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Quality : very good
Italy / Slovenia
Trieste, Hrpelje - Kozina, Sežana, Divača
Notranjski kras

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R2 Rifugio Premuda » Matavun (Divača)
Trail crossing
  |   6h30   |   25.7 km   |   614 m   |   340 m

From the Premuda hut, the trail goes through Val Rosandra to Draga S. Elia, Pese and the border between Italy and Slovenia. It continues along the border on the Slovene side to Mount Cocusso/Kokoš, and then heads down to Lipica, famous for its magnificent and elegant white horses known as Lipizzani. The trail heads towards the Karst, with its vast areas of Karst depressions and its mild climate.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Rifugio Premuda
82 m
|   2 km / 0h40
Draga S. Elia
341 m
|   1 km / 0h20
472 m
|   1 km / 0h20
465 m
| B  5.4 km / 2h00
Planinska koča na Kokoši
669 m
| B  4.6 km / 1h00
410 m
| C  5.6 km / 1h00
459 m
| C  6.1 km / 1h10
Matavun (Divača)
417 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
Links up with the Via Alpina yellow trail which from the Premuda hut goes on through Val Rosandra, up Mount Stena and on to S. Lorenzo and Villa Opicina.
Useful topographic maps
  • 047 ~ Tabacco (1:25000)
  • Primorje in Kras ~ Geodetski zavod Slovenije (1 : 50 000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Carso Triestino ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN 88.85083.24.2)
  • Il Carso della Grande Guerra - Le trincee raccontano - vol. I ~ Edizioni Lint Trieste (ISBN )

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

max. 1000 characters
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2023-08-31
    Tipp: Man kann es sich ersparen, das im GPS-Track angegebene Wegstück von Pesek der Schnellstrasse entlang über die Grenze nach Krvavi Potok zu gehen. Ausgangs Pesek, beim Parkplatz eines ehemaligen Restaurants, führt ein links abzweigender schöner Feldweg über die grüne Grenze zum Hügel in Richtung Sveti Tomaz.
    In Matavun kann man beim hübschen Hostel Skrla übernachten. Es liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe der absolut beeindruckenden Höhlen von Skocjan, die auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert sind.
  • Mochileranja - 2023-06-19
    Planinska koča na Kokoši is still under renovation but you can buy food, camp up there and buy 2-liter bottles of water from them during the weekend (I forgot to ask if they’re open during the week, sorry). Matavun is a cute place and the caves are super impressive!! Hostel Škrla still highly recommended - 10€/night for camping and really nice showers :-)
  • Rembert - 2023-04-08
    Via Alpina Haiku
    2/161 Tuesday April 4, 2023

    Find route? no problem!
    Komoot app, signs sometimes.
    No, not much hassle.

    Rivers we now cross
    old bridges or just stones
    Dry foot managed

    Ciao ciao Italia
    Slovenia here we come
    Later more countries

    Great view back. Goodbye
    Mediterranean Sea
    Alps awaiting now

    Extreme winds blow us
    off our feet. Balance we keep.
    Freezing cold - no snow.

    White horses we miss,
    sheep, ponies and goats we see.
    Friendly villages

    But people are few
    no hikers - we are alone.
    Cave entrance - the end.

    Feet hurt - no blisters
    Thirty thousand steps today
    And more tomorrow
  • Karsten - 2022-07-04
    Lipica was somewhat disappointing, but at least some water (at WC facilities). Entry would have been 16.-. But the sight of the big herd of white mares with their brown foals was great.
    Mind to get to Matavun well before 15:00 to join the last tour to te caves. I missed it by 30 mis but it is supposed to be impressive.
    A stay at Hotel Skrla (22.- dorm) is highly recommended! Very good dinner, cold beer, interesting chats. Camping is also possible.
    And a big shout out to the friendly and helpful staff!!!
  • Maria - 2022-05-08
    The comment below about Idrija belongs in R6
  • Maria - 2022-05-08
    The youth hostel in Idrija is closed until further notice.
  • Maria - 2022-05-08
    Locanda Mario in Draga was closed for renovations on May 3rd 2022. Fortunately we were allowed to camp in the garden or on the parking lot of their property.
  • Carsten - 2022-01-10
    After Bottazzo, when reaching the former railroad track, consider following it to Draga (probably nice). If one continues straight uphill, careful about the switch from trail 1 to 17.

