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Quality : very good
Tuxer Voralpen

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R39 Rastkogelhütte » Kellerjochhütte
  |   4h05   |   16.5 km   |   707 m   |   824 m

A leisurely hike over alpine meadowland and mixed mountain forest is on the agenda. There is a gentle downhill walk from the Rastkogel hut to Hochfügen and from there only a slight upward incline to the Loassattel pass, from where it is by all means possible to climb up to the Kellerjoch hut on the same day.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
2124 m
| BC  2.6 km / 0h35
2124 m
| BC  4.5 km / 1h05
1635 m
| BC  2.2 km / 0h30
1464 m
| BC  1.5 km / 0h30
1604 m
| BC  3.6 km / 0h55
1724 m
| BC  2.1 km / 0h30
2237 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Turnoff from the connecting route to Innsbruck, leaving from the Rastkogel Hut.
Useful topographic maps
  • WK 151 Zillertal, Tuxer Alpen, Jenbach, Schwaz ~ Freytag&Berndt (1:50.000)
  • ÖK 50 149, 2230, 150 ~ Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 37 Zilletaler Alpen, Tuxer Alpen und Nr. 28 Achensee, Rofan, Zillertal ~ Kompass (1:50.000)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    R39 (mis-posted under R38): Water at Pfundsalm, Lamarkalm, and Maschentalalm.
    The guidebook includes the 2-hour ascent to the Kellerjochhuette in both R39 and R40.
  • Schorsch - 2019-07-14
    Die Rastkogelhütte ist leider nicht zu empfehlen. Die Gastwirte sind sehr unfreundlich und diese Unfreundlichkeit macht sich im ganzen Haus bemerkbar.
    Da wir in der Hütte nichts verzehrt, sondern uns draußen selbst versorgt hatten, mussten wir pro Person 5,- „Infrastrukturbeitrag“ zahlen, worauf wir vorher nicht hingewiesen wurden.
    Ich kann den Grundgedanken verstehen, dass ein Konsum in der Hütte gewünscht wird, allerdings kann dies auch anders und netter kommuniziert werden.
    Wir haben uns hier rundum unwohl und nicht willkommen gefühlt.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The Rastkogelhütte is unfortunately not recommended. The innkeepers are very rude and this unfriendliness makes itself felt throughout the house. Since we had not consumed anything in the hut, but had taken care of ourselves outside, we had to pay per person 5, - "infrastructure contribution", which we were not previously informed. I can understand the basic idea that a consumption in the hut is desired, but this can also be communicated differently and netter. We felt uncomfortable and unwelcome here.
  • POPEYE GG - 2019-02-01
    Samedi 16 juin 2018
    Belle étape bien fleurie. Nous avions prévu d'aller jusqu'à la Kellerjochhütte, mais un samedi soir par beau temps et sans réserver malgré le début de saison: plus de place!
    Nous avons dû redescendre de 850m et trouvé au sympathique Alpengasthof Hübertus à 1400m d'altitude, un peu en dehors du chemin, et au-dessus de Schwaz. Cette 2ème étape n'a pas été non plus de tout repos!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Saturday, June 16, 2018 Beautiful step well flowery. We had planned to go to the Kellerjochhütte, but a Saturday night in good weather and without booking despite the start of the season: more space! We had to descend from 850m and found at the friendly Alpengasthof Hübertus at 1400m altitude, a bit off the road, and above Schwaz. This 2nd stage was not easy!
  • Brigitte Duquesnay - 2018-09-24
    Le refuge de Loassatel était complet, nous avions donc réservé à Kellerjochhütte. Et nous n'avons pas regretté. D'abord, après 3 jours de mauvais temps, nous sommes arrivés au moment où les nuages se dispersaient et le site est extraordinaire. On a une vue à 360° et on découvre la vallée de l'Inn avec Innsbrück et Schwaz. De plus l'accueil est chaleureux et nous avons passé une excellente soirée. Le refuge a été restauré avec goût. Je recommande donc de faire cette montée supplémentaire qui allonge un peu l'étape mais permet de goûter la plénitude de la montagne.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The refuge of Loassatel was complete, so we had booked at Kellerjochhütte. And we have not regretted. First, after 3 days of bad weather, we arrived at the moment when the clouds were dispersing and the site is amazing. We have a 360 ° view and we discover the Inn Valley with Innsbrück and Schwaz. In addition the welcome is warm and we had a great evening. The refuge has been tastefully restored. I therefore recommend to make this extra climb that lengthens a little the stage but allows to taste the fullness of the mountain.
  • Eva - 2017-07-30
    There is a signposted hiking path from Pfundsalm to Lamarkalm. This way you avoid the asphalt road down to Hochfügen.
  • Daniel - 2016-09-26
    Stay out of the abandoned ski-resort of Hochfügen. Try to make it to the Kellerjochhütte, with a beautiful view over the Inn-valley and Innsbruck. You will also see the Zug-spitze that you will pass later. Be sure to fill up your water-bottles in Loassattel, because there is no drinking-water at the hut, on the ridge the next day, until you are down in the woods again.
  • Alpenverein Hall i.T. - 2011-12-28
    Von der Rastkogel oder Kellerjochhütte zweigt der "Inntaler Höhenweg" Richtung Innsbruck ab, das ist eine Variante des Roten Weges, über Lizumer- und Glungezerhütte zum Patscherkofel, nach Innsbruck und mündet im Karwendel wieder in die Hauptroute ein. Details unter
    Automatic translation [Google]
    From the Rastkogel Kellerjochhütte or branches of "Inntaler trail" from the direction of Innsbruck, which is a variant of the Red path across Lizumer and Glungezerhütte to Patscherkofel, Innsbruck and the Karwendel flows back into the main route. Details at
Last update : 2019-12-15