Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
Dun (Pfunders / Fundres) » Pfitscherjoch / Passo Vizze
6h55 |
13 km
1044 m
470 m
From Dun (approx. 1,500m), follow the Weitenbergbach stream to the north west. After crossing it, a gravel road leads up to the Engbergalm meadow. Continue across meadows and mountain slopes to the Grindler See lake, and then to the nearby Gliederscharte ridge. Descend 900m in altitude using a makeshift trail into the Unterbergertal valley, to climb up again to the Pfitscher-Joch-Haus (2,275m).
From Dun, turn off left from the asphalt road into the Weitenbergtal valley (markings for trail no. 19). After crossing the Weitenbergbach stream, follow the markings for trail 20, which leads into the Engbergtal valley (neither signposted nor marked). Following the course of the valley, take a gravel road at the Engberg stream uphill until reaching the upper Engbergalm meadow, where the track ends. The mountain world in the Pfunderer valley is only crossed by a few tracks, and still offers the hiker peace and solitude. One of them is the Pfunderer ridge trail, which Via Alpina crosses close to the Engbergalm meadow. The next point on the route is the Gliederscharte gap at 2,644m. From here, splendid views into the glacier-covered world of the Zillertal Alps can be enjoyed; the panoramas are impressive, especially towards the north over the surging ice masses at the feet of the mountains. The Gliederscharte gap should, however, only be tackled in good weather and on safe ground (i.e. no snow-fields!). The following 900m in altitude – a descent into the Pfitscher valley again runs in an austere alpine zone influenced by steep, rugged mountain slopes, ice and raging waters. Due to its character (composition, protective structures, signposting/markings), it is (at least at the time of the first survey) a difficult high-alpine track still to be adapted to the requirements of Via Alpina and demanding the full concentration of the hiker. After a long walk along the slopes high above the Gliederbach stream, the trail leads gently downwards through the Unterbergtal valley to the Wiener Neustatt huts (1,847m). Here, the track crosses a “real” hiking trail again for the first time, which likewise leads from the Pfitscher pass road through the Unterbergtal valley to the Hochfeiler Hut stop-off point (marked with the number 1). Next, follow the signs on the Pfitscher pass road; after an uphill walk of approx. 1km, turn off the road to the right and take trail no. 3, which is an initially rather steep short-cut up to the Pfitscher-Joch-Haus inn (2,275m), the stage destination. (Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Natural and cultural heritage
The Zillertal Alps are a varied mountain landscape with high glacier-covered mountains and precipitous craggy peaks. Glaciers can also be found on the so-called Tuxer Kamm ridge to the north of the Pfitscher valley in the group around the Schrammacher at 3,410m. The Alpeinerferner and Stampflkees are but two of the important glaciers there. “Ferner” and “Kees” are both local terms for glaciers. To the south of the Pfitscher valley lies a world of peaceful, isolated summits. Large stretches of the mountainous zone around the Pfunderertal valley are largely untouched and difficult to access, attracting significant attention due to the attractive and diverse landscape. Even though the peaks no longer reach the heights of the nearby main ridge, the Wilde Kreuzspitze, Grabspitze and Wurmmaul are nevertheless respectable mountains of over 3,000m, which as vantage points have no reason to fear comparison with more famous summits due to their views over the glacier-covered high summits of the Zillertal main ridge and their panoramic views over the dolomites in the south. The Pfunderer mountains can be hiked through along the Pfunderer ridge trail, which runs through some wonderful surroundings and extends from Sterzing right through the southern foothills of the Zillertal Alps to Bruneck. The trail, running in parts through high-alpine terrain, leads for long stretches through a very untouched and peaceful mountain world full of landscape highlights. The alpine flora boasts all of the characteristics typical of the Alps above the timber line. The animal world is likewise typical of the mountain character of this area.
Wanderführer Tauferer Tal ~ Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4186-2)
Wanderführer Rund um Sterzing ~ Rother (ISBN 3-7633-4167-6)
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Carsten - 2022-01-10
(2) Water: At Obere Engbergtalalm on ascent, and on descent close to valley floor in form of a spring in a switchback. Plenty of water otherwise, but of questionable quality.
Lowest point in this section (before ascent to Pfitscherjoch hut) on macadam road to Pfitscherjoch hut has 3 buses a day passing on way to the Pfitscherjoch hut; they run from Stein (a bit further down and from the “last bus stop,” yet a bit further down, to the Pfitscherjoch hut; departure times from Stein are 7:35, 8:59, 15:35.
Pfitscherjoch hut is a nice hotel.
