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Divača, Postojna
Notranjski kras

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R3 Matavun (Divača) » Razdrto
  |   3h30   |   17 km   |   532 m   |   361 m

Nearby are the world-renowned Škocjan Caves, widely regarded as some of the most beautiful in the world and which have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is a completely flat stage across Karstic meadows and forest. The once numerous pastures have today been more-or-less abandoned. There is still a strong maritime influence on the climate and vegetation.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Matavun (Divača)
417 m
| B  10.1 km / 2h00
563 m
| C  6.9 km / 1h30
554 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • Notranjski kras ~ Geodetski zavod Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
  • Slovenska Istra, Čičarija, Brkini, Kras ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Slovenska planinska pot ~ Planinska zveza Slovenije (ISBN 961-6156-11-x)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Stephanie - 2023-05-26
    The official trail leads over an airport, where there are big signs saying you are not allowed to cross, it is also a large area. A good way around is to continue northwest to Doljne Ležeče, from there go northeast till you pick up the trail again.
  • Rembert - 2023-04-08
    Via Alpina Haiku
    3/161 Wednesday April 5, 2023

    At ten guided tour
    Limestone, caves and canyons
    Millions of years behind

    Twelve we start
    Meadows, open space, woods, cows
    Birds sing, spring to come

    Mostly friendly flat
    path meanders. Northeast.
    Oaks that built Venice

    Airstrip - no planes
    Quiet green we cross. Only birds
    All so peaceful now.

    Low tunnel on knees
    Village with church and school
    Highest point seven-ten

    Down to Razdrto now
    Motorway can be heard
    Namos awaits


    Bus Ljubliana
    Riverside Pizza at night
    Bed near airport at nine.

