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Julijske Alpe
Triglavski narodni park
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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R11 Dom na Komni » Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih
  |   2h30   |   7.1 km   |   303 m   |   126 m

This stage leads through the stunning world of the highland lakes. Officially, there are only seven lakes, but several smaller tarns and pools can be found, depending on the time of year. The valley is also home to numerous animal and plant species. Climb up to the Na Kalu pass, below which there once was a shepherd's hut. Enter the valley and go to the hut at Dvojno jezero lake.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Dom na Komni
1520 m
| D  3.5 km / 1h00
Na Kalu
1621 m
| D  3.6 km / 1h30
Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih
1685 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Črno jezero, Bohinj: Enter the valley from the path crossing at Dvojno jezero. The trail leads to the lowest-lying of the Triglav Lakes - Črno jezero (Black Lake), to which a subspecies of the newt is endemic. At the path crossing, you can either descend to Lake Bohinj or go towards Dom na Komni. If you go to Lake Bohinj, the return route will lead you past the spectacular Savica waterfall.
Useful topographic maps
  • Julijske Alpe, vzhodni del ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
  • Gorenjska ~ Geodetski zavod Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
  • Triglav ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 25 000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Slovenska planinska pot ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-11-x)
  • Vodnik po Julijskih Alpah ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-08-x)
  • Vodnik po planinskih postojankah v Sloveniji ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-10-1)
Tourist offers

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • flautix - 2023-08-20
    Wir haben uns auch für die beiden Etappen R11 und R12 bewusst zwei Tage Zeit gelassen - bei endlich wieder besserem Wetter! Es gibt so viel zu sehen! Ein Nachteil: die Hütten lassen alle Wanderer erst ab 15 oder 16 Uhr aufs Zimmer. Kein Trinkwasser auf beiden Hütten und ein Verbot der Körperwaschung bei der Hütte bei den Seen (wegen Seife und Algenbildung)! Alle Seen sind nach den Unwettern so voll, dass die Wnaderwege teilweise im See verlaufen statt daneben und man Umwege durchs Gebüsch suchen muss.
  • Ingo - 2022-09-17
    Hiking R11 and R12 in one day is no problem at all. But we recommend doing not more than that in one day because R11 and R12 are extremely beautiful. Take your time and enjoy it. It´s absolutely worth it! We even saw lots of Capricorns on R12. Plus fantastic landscapes :-)
  • Karsten - 2022-07-04
    I've combinded the following stages via Dolicu down to Trenta. Quite a bit of work but very well doable. Took too much water in the first stretch through the "valley of the seven lakes", could have filled up at the last lake "Zeleno jezero" before ascending to the pass (using Micropur).
  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    Beautiful scenery.
    No water (possibly from lakes).
    Camping: no good sites and possibly prohibited.
    On 6 July 2021, snow in the final ascent, near-full snow cover on the slightly ascending plateau at the top (easy traverse), dangerous descent near-completely on snow to hut at end of R12. Recommend not to do R12 under such conditions (takes significantly more concentration than R10A, and perhaps luck). Was possible only due to high temperatures with soft snow in the afternoon, and a good number of people walking R12 in reverse (easier in snow) and creating sufficient tread. Snow continued for about 1km into R13, with equally dangerous passages.
  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    No water, except at faucet a few steps aside from the hut at the end of R11.
  • POPEYE GG - 2018-06-13
    17 juin 2017
    Voir mon commentaire sur R10b.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    June 17, 2017 See my comment on R10b.
  • Eva - 2017-09-01
    Easy hike, loved the karst scenery. Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih was full. I had to keep on going is what they told me. Technically I could still make it to Dom na Komni (I'm hiking in opposite direction), so they didn't have an emergency bed or couch for me. Only if you arrive after nine, they are obliged to give you shelter. And note that even when the huts are full and they do not have an emergency bed, you're still not allowed to camp. I was flabbergasted, because the staff hinted that I should have prepared better while at the same time they were fully booked all of August. It seems to me that Triglav is reaching the limit of its capacity to accommodate the increasing amount of tourists. Luckily I was blessed with extremely good weather, so I slept outside at the lake :-)
  • delbende - 2016-11-02
    L'étape est un peu courte (3h) de ce fait nous sommes allés dormir au refuge Zasavska Koca (2071) fermé en octobre mais qui a une winter room superbe.
    Bruno et Veronique 10/2016
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The stage is a bit short (3h) so we went to sleep at the Zasavska Koca refuge (2071) closed in October but which has a superb winter room. Bruno and Veronique 10/2016
  • Riccardo Del Re - 2016-01-04
    The stage is simple , quick and very nice . Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih is a straorinaria location , excellent view of the lake . Unfortunately it is very close to a driveway ( 2h ) , then very popular with families with children, so It is not a quiet place . But it's very nice and you must visit it.
    Yummy food and great host . Ability to use the satellite phone for free . Shower tokens .
  • Elisabeth - 2012-11-30
    Après une montée sous l'orage, pluie et grêle : très mauvaise expérience au refuge des Sept lacs : ayant opté pour le dortoir, la gardienne m'envoie dans le "refuge d'hiver", une cabane dont la porte et une fenêtre sont cassées et des souris en prime. Pour ça j'ai dû payer 10.50€, alors qu'il n'était pas dit sur la liste de prix que le dortoir n'était pas dans le refuge principal. Par ailleurs, le refuge d'hiver est gratuit d'habitude. J'ai eu beau protester, elle n'a rien voulu savoir. Pour moi, ce n'est pas une gardienne de refuge au sens où l'entend en France !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    After a rise in the storm, rain and hail terrible experience at September lakes refuge have opted for the dormitory, the custodian sends me in the "Winter Retreat", a cabin, the door and window are broken and mice bonus. For that I had to pay € 10.50, while it was not said about the price list that the dorm was not in the main sanctuary. Moreover, the winter shelter is usually free. I was fine to protest, she did not want to know. For me it is not a safe guardian in the meaning in France
  • Alvaro - 2012-08-23
    The hut Dom na Komni is modern and to eat there is like to be in a restaurant (excellent Apfelstrudel). The weak point is the lack of shower. No hot water neither. It is posible to make R11+R12 in one day. Beautiful way along the lakes and the Karst landscape.
  • vohi - 2010-09-01
    Dom na Komni: große / moderne Hütte aber relativ teuer! Bettenlager mit Frühstück (nur Müsli) ca 25 Euro. (Bei Bettenlagerwahl keine Duschgelegenheit, nur WC)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Dom na Komni: large / modern cabin is relatively expensive! Camp bed and breakfast (cereal only) about 25 euros. (In bed storage choice no shower facilities, toilet only)
  • Jean-Luc - 2010-03-11
    Cheminement en montagnes russes dans le Karst. Les repères disparaissent, parmi les pins, les bosses et les creux mais l'arrivée au lac Dvojno jezero est un enchantement
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Rollercoaster journey in the Karst. The marks disappear among the pines, bumps and hollows, but the arrival Dvojno jezero Lake is a delight
Last update : 2019-12-15