    Public water faucet in Draga.

    After Draga, careful about when to leave the former railroad track.

    Impressive cave system (big tourist attraction) at end of R2.
  • kessel_kolumna - 2019-06-25
    Wenn man zum Gestüt in Lipica möchte, sollte man sich nicht auf die Beschreibung oben verlassen. Denn wie schon vor ein paar Jahren gepostet ist das Eingangstor zum Gestüt abgesperrt. Das heißt zurück und auf einer für uns als gefährlich empfundenen Landstraße entlang bis zum Abzweig zum Gestüt. Auch auf der Karte, die wir vom slowenischen Fremdenverkehrsbüro haben, ist es falsch verzeichnet. Wenn man direkt läuft, passt es vielleicht. Mit unserem Umweg wird es aber schon eine verdammt lange Etappe.

    Vielleicht solltet ihr auch die Beschreibung der Tour entsprechend anpassen.

    Noch ein Tipp: Im Wald nach Lipica gut auf die Wegmarkierungen achten. :-)

    Und in Matavun gibt es sehr wohl Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten. Nur gibt es keine Restaurants. Wir haben hier übernachtet: žnidarčič apartmaji. Dort wurde uns extra ein Frühstück vorbereitet. Top. Das verdiente Feierabend Bier gab‘s Im Hostel Skrla. Die haben auch Kontakt zum Pizzalieferdienst. Sehr lecker.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    If you want to visit the stud in Lipica, do not rely on the description above. As posted a few years ago, the entrance gate to the stud is closed off. That means back and on a road that we consider dangerous, as far as the branch to the stud farm. Also on the map that we have from the Slovenian Tourist Office, it is incorrectly recorded. If you're running right, it might fit. But with our detour it is already a damn long stage. Maybe you should also adjust the description of the tour accordingly. Another tip: in the forest to Lipica pay attention to the trail markings. :-) And in Matavun there are very good places to stay. Only there are no restaurants. We stayed here: žnidarčič apartmaji. There we were extra prepared a breakfast. Top. The deserved after-work beer was served at Hostel Skrla. They also have contact to the pizza delivery service. Delicious.
  • Pedro57 - 2019-06-21
    Pr'Vncki in Matuvan has changed name to Hotel Skrla in the same building. Excellent clean hostel run by an exceptionally nice ypung man and has now opened a campsite on the property.
  • Pedro57 - 2019-06-21
    We have found the comments here very useful and decided to join in. We followed "Popeye's" advice and took the bus (51 or39) to Basovizza and walked to Lokev. Having previously walked the GR5 and GR10, we find an easy couple of days is good to start. On previous walks, I have purchased Viewranger maps but this time we are using (free) open street map and the KML file on this site downloads straight onto it. The downside is that there are no contours but accommodation can be booked directly from the site. Marking is there but often not at intersections so the above tool is great. Lokev has several Gostilinas, Muha is fine, as stated by others.
  • Wanderin - 2019-05-17
    Die Strecke zwischen Krvavi Potok und Pesek ist absolut ätzend und gefährlich an der kurvigen Straße ohne Gehweg. Wir haben uns gefragt, warum die Strecke hier über den Grenzübergang geführt wird, anstatt z. B. über Grozzana. Wir sind das aber nicht gelaufen, sodass ich die Alternative nicht bewerten kann.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The route between Krvavi Potok and Pesek is absolutely corrosive and dangerous on a winding road without a sidewalk. We were wondering why the route here is crossed over the border instead of z. B. via Grozzana. We did not run that, so I can not rate the alternative.
  • POPEYE GG - 2018-06-12
    8 juin 2017
    Je suis parti directement du centre de Trieste par le bus 51 jusqu'à Basovizza, en en direction du centre de recherche "Aera Di Ricerca" et ai pris la route SP10 puis 205 pour retrouver le chemin de la Via alpina à Lipica; intérêt: éviter la montée dans la ville. Arrivé à proximité de Matavun, j'ai visité la grotte de Skocjan reconnues par l'Unesco: à visiter absolument! Il y a même des casiers fermant à clé où j'ai pu poser mon sac-à-dos pendant la visite!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    June 8, 2017 I left directly from the center of Trieste by bus 51 to Basovizza, in the direction of the research center "Aera Di Ricerca" and took the road SP10 then 205 to find the path of the Via Alpina in Lipica ; interest: avoid the rise in the city. Arrived near Matavun, I visited the cave of Skocjan recognized by UNESCO: to visit absolutely! There are even lockable lockers where I was able to put my backpack during the visit!
