Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
St. Martin in Gsies / S. Martino in Casies » Antholz-Mittertal / Anterselva di Mezzo
6h00 |
15.5 km
1516 m
1552 m
The stage starts from St. Martin in Gsies, leading to the innermost part of the Karbachtal valley and then over into the Antholzertal valley. Follow the Karbach and Hundsbach streams to reach the Ochsenfelder meadows. Track 42 leads over the Grüblscharte (2,394m) to the Grüblalm meadow in Antholz. From there, take woodland trail 9 or 1 to Mittertal, the stage destination at approx. 1,250 m.
From the valley road at St. Martin (approx. 1,270m), follow the signs for trail no. 36 uphill to the west to reach the Karbach farmstead (1,440m, accommodation offered) in approx. 20 minutes. Then continue on the goods trail, constantly following the markings for trail no. 42 into the inner Karbachtal valley and to the Ochsenfeldalm meadow (2,014m). From there, head up along track no. 42 towards the north west and over the meadowland slopes of the Villgraten mountains to the Grüblscharte gap (2,394m), the highest point in the stage. Here, the hiker has an initial view over the imposing Rieserferner group. On the side of Antholz, the trail – now secured in parts – plunges steeply down to the Grüblalm meadow. Take the direct woodland trail no. 9 into the valley, which opens out after climbing over 1,000 metres in altitude onto the Antholz lake trail. The Antholz valley branches off from the Pustertal valley at Olang (in summer, it is the traffic connection over the Stall pass to the Defreggental valley in East Tyrol). The hamlet of Mittertal at 1,250m lies where the valley becomes somewhat narrower. The mighty Rieserferner group with the well-known Hochgall and Wildgall at the valley’s end are like protecting arms and the tremendous mountains over 3,000m form the crossing into the neighbouring Rein valley in Taufers. The last metres on this stage lead along the eastern side of the valley to Antholz-Mittertal. Overall, this part of Via Alpina is a daily stage of average difficulty. At the bridge close to the centre of Antholz-Mittertal, cross the Antholz stream to reach trail no. 1. Follow it to the Grüblalm turnoff (trail no. 9). (Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Natural and cultural heritage
The geological “Pustertal line“ divides the entire Pustertal zone into two completely different rock zones: the southern alpine Brixen quartz phyllite and the central alpine gneiss zone in the north. The “old gneiss” zone begins to the north of the “Pustertal line”, e.g. in the area of the Rieserferner group and the Villgraten mountains. The valleys were shaped, as was frequently the case in the central alps, in the Ice Age. Visually speaking, this central alpine gneiss differs from the dolomites with their great variety of forms through its long ridges topped by sharp pinnacles of massive, dark stone, between which glaciers and great expanses of firn spread out. The Pustertal, the biggest and most important valley community in South Tyrol after the Etsch and Eisack valleys, is excluded from one particularlity that makes South Tyrol famous: namely, fruit and wine growing. The high altitude rules out any large-scale fruit cultivation. In the inner part of the valley, arable farming prevails on the agricultural land. The Pustertal valley is surrounded by numerous side valleys such as Antholzertal. A mountain road leading out of the wide valley floor winds its way uphill to the lovely setting of the green-blue shimmering Antholz lake and on to the Stall pass, the crossing into the Defreggental valley in East Tyrol. The valley floor itself is an alluvial plain, where sediment was deposited after the Ice Age and formed moors in dead-ice holes. In the Antholzertal valley, the Rasner Möser, a highland moor situated further out of the valley, is a botanical rarity. After the valuable wetland of Rasen-Antholz was placed under protection, the basis was laid through the implementation of protective and ecological measures for the preservation of the characteristic flora and fauna of this habitat. Several theme trails were created in order to promote an understanding for nature. The hiking trails were also built in the aim of directing the stream of visitors.
(Stefan Illmer, Karin Leichter, AVS)
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The Gsieser Tal holiday region is covered by a dense network of hiking trails, both along the valley floor and in the summit region. Several examples are the Höfewanderweg trail, the Gsieser Talblickweg trail (an easy nature theme trail), the Gsieser Almweg 2000 nature trail and many more…
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.
Raphael - 2023-09-26
If you hike with a tent, I would suggest having a rest day at the Camping Antholz and spend the day at the Lake Antholz, which is beautiful!
Carsten - 2022-01-10
On the ascent, at the Ochsenfelder Alm, the Via Alpina continues *behind* the last house, straight up for 1min to find the trail. The trail goes up the spur in switchbacks (not up the valley floor any longer).
Superb trail on the way down. Beautiful switchbacks carved and secured with stone walls built into the mountainside.
Highly misleading, false GPS coordinates further down the descent. Descend on trail 9, then switch to trail 1 (already in the valley) when that branches off. Detailed descriptions in guidebook report on trail 1 in the wrong direction. -- Do not take trail 8 on the descent! (Detour, bad.)
Bakery in center of town Antholz-Mittert. Gol Supermarket, medium well stocked, as one heads out of town to R31. (At the end of town is a green area / children’s playground, shaded, with benches and water fountain.)
