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Quality : very good
Germany / Austria
Allgäuer Alpen
Natura 2000 / Allgäuer Hochalpen
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R49 Weißenbach am Lech » Prinz-Luitpold-Haus
Trail crossing
  |   8h30   |   26.8 km   |   1429 m   |   474 m

This stage is dominated by the Lechtal valley in Tyrol, the last great wild river landscape in Europe, a Natura 2000 site and a future nature park. Leave the vast gravel banks of the River Lech behind and follow the course of the Schwarzwassertal valley through picturesque flood-plain woods, to the door of the Allgäu mountain world, where the Hochvogel sits in majestic splendour above all the other peaks.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Weißenbach am Lech
883 m
|   3.5 km / 0h50
922 m
|   1.8 km / 0h25
924 m
|   4.2 km / 1h00
939 m
| BC  6.8 km / 1h45
1122 m
| C  5.5 km / 1h55
Ob. Lichtalpe
1521 m
| D  3 km / 1h55
2149 m
| D  2 km / 0h40
1839 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • Nr. 2/2 Allgäuer - Lechtaler Alpen, Ost ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (1:25.000)
  • WK 351 Lechtaler Alpen - Allgäuer Alpen ~ Freytag & Berndt (1:50.000)
  • Allgäuer Alpen ~ Topographische Karte (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 4, Füssen - Außerfern ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
  • ÖK 50 115, 114 ~ Bundesamt f. Eich- u. Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Thorsten - 2022-09-13
    On the route to Forchach we recommend not staying on the bicicle road. Instead, right after the Lechsteg (near the public swimming pool), take the small footpath to the left, which is very quiet and right by the Lech, and passes some interesting private leisure huts that are open to the public!

    We can confirm what Piet Clerinx wrote about the path above the Obere Lichtalpe. It is not really visible any more, so we too had to use the GPS track.
  • Piet Clerinx - 2022-08-04
    Between the Obere LichtAlpe and the path crossing the slope at about 1800m there is no track anymore, let alone way markings or signposts. You have to search your way up. Luckily I had the gpx of this route downloaded on my smartphone, so I knew where they trail was supposed to be.
  • POPEYE GG - 2019-02-03
    Mardi 26 juin 2018
    Longue étape avec grande marche d'approche le long du Lech. La deuxième moitié de la montée est plus difficile, d'autant qu'il y a encore de la neige avant d'arriver à la Bockkarscharte, où nous avons pu admirer des chamois.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Tuesday, June 26, 2018 Long stage with great walk along the Lech. The second half of the climb is more difficult, especially since there is still snow before arriving at the Bockkarscharte, where we could admire chamois.
  • Martin - 2018-08-15

    Die Warnung von Tentorini Chantal muss man nicht berücksichtigen, da man sich am Trinkasserbrunnen auf der Terasse des Prinz-Luitpold-Hauses jederzeit kostenlos Wasser abfüllen kann.

    Bei schwierigen Wetterverhältnissen erhielten wir kompetente Informationen zum Wetter und Weg vom Hüttenpersonal.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The warning of Tentorini Chantal you do not have to take into account, because you can at the Trinkasserbrunnen on the terrace of the Prinz-Luitpold-house at any time free water to fill. In difficult weather conditions we got competent information about the weather and the way from the hut staff.
  • Eva - 2017-07-21
    I hiked via Brocksee and Landsberger Hütte, probably on the purple trail (?). Beautiful panorama route, a few small "climbs," with steel cables, very good views. Not much water though.
  • Daniel - 2016-09-26
    The track to the Bockkarscharte is hard to find. Grass has overgrown it, and cows made their own alternative tracks. But the GPS track is quite good here, use it and you will be OK. Watch the memorial on the Scharte, erected for an officer in 1939; with a nazi symbol still clearly visible.
  • Tentorini Chantal - 2015-09-25
    Attention, le verre d'eau du robinet est facturée à 2,50 € au refuge Prinz Luitpold. Voilà un prix bien royal pour un verre d'eau!!!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Warning, the glass of tap water is charged at € 2.50 at the shelter Prinz Luitpold. This is a very royal price for a glass of water !!!
  • Michael - 2013-08-21
    If you are walking from Prinz Luitpold Haus to Weissenbach be aware that the point where the red trail leaves the purple trail is not signposted. To find it, look for a rock with the letters "P.L.H." and an arrow pointing the way you came. That is to tell walkers going the other way where Prinz Luitpold Haus is. The trail is not clear on the ground but you should soon see red marks on rocks identifying it.
  • Elisabeth - 2012-12-29
    Je confirme : le sentier est très mal indiqué dès le début, même si, de loin en loin, on voit un signe de la Via Alpina. Cela empire après la dernière barrière. La première mention du refuge Prinz Luitpold se trouve au niveau de Bergwarchthütte (!) et encore il s'agit d'un poteau cassé posé par terre dont l'écriteau aurait dû se trouver à la jonction avec le sentier Jubiläumsweg !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I confirm: the trail is very poorly marked from the beginning, even though from time, we see a sign of the Via Alpina. It gets worse after the last barrier. The first mention of refuge Prinz Luitpold is located at Bergwarchthütte (!) And yet it is a broken pole lying on the ground that the notice should have been at the junction with the trail Jubiläumsweg!
  • Alpinisten - 2012-09-24
    Der Weg ab der Oberen Lichtalpe Richtung Prinz-Luitpold-Haus ist schlecht markiert. Für diese Etappe in Weißenbach gut mit Proviant eindecken, unterwegs keine Einkehrmöglichkeit.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The path from the upper light Alpe direction Prinz Luitpold house is poorly marked. For this stage in Weissbach well stock up on supplies, road no refreshments available.
  • Margy - 2012-02-07
    25/6/11 Long hike to Prinz-Luitpoldhaus...the final pass in protected by cables and steps. The hut is very well organized and very crowded. Many gemsen near the pass.
  • Ulrich Aellig - 2009-07-14
    Was sollen denn die blauen Dreiecke (Gipfel)? Es sieht jan ein blinder mit dem Stock vom Schiff aus, dass es sich nicht um Gipfel handeln kann.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    What then are the blue triangles (top)? It looks jan a blind with a stick from the ship, that it can not act to top.
Last update : 2019-12-16