Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
Rieserfernerhütte / Rifugio Vedrette di Ries » Ahornach / Acereto
4h35 |
18 km
151 m
1267 m
This stage leads from the Rieserferner Hut (2,791m) into the Tauferer Boden area. The "Erlanger Weg“ trail no. 3 accompanies it through the entire Gelltal valley until reaching the level valley floor. In the Reintal valley, follow the road for 3km to Rein at around 1,600m. The end destination, however, is Ahornach, which can be reached by taking a dirt road marked with the number 10.
This stage rich in variety runs from the Rieserferner Hut (2,791m) into the northern Reintal valley and from there to the Tauferer Boden area. Trail no. 3, which already led up from Antholz to the hut, now accompanies the hiker further as the “Erlanger trail“ through the entire Gelltal valley to the flat valley floor of Rein. From the Gemsbichljoch pass, it leads high above the Gelltalferner glacier diagonally across the slope, and around numerous hairpin bends on a steep scarp into a mountain basin filed with moraine material. A downward sloping crossing below the mighty north face of the Wasserkopf leads over the next climb to the inner (2,070m) and then the outer Gelltalalm meadows (1,995m). On this flat pastureland hemmed in by highly towering summits, follow a sloping scarp again out of the valley, leading through steep high-alpine forest to the Seeberalm meadow (approx. 1,530m) on the valley floor of the Reintal. From there, follow the road into the valley for 3km (not signposted!) until reaching Rein at around 1,600m, where catering and accommodation are offered. The stage destination, however, is the village of Ahornach above Sand in Taufers. To the north west of the village of Rein, a goods trail marked with the number 10 turns off to Ahornach. It leads the hiker on a climb over meadowland again almost to the outskirts of the wood; the idyllic Lobiser Schupfen cabins are located at close to 2,000m. Continue walking on the north side out of the valley past the Tote Moos meadows to reach (after an easy 10km descent) the first farmsteads of Ahornach, the stage destination at approx. 1,400m. The descent through the long but charming Gelltal valley is particularly worthwhile in this stage, first over moraine remains and across glacial rifts, then over green alpine meadows and finally through hardy high mountain forest. From the centre of Ahornach, there are several possible ways to climb to the farmsteads above. Via Alpina follows the signs for trail no. 10 sometimes on the road and sometimes taking short-cuts to the aforementioned hilltop, from where (still on trail no. 10) the village of Rein further into the valley can be reached. The section of the trail along the road that leads through the Reintal valley is not marked as a hiking trail. (Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Natural and cultural heritage
The term nature park refers to an expansive protected zone, but at the same time it is also a seal of approval. It promises natural beauty and untouched, natural landscapes as well as farmland that has been developed over centuries. For this promise to be kept, it is necessary to secure not only the official protection of nature and landscape but but also the acceptance and support of many. The designation of a nature park and thus the identification of a priority area of regional importance pursue very concrete objectives: the protection of the natural landscape; maintenance of the cultivated landscape; scientific research; information and environmental education; experience of nature and countryside. The uppermost goal is of course to protect and preserve this expansive, largely intact countryside area. Any unused countryside is therefore to be kept in its original stage, and the various types of cultivated landscape are to be used and maintained. The Rieserferner-Ahrn nature park covers a surface area of 31,505ha. In the west, the border runs to the east of the Tauferer or Ahrntal valley, and from there northward and along the national border between Austria and Italy. This borderline in the east is also the park border and runs along the ridge of the Rieserferner group to the Staller Sattel pass. The southern border is formed initially by the Antholzertal valley. From a geological angle, the protected zone mainly belongs to the old gneiss zone. The Rieserferner tonalite, a plutonic rock, forms the main ridge of the mountain group. The Ice-Age glaciers have had a significant impact on the landscape of the nature park. The stagnant and flowing water is an important element in the natural layout of the park. The glaciers are of great importance for the water balance. They are described as “Kees” in this area. In the nature park, there is an abundance of mountain streams, and ravines, and mighty waterfalls (e.g. the Reinbachfälle) occur frequently. The composition of the vegetation in the nature park is above all influenced by the geological foundation and the mountain location with a predominantly inner alpine-continental climate. From the sparsely populated farmland areas of the few high-alpine valleys in the nature park, the trail heads into the wood (at 800 – 1,400m in altitude), in which the undemanding and tough spruce prevails; the next vegetation belts are those of the subalpine spruce forest and the woodland border, which lies between 1,900 and 2,200m. The wood is the most important habitat for the animal world. The pastureland and meadow grassland cover large areas in the nature park. At higher altitudes, the alpine grasses merge into scree. Even the higher vegetation belts offer a habitat for several alpine animal species.
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.
Raphael - 2023-09-26
I couldn’t find a place to stay for the night in Ahornach, therefore I continued to Sand in Taufers. This makes this leg very long with a total descend of 2300m. I stayed in the Burg Café in Sand, which is a simple and friendly family-run Bed&Breakfast with a restaurant and a large and nice Breakfast (40€ for 1 person). For me it was the only option for less than 80€ per night. I recommend staying there. Otherwise go to the tourist info in the city to ask for free beds, this actually saved me from staying in an expensive hotel.
Carsten - 2022-01-10
(2) Trail from Reins to Ahornach first ascends close to 400m (elevation gain summary in guidebook misses out on this elevation gain) before descending to Ahornach. Macadam road, with half a dozen vehicles passing me and leaving me in a dust cloud.
To get from Ahornach to the Talstation, follow the main road down out of town. At its first switchback (quite some ways), at a house with the name "Talblick" on its side, continue in the original direction (on a now different road). Signposts for trail 6 appear, while the app Maps.me suggests a route with likely less road walking.