Lolo - 2019-07-24
Long faux plat lontant sur piste carrossable jusqu'à Ochsenfelder 3h (chemin au dessus du village) puis 1h pour atteindre le col. Descente tout schuss sur anterselva 2h. Balisage n° 36 puis 42 puis 9 puis 8 !
Hotel Bruggerwirt ok 60 € 1/2 pension.
Automatic translation
Long false flat lontant on track drive to Ochsenfelder 3h (way above the village) and 1h to reach the pass. Descent all schuss on anterselva 2h. Tagging n ° 36 then 42 then 9 then 8! Hotel Bruggerwirt ok 60 € 1/2 board.
Lolo - 2019-07-24
Long faux plat lontant sur piste carrossable jusqu'à Ochsenfelder 3h puis 1h pour atteindre le col. Descente tout schuss sur anterselva. Hotel Bruggerwirt ok 60 € 1/2 pension.
Automatic translation
Long false flat lontant on track drive to Ochsenfelder 3h then 1h to reach the pass. Descent all schuss on anterselva. Hotel Bruggerwirt ok 60 € 1/2 board.
POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
5 juillet 2017
Etape sans difficulté, malgré la forte dénivelée (1250m en montée et 1300m en descente, sur 18km).
Hébergement à l'hôtel Bruggerwirt au centre de Anterselva di Mezzo, que j'avais pris soin de réserver la veille et pas très cher.
Automatic translation
5th July 2017 Stage without difficulty, despite the steep drop (1250m uphill and 1300m downhill, 18km). Accommodation at the Hotel Bruggerwirt in the center of Anterselva di Mezzo, which I had taken care to book the day before and not very expensive.
There's a campsite in Antholz (13,- 1person per night), but it's even better camping at Außerweger Alm. I'm not sure if this is the official route, but a hiking path through the forest goes from Außerweger Alm directly to the campsite.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
Avons trouvé une pension à San Magdalena/ Val Casies. Hôtel Hoffmann très bien. Rapport qualité prix très correct.
Automatic translation
Found a pension San Magdalena / Val Casies. Hotel Hoffmann very well. Value great price.
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
Dommage que ce site ne soit pas régulièrement mis à jour !!!!
Automatic translation
Too bad that this site is not regularly updated !!!!
gianadda marie-jo - 2015-08-17
Possibilité de raccourcir le chemin en prenant une jeep jusqu'à ochsenfelderalm.se renseigner aupreés de votre logeur. La Grübelscharte n'est plus équipée de câbles. Super chemin presque prévu pour les VTT ! août 2015
Automatic translation
Possibility to shorten the way by taking a jeep up ochsenfelderalm.se aupreés inform your landlord. The Grübelscharte is not equipped with cables. Super path planned for almost ATVs! August 2015
In Antholz you will stay at Gasthof Bruggerwirt. Have a look at the beautifully decorated all wooden ancient dining room.
Elisabeth - 2012-12-09
Après la ferme Karbach, ne pas chercher le sentier 42 ! Se contenter de suivre la piste carrossable, en ignorant les pistes secondaires, jusqu'à l'alpage Ochsenfeldalm. C'est après que l'on trouve le sentier 42 qui mène au col de Grübel.
Ah ! si J.L. avait eu une tente ! Il y a un camping sympa à Antholz-Mittertal ; la patronne qui m'avait proposé un emplacement pour 13 € (au lieu de 15 €) m'a finalement fait dormir dans une caravane pour le même prix.
Automatic translation
After Karbach farm, the path does not look 42! Simply follow the vehicle track, ignoring side tracks to the pasture Ochsenfeldalm. This is after we find the path that leads to the 42 neck Gruebel. Ah! if JL had a tent! There is a nice camping in Antholz-Mittertal, the boss who offered me a place for € 13 (instead of 15 €) finally made me sleep in a caravan for the same price.
Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2012-03-29
Magnifique étape. A mon arrivée à ANTHOLZ-MITTERTAL, j'ai eu des difficultés à trouver un hebergement. Finalement, par l'intermédiaire d'un hotelier, j'ai été hébergé chez l'habitant...mais en sous-sol et au tarif d'une "Suite présidentielle" .Bref , ça sentait l'embrouille !
J'ai pris le diner et le petit déjeuner au
Tel 00 39 (0)474 492 120
Email : info@bruggerwirt.it
Belle ambiance d'une ancienne auberge de village ...mais prix élévés pour une qualité trés moyenne . Je n'ai pas vraiment apprécié l'ambiance particulière de ce village .
ANTHOZ-MITTAL... Pays des "rats" ?
Automatic translation
Magnificent stage. When I arrived at ANTHOLZ-Mittertal, I had difficulty finding accommodation. Finally, through a hotelier, I was hosted homestay ... but in the basement and the price of a "Presidential Suite." In short, it smelled confused!
I had dinner and breakfast
I-39030 ANTHOLZ Mittertal
Tel 00 39 (0) 474 492 120
Email: info@bruggerwirt.it
Beautiful atmosphere of an old village inn ... but high prices for very average quality. I have not really enjoyed the special atmosphere of this village.
ANTHOZ-MITTAL ... Countries "rats"?
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.