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Quality : very good
Zilleraler Alpen
Hochgebirgs-Naturpark Zillertaler Alpen
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R37 Ginzling » Finkenberg
  |   2h15   |   9.6 km   |   204 m   |   355 m

A leisurely hike from Ginzling across the meadows on the valley floor of the Zemmtal valley outwards along the "Lass dir erzählen... von Karlsteg nach Breitlahner" theme trail (“Let us tell you...”), past the Gamsgrube snack-bar and Karlsteg inn. Continue on a narrow woodland path up to Finkenberg - Dornau. Here, the "Glocke" (“bell”) nature trail leads into a beech wood, which is a rarity in the Central Alps!

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
985 m
| BC  3.2 km / 0h45
Ghf. Gamsgrube
979 m
| BC  1.9 km / 0h25
Ghf. Karlsteg
894 m
| BC  4.5 km / 1h05
834 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 35/2 Zillertaler Alpen, Mitte und 35/1 Zillertaler Alpen, West ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (1:25.000)
  • WK 152 Mayrhofen, Zillertaler Alpen, Gerlos, Krimml ~ Freytag&Berndt (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 37 Zilletaler Alpen, Tuxer Alpen ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
  • ÖK 50 ~ Bundesamt f. Eich- u. Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Ginzling...Am Anfang war das Bergsteigen, Kröll Alfred, Wallentin Gudrun, Blome Pamela ~ Naturparkbetreuung Zillertaler Alpen (ISBN )
  • Ginzling-Von Karlsteg nach Breitlahner, Kröll Alfred, Fischer Gudrun ~ Naturparkbetreuung Zillertaler Alpen (ISBN )
  • Finkenberger Naturschönheiten, Hotter Manfred, Schober Anton ~ Tourismusverband Finkenberg (ISBN )

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    Via Horribile Anti-Alpina
    Highlight is the 150m climb to an electricity python before descending again to Finkenberg. Potable water faucet at fountain c.30m before supermarket Spar in Finkenberg. Supermarket is smaller than in Sexten but well-stocked.
  • Lolo - 2019-07-29
    Pour info, si cela peut servir à d'autre randonneur, pour ne pas me perdre j'utilise l' appli Gratuite, fonctionne avec les satellites, pas besoin de reseau. Pratiquement tous les chemins de randos y sont. Il faut juste télécharger les cartes des lieux où lon se trouve. Elle marche dans tous les pays. Pas besoin d'acheter toutes les cartes de randos. Sert aussi de GPS voiture piétons train et vélo. J'ai chargé la trace de la Via Alpina avec les infos du site et plus aucun pb de direction. Seul pb elle consomme de la faut juste l'utiliser pour verification et avoir une batterie externe.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    FYI, if it can be used for other hikers, not to lose myself I use the app Free, works with satellites, no need for network. Almost all the hiking trails are there. Just download the maps of where you are. She walks in all countries. No need to buy all the hiking maps. Also serves as GPS car pedestrian train and bike. I loaded the track of the Via Alpina with the info of the site and no more pb of direction. Only pb it consumes the battery ... it should just be used for verification and have an external battery.
  • POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
    12 juillet 2017
    35ème et dernière étape pour cette année.
    Pas très intéressante, il faut bien l'avouer, car il y a des travaux sur le chemin. Le mieux aurait été que je suive la route pendant 4 à 5 kilomètres (à la sortie du pont env. 1 petit km après le Gastaus Karlsteg). Le chemin monte alors dans la forêt, et c'est ici plus sympa.
    En arrivant, je suis allé directement sur Mayrhofen, en laissant Finkenberg de côté, pour rejoindre le joli train touristique de la Zillertal qui mène à la vallée d'Innsbruck.
    A l'année prochaine!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    July 12, 2017 35th and last stage for this year. Not very interesting, it must be admitted because there is work on the way. It would have been better if I followed the road for 4 to 5 kilometers (at the exit of the bridge about 1 km after Gastaus Karlsteg). The path then climbs into the forest, and it's more fun here. Arriving, I went directly to Mayrhofen, leaving Finkenberg aside, to join the pretty Zillertal tourist train that leads to the Innsbruck valley. See you next year!
  • Eva - 2017-07-30
    The Ginzling hiking path to Gasthaus Karlstag is partly gone due to an avalanche, you have to hike the road. The supermarket in Ginzling is permanently closed. Several people told me that there's a campsite in Ginzling, well there is not, but apparently it happens often that hikers camp near the information centre. I asked around and got a nice place near the music theatre thingy.
  • Dorian - 2016-11-12
    If the weather is nice and you want a less boring day with far better views: Ginzling -> Gamsgrube [Georg-Herholz-Weg] -> Gamshutte [lunch: Specknodelsuppe] -> [Hermann-Hecht-Weg] Finkeberg. It's about 1,000m up and down, perhaps 3 hours up and 2 hours down along very well constructed trails.
  • Daniel - 2016-09-26
    In Finkenberg, the Balthasarhof (nr 126) you will be welcomed with a schnapps. B&B €35pp. Recommended, I had dinner in nearby Hotel Eberl, where locals sang some beautiful authentic Jodl music.
  • berta - 2014-08-02
    haben in finkenberg in der pension balthasarhof genächtigt. sehr angenehm, schöne große zimmer u gutes frühstück
    Automatic translation [Google]
    have slept in finnish in the pension balthasarhof. very pleasant, nice big room and good breakfast
  • Elisabeth - 2012-12-24
    Pas de ravitaillement à Ginzling mais il y a tout ce qu'il faut à Finkenberg.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    No refueling Ginzling but there is everything you need to Finkenberg.
  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2012-03-29
    Etape déroutante s'il en est !
    L'itinéraire est court, trés court ...Mais c'est aussi un moment de respiration pour observer le travail des hommes et la descente du foin dans des pentes impossibles au dessous d'immenses lignes electriques car plus haut les barrages turbinent ...eux aussi !
    Pour autant je n'ai pas échappé à la pluie ...A FINKENBERG j'ai trouvé assez facilement un hotel :
    Familie KROLL
    308 DORNAU / 6292 FINKENBERG
    Tel 00 43 (0)5285 62696
    Trés bon accueil et grande cordialité des propriètaires fidèles à la réputation de l'Autriche.Prix correct et buffet impressionnant mème pour un Via Alpiniste !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Step confusing indeed! The route is short, very short ... But it is also a moment of breathing to observe the work of men on and off the slopes impossible hay beneath huge power lines as above dams turbinent .. . too! So far I have not escaped the rain ... A FINKENBERG I found a hotel quite easily: Hotel Dornauhof Familie KROLL Dornau 308/6292 FINKENBERG Tel 00 43 (0) 5285 62696 email: Very welcome and cordiality of the owners loyal to Austria's reputation. Correct and impressive buffet price for Via meme Mountaineer!
Last update : 2019-12-15