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Quality : very good
Switzerland / Austria
Tirol / Graubünden
Galtür / Ftan / Scuol
Silvretta / Engadin

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R66 Jamtalhütte » Scuol
  |   7h20   |   22.1 km   |   686 m   |   1568 m

The Red Trail finally leaves Austria at the Futschöl pass. The last rocky sections again require the hiker to be sure of foot, before crossing the national border to Switzerland and descending into the Urschai valley. On the valley floor, follow the Tasna stream on the left side. The stage destination of Scuol, situated on the Inn floor and famous for its baths, is reached via the Ftan terrace.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
2154 m
| D  4.5 km / 2h00
Pass Futschöl
2767 m
| D  3.1 km / 1h10
Marangun d'Urschai
2209 m
| D  1.4 km / 0h20
2110 m
| D  1.4 km / 0h20
Alp Valmala
1991 m
| D  7.4 km / 2h20
1635 m
| D  4.3 km / 1h10
1283 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • Nr. 26 Silvretta ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (1: 25.000)
  • WK 373 Silvretta Hochalpenstraße, Pitz Buin ~ Freytag & Bernd (1: 50'000)
  • T 249 Trasp ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Nr. 41 Silvretta - Verwallgruppe ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
Useful guidebooks
  • 20 Bergwanderungen Region Engadin und Südbünden ~ Werd Verlag TA Media AG (ISBN 3-85932-374-1)
  • Unterengadin ~ Terra Grischuna-Verlag (ISBN 3-729-81134-8)
  • Unterengadin ~ Bergverlag Rudolf Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4043-2)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Thorsten - 2024-08-26
    The stage is open again. No technical difficulties, but a long hike down. We decided to shorten it a bit by taking the bus from Ftan (as proposed by Daniel below).

    In Scuol we spent the night in the B&B Chasa Valär for 120 CHF for two persons, including breakfast. The Chasa Valär is situated right along the Via Alpina, very central, and there is a mineral/drinking water fountain just in front of the house.
    We were also allowed to leave our backpacks there during the hike from Ftan to Scuol the next day.
  • Kat - 2023-07-07
    This stage is currently impossible due to a huge rockslide 2023). I posted an alternate suggestion on R65.
  • POPEYE GG - 2019-02-04
    Mercredi 11 juillet 2018
    Dernière et belle étape bien ensoleillée qui clôture mon périple 2018, en 27 étapes depuis Finkenberg.
    Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur mon blog ""
    Assez longue, particulièrement la descente finale, mais pas difficile.
    Superbe paysage. Seul regret: je montai doucement jusqu'au Pass Futschöl, espérant jusqu'au dernier moment distinguer la Getschnerscharte traversée la veille, en vain, toujours dans les nuages!
    A Scuol, l'hébergement est très cher. Possibilité d'aller en Auberge de Jeunesse, tout près de la gare, y compris pour les vieux comme moi (53FS y compris le petit-déjeuner et la carte d'adhérent journalière), mais si vous voulez y dîner, il faut s'inscrire dès le matin!
    A l'année prochaine pour la suite!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Last and beautiful sunny stage that closes my journey 2018, in 27 stages since Finkenberg. You can read more about my blog "" Long enough, especially the final descent, but not difficult. Beautiful landscape. Only regret: I climbed gently to the Futschöl Pass, hoping until the last moment to distinguish the Getschnerscharte crossed the day before, in vain, always in the clouds! In Scuol, accommodation is very expensive. Opportunity to go to Youth Hostel, very close to the station, including for old people like me (53FS including breakfast and daily membership card), but if you want to dine there, you have to register in the morning! See you next year for the sequel!
  • Daniel - 2018-08-27
    If you are in Ftan and you think you had enough, you can take the bus for the last 4 kms. The Youth Hostel is that yellowish cube of concrete near the station, that you can see from far.
  • Luca - 2017-09-03
    Pour ceux qui souhaitent ajouter un 3000m à leur Via Alpina, l'occasion est belle: dans la montée vers le Futschölpass, suivre le sentier qui part à droite vers le Kronenjoch. De là, un sentier sur la crête rejoins le Futschölpass en passant par le Grenzeckkopf qui culmine à 3048m. Chemin de crête peu difficile, néanmoins réservé aux personnes non sujettes au vertige et à emprunter uniquement par beau temps. Compter environ une heure et demi de plus que par l'itinéraire de base.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    For those who want to add a 3000m to their Via Alpina, the opportunity is beautiful: in the climb to the Futschölpass, follow the path that goes right to the Kronenjoch. From here, a path on the ridge joins the Futschölpass via the Grenzeckkopf which rises to 3048m. Crest is not difficult, nevertheless reserved for people not subject to vertigo and to borrow only in good weather. Allow about an hour and a half longer than the basic route.
  • Elisabeth - 2014-03-16
    Voir mon commentaire sur R65
    Automatic translation [Google]
    See my review of R65
  • Alpinisten - 2013-08-31
    Schöne Variante: Von der Jamtalhütte zur Heidelberger Hütte (Übernachtung), dann über die Furca Davo Lais nach Scuol (Bergstation La Motta). Dauer: ca.6.30h- in Scuol fanden wir ein bezahlbares, originelles B&B("Backpackerhotel"), Casa Valär,
    Vi 364, Tel.:+41 81 864 19 59
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Nice variation: From the Jamtalhütte to the Heidelberger hut (overnight), then the furca Davo Lais to Scuol (mountain station of La Motta). Duration: ca.6.30h-in Scuol we found an affordable, original B & B ("Backpacker Hotel"), Casa Valär, Vi 364, Tel: 41 81 864 19 59
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-10-16
    Rather than descending into pricey Scoul, I recommend staying in Ftan- a charming Engadin village. Pension "Chasa Allegra", 081-864-1957, has rooms with fabulous views, a kitchen & PC. (There's a grocery & several eateries in the village for dinner.) SFr 70 for a single room in 2012.
  • Martin Schreiber - 2010-10-07
    If you search for a cheap accomodation in Scuol which also offers good food, I can recommend the local youth hostel.
    The hostel is next to the cable car's station and close to the train station.

    Coming from the Jamtalhuette, follow the sign "Abkuerzung Scuol" shortly before you reach Scuol to get to the cable car's station. cheers, martin

    Jugendherberge Scuol
    Tel.: +41(0)818623131
  • Walter Fischer - 2010-06-02
    Guten Tag
    Die Etappe R66 weist wohl Fehler in den angegebenen Höhenmetern auf! Bitte korrigieren! Freundliche Grüsse
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Good day The stage has probably R66 for errors in the specified vertical meters! Please correct it! Best Regards
Last update : 2019-12-16