 12 59 I could not stop because it was closed!
  • Daniel - 2011-08-18
    In Juf, Pension Edelweiss, the warden said in harsh words he wouldn't have me. So I went up to the kiosk where the lady recommended hotel Bargalga. Hotel Bergalga is a 'Genossenschaft' (Swiss form of community driven enterprise), and serves only local and biological food. CHF73 dorm halfpension. So if you can drag yourself another 2km down the valley, then do it. Recommended.
  • famba - 2010-10-24
    Wir haben gute Erfahrung am 30.08.2010 in Juf gemacht. Ein nettes Quartier gaben uns Markus und Corina Menn, die Inhaber des Lädli. Im Kiosk fanden wir alles zur Selbstversorgung und das Frühstück wurde uns an´s Bett gebracht. Tel/Fax 081/6671259
    Beste Weiterempfehlung von Thomas und Heidi (seit 2008 auf dem Roten Weg von Triest aus unterwegs)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    We have had good experience on 30.08.2010 in Juf. A nice neighborhood gave us Mark and Corina Menn, the owner of the Lädli. The kiosk we found everything self-catering and the breakfast was brought us to bed. Tel / fax 081/6671259 Best recommendation of Thomas and Heidi (since 2008 on the Red Trail from Trieste on the road)
  • Marmotta - 2010-09-11
    Das Quartier in Juf ist leider nicht zu empfehlen: überall verteilte Zigarettenasche, in der Luft eine Mischung aus Bodenreiniger und kaltem Rauch, die auch am nächsten Wandertag noch in der Kleidung hing. Das Essen verdient kaum eine solche Bezeichnung: Aufgewärmtes Dosenkraut und schuhsohlenartiges Fleisch. Eine Ausweichmöglichkeit bietet etwa in Juppa (35 Gehminuten von Juf entfernt) das Hotel Bergalga, Telefon +41 81 667 11 68, e-Mail
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The neighborhood is not recommended in Juf unfortunately: everywhere distributed cigarette ash in the air is a mixture of floor cleaner and stale smoke that hung next hiking or even in clothing. The food hardly deserves such a designation: warmed-up canned cabbage and meat-like shoe sole. An alternative possibility is about to Juppa (35 minutes away from Juf) Bergalga the hotel, telephone +41 81 667 11 68, e-mail
Last update : 2019-12-16