Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
Ahornach / Acereto » Chemnitzer Hütte / Rifugio G. Porro
5h15 |
22.6 km
1377 m
260 m
Leave the village of Ahornach behind and follow trail no. 6, walking to the North West on a mainly asphalt path to the valley station. You can spare yourself the climb to the Speikboden by taking the lift. From the Michlreis-Alm meadow at 1,960 metres, continue on foot, still at an altitude of over 2,200m along the partly paved "Kellerbauerweg" trail to the Nevesjoch Hut (2,420m).
Leave the village of Ahornach (approx. 1,350m) following trail no. 6 and walk to the north west mainly on asphalt to reach the Aschbach inn. From there, the trail winds its way (on the eastern slope of the narrow entry into the Ahrntal valley) down to the valley station of the Michlreis lift. The Michlreiser Alm meadow has been opened for winter sports. As the two-part chair lift to the meadow runs in the summertime, it is possible to replace the climb by a trip in the lift. From the meadow at 1,960 metres, continue on foot: take trail no. 27 following the signs for Speikboden on quite a steep climb up to a mountain shoulder with signposts (2,387m). This is where the partially paved Kellerbauerweg trail starts, which will now accompany the hiker as far as the Nevesjoch Hut. First however, walk along the southern slopes of the Speikboden to the Mühlwalder Jöchl pass (2,342m), where there is another signpost. Instead of walking to the pass on the southern side past the remains of the dilapidated Sonnklar Hut, it is possible to turn right beforehand at the ridge (also marked with the number 27) and follow just a slight incline northward up to the summit (2,517m): a leisurely walk on the paved trail leads to the highest point, where a bench beside the metal cross invites you to have a rest. Thanks to its open setting above the Mühlwalder valley in the south, the outer Weißenbachtal valley in the north and the Haupttal valley of the Ahr river in the east, the Speikboden peak at 1,650m above the valley floor of Sand in Taufers offers wonderful views. Practically all of the alpine mountain forms lie within the horizon: green slopes above the Mühlwalder valley, the jagged peaks and summits of the dolomites, the Zillertal main ridge and the Rieserferner group with its glacier-covered tops. The summit area is left behind, passing over the rocky but not difficult western ridge and downhill along the southern slopes, at the same time returning to the original course of the trail. The Chemnitz alpine club section connected its hut (today’s Nevesjoch Hut at 2,420m) with the Speikboden using the Kellerbauerweg trail. The Kellerbauerweg trail always runs in a northwesterly direction over the Schaflahnerkamm ridge, sometimes on the left and then again on the right side of the slope. There are hardly any inclines or descents as the trail remains at a constant altitude of between 2,200 and 2,500m. In the process, it makes several significant crossings from Weissenbach into the Mühlwaldertal and Lappachertal valleys (Gornerjoch, Lappacher Jöchl, Nevesjoch passes). In terms of landscape, the Kellerbauerweg trail is an extremely charming and outstandingly well-built track, and as a trail section it is by all means an enrichment to Via Alpina. The tranquil Tristensee lake at the edge of the trail invites you to linger for a while. It may be rather difficult to find the trail corresponding to this section from the valley station of the Michlreis lift to Ahornach, as the area (as is often the case near villages) is crossed by many roads and paths. (Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Natural and cultural heritage
The southern border of the central gneiss zone runs through the Ahrntal valley, trailing out westward to the Eisbruggjoch pass. Hard gneiss is the stone of which the Zillertal Alps are mainly composed. In the area of this resistant gneiss, the erosion created bold summit shapes and sharp ridges that towered out of the mighty ice masses even at the time of glaciation. The ice streams carved deep into the valleys, resulting in the typical valley form referred to by glaciologists as strath valleys. Mountaineers will appreciate the wealth of beautiful minerals and various alpine flowers. The Speikboden area derives its name from a little mountain plant called the Speik. However, a differentiation should be made between two types: the white Speik belongs to the daisy family, while the blue Speik belongs to the primrose family.
(Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
This stage mainly follows the glorious Kellerbauerweg trail.
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.
Carsten - 2022-01-10
No water on descent from Ahornach, no water if one takes the gondola up, no water until two-thirds through the ridge; then several seeps and creeks. Good camping opportunities halfway through the ridge, with a couple of minor opportunities later.
One gondola to 2000m; last one down is 5pm, so last one up could be 4:30pm. Euro 17 one way up. At top, 10min walk to a chairlift that goes to 2400m, a point (Sonnklar) that is 10 minutes away from the trail in R33. Last chairlift down is no later than 4:30pm, possibly 4pm; therefore the last chairlift up is possibly 3:30-4pm. -- To take the gondola plus chairlift, one should probably arrive at the Talstation no later than 3pm.
Lolo - 2019-07-29
Telecabine Speikboden à 4 km (14,5€, durée 15 mn, ouvre à 8h30). Bon balisage N°27. Long chemin en balcon jusqu'au refuge Porro.