Carsten - 2022-01-10
(1) No camping after Dun (too steep and a few remote possibilities filled with fresh cow dung), none at the Grindlbergsee (lake) (rocky) just before the Gliederscharte (pass); possibly poor campsite 10min after the lake and before the final ascent to the Gliederscharte if not snow-covered. Remote camping possibility on descent as one approaches the valley floor; none after to the end of this stage.
Guidebook: "Gliederscharte should, however, only be tackled in good weather and on safe ground (i.e. no snow fields!)." – Ascent was unproblematic; the incline is such that one should be able to cross snowfields without problems. The descent also posed no difficulty but is steeper than the ascent (had only 1% snow coverage compared to the ascent from the Grindlbergsee with maybe 5% snow coverage). The descent to the valley floor is interrupted half-way down by a 500m long steep slope crossing in a grassy hillside that posed no difficulty (Used hands twice, no hiking poles).
Mackedr - 2018-07-05
Comment about Pfiterjoch is out of date. Food good price, staff very helpful. Heading S the Gleidercharte is not technically difficult, just LONG. When you think you are there, and see a signpost, it is still 1
hour. Be strong.
POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
10 juillet 2017
Encore une belle étape, malheureusement avec un temps mitigé.
Tout de même 1700m de montée et 900m de descente, cette descente est assez pénible car elle se fait dans des pierriers, puis un chemin étroit au bord du vide: il faut faire attention où on met les pieds!
Refuge moderne avec salle panoramique, douche à volonté!
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July 10, 2017 Another great step, unfortunately with a mixed time. All the same 1700m of rise and 900m of descent, this descent is rather painful because it is done in scree, then a narrow way at the edge of the void: it is necessary to be careful where one puts feet! Modern refuge with panoramic room, shower at will!
(Coming from Pfitscherjoch) Instead of going down to Dun, you can hike the Alte Via di Fundres. It's absolutely beautiful, maybe not shorter in time (it took me 4-5 hours to hike 10K), but I surely recommend it. Before you reach Engelberg Alm, there is a path to the left. It's very well marked, but has an interesting part, the descend from the Gaisscharte is kind of demanding, it's climbing rather than hiking and you certainly should not be afraid of heights. The route takes you to Edelrauthütte. I believe that this route is signposted as Pfunderer Höhenweg. So, if hiking coming from the Edelrauthütte you head towards the right instead of following the road down to Dun.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
l'étape étant beaucoup trop longue, sans possibilités de logement où ravitaillement intermédiaire...nous décidons de faire le tour en bus par la vallée. Possibilité de monter jusqu'au Passo di Vizze en bus privé pour 5€....Au diable le purisme.....Arrivée à la cab. en fin d'après-midi. Profitons du coucher de soleil et de l'apéro sur la terrasse....c'est aussi ça la montagne.
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step being too long without housing options through which supplies ... we decide to do the bus tour through the valley. Possibility to climb to Passo di Vizze private bus for € 5 .... Damn purism ..... Arrive at the cab. at the end of the afternoon. Enjoy the sunset and a drink on the terrace .... it is also the mountain.
Elisabeth - 2012-12-10
Des erreurs : contrairement à ce qui est dit dans le topo, après Engbergalm, le sentier est toujours balisé et ce jusqu'au lac. Quel lac ? Il manque manifestement un paragraphe important dans la description de l'étape R35 : le lac Grindler a été oublié et c'est en y arrivant qu'il faut prendre sur la droite un sentier balisé avec des cairns mais sans aucune indication de destination ! Surtout ne pas suivre sur la gauche du lac le sentier n° 20 au balisage tout neuf... La descente du col Gliederscharte ne pose pas de problème. C'est après que cela se corse : les intempéries de début août ont gonflé tous les torrents afférents et le sentier est coupé en plusieurs endroits. Enfin, le pont sur la rivière a été emporté : éviter de la traverser l'après-midi.
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Errors: contrary to what is said in the topo after Engbergalm, the trail is still marked and the lake. What lake? It lacks clearly an important paragraph in the description of step R35: Grindler the lake was forgotten and it's arriving there that must be on the right a path marked with cairns but without any indication of destination! Especially not to follow the lake on the left the trail No. 20 to markup brand new ... The descent of the col Gliederscharte poses no problem. It was after this Corsican: early August weather swelled all related torrents and the trail is cut in several places. Finally, the bridge over the river was washed away: do not cross the afternoon.
roberrt - 2012-07-28
L'étape peut etre prolongée jusqu'à la Dominikushutte : excellent accueil , petits prix et on vous lave meme le linge
Automatic translation
The stage can be extended to the Dominikushutte: excellent reception, low prices and even you wash clothes
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.