    Plane Belgrad - See town
    then Sweden
    Three happy man home


    [Still work in Progress]
  • Oliver - 2022-07-03
    The village well in Gabrce is dry as are most public water sources in the region. Just ask at one of the houses, the people are friendly and willing to help.
  • Oliver - 2022-07-02
    Hostel Skrla in matavun is a superb option. Camping Option in the back and great staff and facilities
  • Maria - 2022-05-24
    In Matavun das nette Hostel Skrla an der Strecke. Sehr freundlicher Empfang, super nettes Personal, feine Küche, schöner Garten. Absolut empfehlenswert
  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    No water. Good-sized supermarket in Lokev. Well-stocked supermarket (~30sqm) in Senožeče. No supermarket in Razdrto.
  • kessel_kolumna - 2019-06-25
    Heute waren wir zum ersten Mal richtig froh, GPS (App: Komoot) dabei zu haben. Das funktioniert hier in Slowenien übrigens super! Viele Markierungen sind verblasst, überwuchert bzw. es kommt lange nichts. Generell ist für diese Etappe eine lange Hose zu empfehlen (außer es hat wie heute mehr als 30 Grad). Oft geht es durch kniehohes Gras oder durch überwucherte Wege (Stechmücken und Brennessel inklusive). Eigentlich ist es so: Wenn ihr an eine Weggabelung kommt, ist der Weg, wo es mehr wuchert der richtige. :-) Schön ist es aber definitiv! Und auf jeden Fall die Höhlen besuchen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Today we were really happy for the first time to have GPS (App: Komoot) with us. That works great in Slovenia, by the way! Many marks have faded, overgrown or nothing is coming. In general, a long pair of trousers is recommended for this stage (except it has more than 30 degrees today). Often it goes through knee-high grass or through overgrown paths (mosquitoes and stinging nettle included). Actually, it's like this: When you come to a fork in the road, the way it's more sprawling is the right one. :-) It is beautiful but definitely! And definitely visit the caves.
  • Wanderin - 2019-05-17
    In Divaca etwas abseit der Strecke ist das nette Hotel Risnik mit gutem Essen und Frühstück. Vom Bahnhof Divaca gibt es einen Pendelbus zur Höhle von Scocjan.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    In Divaca a bit off the track is the nice hotel Risnik with good food and breakfast. From Divaca Station there is a shuttle bus to the Scocjan Cave.
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  • POPEYE GG - 2018-06-12
    9 juin 2017
    Effectivement, ici pas d'autre hébergement que Mirjam, semble-t-il, et avec le randonneur suisse Fabian, rencontré sur le chemin, nous avons eu droit aussi à la pizza!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    June 9, 2017 Indeed, here no other accommodation than Mirjam, it seems, and with the Swiss hiker Fabian, met on the way, we were also entitled to pizza!
  • Klaus - 2016-09-11
    In Razdro gibt es nur das Mirjam als Unterkunft. Auch hier wieder einfache saubere Zimmer für 34€ incl. Frühstück.
    Nette Terrasse für das Feierabendbier, allerdings nur eine TK-Pizza, welche die Bedienung auf den Tisch zaubert, da hier kein Restaurant angeschlossen ist und es Sonntags im Ort keine andere Essensmöglichkeit gibt. Aber die Verpflegung des letzten Tages sollte auch für heute reichen. :-D
    Automatic translation [Google]
    In Razdro there is only the Mirjam as accommodation. Again, simple clean rooms for 34 € including breakfast. Nice terrace for the Feierabendbier, however only a TK-Pizza, which conjures up the service on the table, since no restaurant is attached and there are no other dining options on Sundays in the village. But the food of the last day should last for today. :-D
  • Klaus - 2016-09-11
    Ich starte die Etappe in Lokev und brauche knapp 1,5 Std. durch angenehme Wiesenlandschaft bis zu den Höhlen in Skocjan. Die Höhlen kenne ich schon von einem vorherigen Besuch, sind aber unbedingt empfehlenswert.
    Der Etappenstart geht direkt hinter der Gastronomie los, ist aber ein bißchen kniffelig ihn zu finden.
    Der Weg ab dem westlichen Ende des Flugplatzes geht noch über Wiesen, dann aber in direkter Hörweite der Autobahn fast bis Gabrce, wo man aus einem netten Dorfbrunnen seine Wasserflasche auffüllen kann. Und Zwetschgen gibt es um diese Jahreszeit auch für umsonst.
    Noch einen knappen Kilometer entlang der Motorradrennstrecke bis Senozece und dann wird die Waldstrecke doch noch ganz angenehm.
    Bis Razdro sind es insgesamt dann doch wieder 7 Stunden. Das Gewicht auf den Schultern sollte man wohl doch nicht vernachlässigen: ohne das wäre ich mindestens eine Stunde schneller gewesen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I start the stage in Lokev and need about 1.5 hours through pleasant meadows to the caves in Skocjan. I know the caves already from a previous visit, but are definitely recommended. The start of the stage starts directly behind the gastronomy, but is a bit tricky to find him. The way from the western end of the airfield is still over meadows, but then in direct earshot of the highway almost to Gabrce, where you can fill up his water bottle from a nice village well. And plums are also available for free this season. Just under a mile along the motorcycle race track to Senozece and then the forest trail is still quite pleasant. To Razdro it is 7 hours in total. The weight on the shoulders should probably not be neglected: without that I would have been at least an hour faster.