The app Maps.me shows the possibility of a 11km purely downhill walk from where one hits the road to Reins, before Reins (turn the other direction, downhill), mostly off road, and going through a larger village, Sand in Taufers (google map shows good-sized Despar and more), to the Talstation. This compares to the "official" "trail" of perhaps 16km and 600m elevation gain.
Carsten - 2022-01-10
(1) No good water source all the way to Rein, water fountain in Rein not in use, a couple of meadow springs after Rein (perhaps fed by recent rains), otherwise no good water till the churchyard in Ahornach where the outlet carries a sign that the water is potable.
Rein: Gol Supermarket similar to the one in Antholz-Mittert. Gol supermarket in Ahornach seems extremely small and was shuttered when I walked by at 15:24 on a weekday (may be out of operation, or opens only at 15:30, with the typical 12:30-15:30 siesta in this region).
Roadwalk into Reins, 3km: Now replaced by dirt road parallel to road.
Teledahner - 2020-07-31
A rather long hike, difficult to make this within 4:35 hours.
Unlike written in the description, after getting down it is not necessary to walk along the road till Rein in Taufers. Instead, after about 200 metres or so, turn right and follow the footpath along the other side of the river (there's a sign). It is much nicer and also leads to to Rein.
Lolo - 2019-07-25
Attention en prenant à gauche au bas de la descente pour aller directement à Sand in Taufers, pas de trottoir, on marche sur la route et il y a plusieurs paravalanches (tunnel) à passer sans trottoir non plus : vraiment trop dangereux ! ...vaut mieux prendre le bus à 50 m lorsque l'on rejoint la route pour faire les 5 premiers km en sécurité.
Automatic translation
Be careful taking a left at the bottom of the descent to go directly to Sand in Taufers, no sidewalk, we walk on the road and there are several paravalanches (tunnel) to pass without sidewalk either: really too dangerous! ... it is better to take the bus at 50 m when you reach the road to make the first 5 km safely.
POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
7 juillet 2017
Après être descendu jusqu'à la route, je recommanderais, plutôt que de prendre à droite en direction de Rein, puis de remonter à Acereto (c'est vraiment long, surtout s'il fait chaud comme aujourd'hui, et je trouve pas très intéressant!), puis redescendre, la variante suivante: prendre à gauche directement en direction de Sand in Taufers (4 à 5km), où l'on passe à proximité de cascades Cascate di Riva). hébergement pas possible à Acereto, j'ai justement trouvé à l'hôtel Bad Winkel, à l'entrée du village en venant directement.
Automatic translation
July 7, 2017 After going down to the road, I would recommend, rather than take a right towards Rein, then go back to Acereto (it's really long, especially if it's hot like today, and I find not very interesting!), then go down again, the following variant: take a left directly towards Sand in Taufers (4 to 5km), where we pass near cascades Cascate di Riva). accommodation not possible in Acereto, I just found at the hotel Bad Winkel, at the entrance of the village coming directly.
Supurb hiking path and magnificent scenery. Sad to see the glaciers disappearing though.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
très jolie montée à la cab. Riesenferner, mais bien raide....juste échappé à l'orage. Rein fait faire un détour...Avons pris le bus jusqu'à Ahornach. Pension chez Alfred Niederkoffler. Très bien.Dimanche peu de liaison de bus. C'est Alfred qui nous conduit au départ du télé pour le lendemain.
Automatic translation
beautiful climb to the cab. Riesenferner but stiff .... just escaped the storm. Rein made a detour ... Took the bus to Ahornach. Pension Alfred Niederkoffler home. Very bien.Dimanche bit bus connection. This is Alfred leading us from the TV to the next day.
tof - 2014-12-25
Trieste-Monaco le 25/7/14
Nuit dans le bivouac sous le refuge Vedrette di ries. (1h de montée).
Paysage glaciaire, haute montagne au refuge. Neige au début de la longue descente qui amène à la vallée du Reintal.
Hors sentier puis le sentier n°10 qui mène à Ahornach.
Nuitée en 1/2 pension à Pension Lärchenheim: 40 euros pour une chambre individuelle avec douche, un repas réalisé par par Alfred, cuisinier professionnel. Très bon accueil de la famille.
Automatic translation
Trieste-Monaco on 25/7/14 Night in bivouac under Vedrette di ries refuge. (1 hour climb). Glacial landscape, high mountain refuge. Snow beginning of the long descent that leads to the Reintal Valley. Off-trail and the trail No. 10 that leads to Ahornach. Night in half pension Pension Lärchenheim: 40 euros for a single room with shower, a meal made by Alfred, professional cook. Very welcoming family.
Pension Lärchenheim is primarily for long staying guests but Alfred will be happy to offer a room for one night. If the place is full, he will do his best for you finding an alternative.
Alpinisten - 2012-09-24
Eine sehr gute und sympathische Unterkunft in Ahornach bietet die Pension Lärchenheim (Familie Niederkofler, +30.0474.690003).
Automatic translation
A very good and friendly accommodation in Ahornach, Pension Lärchenheim (family Niederkofler 30.0474.690003).
Alpinisten - 2012-09-24
Von der Rieserfernerhütte aus bis Ahornach benötigten wir 6,5 Stunden, die gehzeit ist definitiv zu kurz angegeben.
Automatic translation
Of the Rieserfernerhütte from up Ahornach we needed 6.5 hours, the walking time is indicated definitely too short.
robert - 2012-07-28
La durée de l'étape est sous-estimée .A Rein , monter vers l'église, passer le Reinerhof Hotel , le sentier 10 débute immédiatement à gauche
Automatic translation
The duration of the step is underestimated. Rein A, up to the church, pass the Reinerhof Hotel, the trail begins immediately left 10
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.