Je poursuis jusqu'au superbe refuge tout neuf Ponte di Ghaccio en 3h30. Douche payante 3mn. 1/2 pension 60€.
Automatic translation
Telecabine Speikboden at 4 km (14,5 €, duration 15 minutes, opens at 8:30). Good markup N ° 27. Long path in balcony until the shelter Porro. I continue to the beautiful new refuge Ponte di Ghaccio in 3:30. Shower fee 3mn. 1/2 pension 60 €.
POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
8 juillet 2017
Superbe étape. Le site prévoit de monter les 1000 premiers mètres de dénivelée en télécabine: je l'ai fait à pied (depuis Sand in Taufers, voir étape précédente) sur un chemin ombragé en forêt, et ne le regrette pas (voir aussi mon blog "vivelaretraitesurlaviaalpina.blogspot.com").
L'étape est certes un peu longue (25km, 1900m en montée, 350m en descente), mais avec de beaux points de vue, on reste longtemps sur la crête, ou proche. Un peu de cailloux avant d'arriver au refuge.
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July 8, 2017 Great step. The site plans to climb the first 1000 meters of elevation on gondola: I did it on foot (since Sand in Taufers, see previous step) on a shady path in the forest, and do not regret it (see also my blog "vivelaretraitesurlaviaalpina .blogspot.com "). The stage is certainly a bit long (25km, 1900m uphill, 350m downhill), but with beautiful views, we stay long on the ridge, or near. A few pebbles before arriving at the refuge.
I went down from Speikboden to Campo Tures on the hiking path (#27) through the forest. Happy that I'm hiking in opposite direction, because this would have been a long, steep climb. In Campo Tures us a good supermarket which is also open on Sunday. Behind the school (on the opposite side of the church a little bit out of town) is a camping area.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
Peu de monde à la cabane Chemnitzer. Super accueil.Plaisir de se touver là.
Automatic translation
Few people at the Chemnitzer hut. Super accueil.Plaisir to touver there.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
Bien lire le détail de l'itinéraire....une nouvelle arnaque en temps !! Avons pris le télé jusqu'à Speikboden. Superbe sentier en balcon avec vue sur les Dolomites et les Zillertallen. Heureusement que nous avons pris le télé.. 6 heures de trajet.....
Automatic translation
Please read the details of the route .... a new scam to time !! Took the TV to Speikboden. Superb balcony path with views of the Dolomites and the Zillertallen. Fortunately we took the TV .. 6 hour journey .....
tof - 2014-12-26
Trieste-Monaco le 26/7/14
Etape très longue si on ne prend pas les remontées pour rejoindre le Speikboden. Coût: 11,5 euros.
Depuis Speikboden, traversée intéressante, impression de bout du monde, intérêt géologique également.
Automatic translation
Trieste-Monaco on 26/7/14 long step if you do not take the lift to reach the Speikboden. Cost: 11.5 euros. Since Speikboden, crossing interesting impression of the end of the world, also geological interest.
berta - 2014-08-02
wir haben in sand in taufers in der pension garni trojer übernachtet (sehr empfehlenswert, schöne zimmer, tolles frühstück) u nächsten tag zu fuß bis zur chemnitzerhütte, haben dafür allerdings 10stunden 30min gebraucht
Automatic translation
we have in campo tures in the pension garni Trojer stayed (highly recommended, beautiful rooms, great breakfast) and the next day walking to Chemnitzian hut, but 10hrs 30min have used this
Alpinisten - 2012-09-24
Wir sind mit dem Lift ganz hinaufgefahren und ab dort haben wir für den Weg (Kellerbauerweg) bis zur Chemnitzer Hütte 5h gebraucht. Ab Ahornach muß man dann noch entsprechend Gehzeit hinzu addieren!
Automatic translation
We are using the lift ascended quite and from there it took us 5 hours for the trip (Kellerbauerweg) to Chemnitz Hut. From Ahornach one must then add accordingly walking added
robert - 2012-07-28
La durée de l'étape est très sous-estimée .Comptez 5 heures du Speikboden au refuge
Automatic translation
The duration of the step is very underestimated. Takes 5 hours to the refuge Speikboden
Pierre - 2009-08-15
Il y a un bus qui descend dans la vallée. Il suffit ensuite de longer le torrent pour rejoindre la TalStation. le crochet par le Speikboden ne prend pas beaucoup de temps. beau point de vue depuis ce sommet. Si vous montez à pied depuis la Talstation, le dénivellé est sous estimé. En prenant le téléphérique, et passant par le Speikboden, il faut compter 900 m de denivellé. Si vous descendez d'Ahornach, le temps est sous estimé.
Automatic translation
There is a bus that goes down into the valley. Then just follow the stream to reach the Talstation. the hook by Speikboden does not take much time. beautiful view from the summit. If you walk up from the Talstation the height difference is underestimated. Taking the cable car, and passing through the Speikboden, it takes 900 m of height difference. If you get off Ahornach, time is underestimated.
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.