  • Regina - 2015-08-01
    Wanderung in umgekehrter Richtung: Matavun ist auf den Schildern nicht zu finden, aber die Skocjanske jame, das sind die Höhlen die dort zu finden sind. Ab Senozece diesen Schildern folgen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Hike in the reverse direction: Matavun can not be found on the signs, but the Skocjan Caves, which are the caves that can be found there. From Senozece follow these signs.
  • Brigitte Duquesnay - 2014-11-03
    Quand nous sommes passés le 29 août 2014, le chemin entre Senozece et Razdrto était toujours impraticable. Nous avons suivi la trace des engins forestiers qui s'écartait de notre tracé. Nous avons pu rejoindre le chemin balisé grâce au GPS mais nous avons pataugé dans la boue jusqu'aux chevilles....
    Automatic translation [Google]
    When we passed August 29, 2014, and the path between Senozece Razdrto was always impractical. We followed the trail of forestry machines that deviated from our path. We were able to reach the marked path through GPS but we waded through the mud to the ankles ....
  • Tof - 2014-06-27
    Attention: chemin encombré d'arbres entre Senozece et Razdrto suite a vague de gel. C'est laborieux voire dangereux par endroits. Pas vu de panneau d'avertissement a Senozece.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Warning: cluttered path between trees and Senozece Razdrto following a wave of frost. It is laborious and even dangerous places. Not seen a warning sign has Senozece.
  • tof lavialpina - 2014-06-18
    A Razdrto, la pension Mirjam vous accueille bien pour un b&b. Elle parle français & anglais. Pour un repas vous traversez la route et vous un super restaurant bon marché. Vanessa parle anglais. Très bon accueil, cuisine maison:
    GOSTILNA NANOS : 00386 40 243 924
    Automatic translation [Google]
    A Razdrto the Mirjam board welcomes you well for a b &amp; b. She speaks French &amp; English. For a meal you cross the road and a great restaurant cheap. Vanessa speaks English. Very welcome, home cooking: gostilna NANOS: 00386 40 243 924
  • Andrea - 2013-05-27
    Pr Vncki in Matavun 10 I highly recommend. Nice rooms and very good meals. Tel. 00386 40 697 827. you'll also find it on Tripadvisor.
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-06-04
    Follow the waymarks. As previously noted, they are good on this stage. If you´re not seeing them, you are going the wrong way!
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-06-04
    When leaving Matavun, be sure to turn right at the 2nd fork in the trail after the viewpoint. The first right is for the rim trail around Skojan. Do not follow sign for Divaca! On reaching the Chapel St. Helen, (on knoll to your right), turn left on paved road & follow slight uphill curve. In ~50 m. there will be signage. Go RIGHT toward airfield.
  • Jean_Louis GIRAUD - 2012-03-29
    Le 12 Juin 2011, arrivé à RAZDRTO au terme de l'étape R3 , j'ai trouvé gite et couvert à :
    Mirjan PAVLIN
    19 RAZDRTO
    Tel 00 386 (0) 41 750 716 ou
    00 386 (0) 57 577 200
    Email :
    Auberge située dans le vilage un peu en retrait de la route principale.
    Hebergement correct avec des prix slovènes.
    En 2011 une francaise, trés sympa et disponible pour quelques conseils, y travaillait . Choix de plats limité ... pizza et bière LASKO !
    Petit dejeuner varié. Il faut déguster le thé préparé avec des plantes cueillies sur les contreforts du Nanos...
    Automatic translation [Google]
    On 12 June 2011, arrived in Razdrto after the R3 stage, I found cottage and covered: PENZION IN CAMP Mirjan PAVLIN 19 Razdrto Tel 00 386 (0) 41 750 716 or      00 386 (0) 57 577 200 Email: mirjam.pavlin @ Hostel located in the vilage a little off the main road. Accommodation prices correct with Slovenia. French in 2011, very nice and available for some tips, worked there. Limited choice of dishes ... LASKO pizza and beer! Breakfast varied. It should taste the tea prepared with herbs picked from the foothills of Nanos ...
  • Mountain Girl - 2011-10-27
    Pri V'ncke is an excellent choice in Matavun and an easy walk to the Skojan Caves.
    If you stay in Matavun, there is no need to go to Divaca.
  • Alpinisten - 2011-09-07
    Die Höhlen von Skocjan sind ab 10 Uhr zu besichtigen, eine Führung dauert ca.90 Minuten... der Weg nach Razdrto dauert 4h30, wir empfehlen unbedingt "Mirjam" als Unterkunft,Frau Pavlin hat sogar persönlich am Abend für uns ein regionales Gericht gekocht, eine großartige Gastfreundschaft.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The Skocjan Caves can be visited from 10 clock, a guided tour lasts about 90 minutes ... the way Razdrto lasts 4h30, we strongly advise that "Miriam" as accommodation, Ms. Pavlin has even personally cooked for us in the evening, a regional court, a great hospitality.
  • WestCoastHikers - 2010-09-06
    The waymarks on this stage are very good. So, if you aren't seeing waymarks then you went the wrong way.
  • Ingo Ronner - 2009-12-07
    There is a fantastic B&B in Matavun, only 2 rooms, Pr Vncki Matavun 10 6215 Divača
    tel: 00 386 5 763 30 73
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There is a fantastic B & B in Matavun, only 2 rooms, Pr Vncki Matavun 10 6215 Divača tel: 00 386 5 763 30 73
Last update : 2019-12-15