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Quality : very good
Switzerland / Austria
Grisons / Vorarlberg
St. Gallenkirch
St. Antönien / Gargellen

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R62 St. Antönien » Gargellen
  |   5h10   |   10.2 km   |   938 m   |   940 m

Leave St. Antönien on the valley road heading towards the north east and turn right at Litzirüti into the valley. Follow the Gafier stream for a short while, and then dip into the Alpeltitäli, where the climb to the St. Antönier Joch pass begins. At the pass, cross the national border into Austria and head down through the high Gargellenalpe meadows to Gargellen, the stage destination.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
St. Antönien
1409 m
| D  1.5 km / 0h20
1463 m
| D  2.4 km / 1h10
1833 m
| D  2.1 km / 1h40
St. Antönier Joch
2363 m
| C  4.2 km / 2h00
1413 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Just below the pass, turn right to the mountain station of the "Schafbergbahn" train, with which you travel down to Gargellen. The Riederkopf north of the St. Antöner pass (2,552m) marks the border, with good mountain views of the Rätikon and Silvretta, the sea of summits in the Graubünden mountains over to the Bernina chain, and on clear days even Mount Rosa. Approx. 50min from St. Antönier pass. 02 Zentralalpenweg, Der Große Walserweg
Useful topographic maps
  • WK 373, Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße-Piz Buin ~ Freytag & Berndt (1:50.000)
  • T 248 Prättigau ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Nr. 032, Montafon ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Davos - Prättigau ~ Bergverlag Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4010-6)
  • Rheintal/Prättigau/Mittelbünden ~ BAW Bündner Wanderwege (ISBN 3-7298-1138-X)
  • Österreichischer Weitwanderweg 02 "Zentralalpenweg", Sekt. Weitwanderer ~ Sekt. Weitwanderer (ISBN )
  • Der Große Walserweg ~ Geocenter Medienservice Stuttgart (ISBN 3-930187-00-0)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • POPEYE GG - 2019-02-04
    Samedi 7 juillet 2018
    Etape sans difficulté, cependant il a fallu quitter le chemin et emprunter la petite route pour raison d'éboulement de terrain, au voisinage du joli refuge Edelweiss à 1660m d'altitude (N46° 57.888' E9° 50.832'), qui offre un hébergement évitant de descendre jusque St-Antönien.
    Enfin, juste après la ferme de Gagellenalpe, le chemin était complètement défoncé par les vaches, on s'enfonçait et on tachait le bas du pantalon!
    A Gargellen, je recommande l'hôtel La Marmotta (62€ en DP).
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Saturday, July 7, 2018 Stage without difficulty, however it was necessary to leave the path and take the small road due to landslide, near the pretty refuge Edelweiss to 1660m of altitude (N46 ° 57,888 'E9 ° 50,832'), which offers accommodation avoiding going down to St-Antönien. Finally, just after the Gagellenalpe farm, the path was completely broken by the cows, we sank and stained the bottom of the pants! In Gargellen, I recommend the hotel La Marmotta (62 € in DP).
  • Daniel - 2018-08-27
    The first thing you think when you arrive in Gargellen is "how to get out of here". But the tourist office is very helpful. They advised Edelweiss and Marmotta. Both are hotels, but cheap in comparison to Switzerland. Gasthaus Taschen does not take hikers anymore: what did we do wrong?
  • Simon Bühler - 2018-08-03
    Ich empfehle das Edelweiss in Gargellen. Sehr freundlicher Chef, tolles Frühstücksbuffet und faire Preise. Kein Abendessen, aber es gibt mehrere Restaurants im Ort.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I recommend the Edelweiss in Gargellen. Very friendly boss, great breakfast buffet and fair prices. No dinner, but there are several restaurants in town.
  • pratesi michel - 2015-09-06
    pour la descente sur Gargellen ne pas chercher une gare et un train à crémaillère! ( Schafbergbahn) mais rejoindre directement la gare supérieure de la remontée mécanique bien visible (téléski)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    for the descent on Gargellen not find a station and a rack railway! (Schafbergbahn) but directly to the upper station of the visible lift (lift)
  • Alpinisten - 2013-08-31
    Wer sich abwärts etwas schonen möchte, der kann mit dem Lift nach Gargellen abfahren. Sehr angenehme Frühstückspension: Haus Täschner, Familie Winkler, Tel.: +43.5557.6138
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Anyone who wants to protect something down, which can leave the lift to Gargellen. Very pleasant Bed and Breakfast: House Bag makers, family Winkler, Phone: 43.5557.6138
Last update : 2019-12-16