  • Sophia - 2016-09-23
    Mehrere Unterkünfte in Matavun vorhanden. Haben dort 50€ für ein Doppelzimmer gezahlt.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    @Klaus Several accommodations in Matavun available. There have paid 50 € for a double room.
  • Klaus - 2016-09-11
    Und am Ende der Etappe ist die Gostilna Muha direkt an der Hauptstraße in Lokev - in Matavun gibt es keine Unterkunft - zu empfehlen: Sauberes, relativ modernes Zimmer für 30€ und im Biergarten am Wochenende reichlich Essensauswahl in sehr guter Qualität, die man sich auch in der Küche aussuchen kann. Und Morgens ist ein englisches Gespräch über Gott und die Welt mit dem Padrone bei Ham&Eggs möglich.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    And at the end of the stage is the Gostilna Muha right on the main street in Lokev - there is no accommodation in Matavun to recommend: clean, relatively modern room for 30 € and in the beer garden on the weekend plenty of food selection in very good quality, which you also in the kitchen can choose. And in the morning, an English conversation about God and the world with the Padrone at Ham & Eggs is possible.
  • Klaus - 2016-09-11
    7:02 mit dem Zug ab Göttingen über Venedig nach Trieste. Dank dem gebuchten B&B InValle - 200m vom Startpunkt der 2. Etappe entfernt - wusste ich vom Bus 40, der mich um 21:30 fast vor der sehr empfehlenswerten Unterkunft absetzte.
    Der erste Teil der Etappe zieht sich sehr schön im karstigen Rosandratal hoch und auch der Ausblick vom Kokos - die gute dortigen Gnoccis gibt's leider nur am Wochenende - ist nicht von schlechten Eltern.
    Ich habe es erst 2 Tage später begriffen, dass man der Ausschilderung Aufmerksamkeit schenken muss, da häufig kleine Wege abzweigen, die man erstmal nicht wahrnimmt. Auch deshalb habe ich mit meinen 12 kg auf dem Buckel für die Etappe ca. 7 Stunden gebraucht.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    7:02 by train from Göttingen via Venice to Trieste. Thanks to the booked B & B InValle - 200m from the starting point of the 2nd stage - I knew from the bus 40, which settled me at 21:30 almost before the highly recommended accommodation. The first part of the stage stretches very nicely in the karstic Rosandra valley and also the view from the coconut - the good gnocchi there are only on weekends - is not from bad parents. I realized it only 2 days later that you have to pay attention to the signposting, as often small paths branch off, which one does not notice first. That's why I needed about 7 hours with my 12 kg on the hump for the stage.
  • Regina - 2015-08-01
    Wanderung in umgekehrter Richtung: Abstecher zur Stud Farm in Lipica für Interessierte lohnenswert (stündlich Führungen -Dauer 1h, Kosten 2015: 12€). Mit dem Abstecher kann es sinnvoll sein, die Etappe R3 bis nach Lokev zu verlängern und die Etappe R2 um 6km zu verkürzen. Damit bleibt ausreichend Zeit für die Farmbesichtigung.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Hike in the reverse direction: detour to the Stud Farm in Lipica for those interested worthwhile (hourly tours -Duration 1h, costs 2015: € 12). With the trip, it may be useful to the stage R3 to Lokev according to lengthen and the stage R2 to shorten 6km. This leaves enough time for the farm tour.
  • Brigitte Duquesnay - 2014-09-17
    N'ayant pas pu nous entrainer avant notre départ, nous avons décidé de commencer à Premuda et de faire étape à Lipica. Très bonne introduction. La descente de Kokos à Lipica est très glissante par temps humide.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Having been unable to train us before we left, we decided to start Premuda and to step in Lipica. Great introduction. The descent of Kokos Lipica is very slippery in wet weather.
  • Caterina gregorio - 2014-06-11
    Our B&B is just few hundreds metres from Rifugio Premuda. We are open all days of the week for anyone who wants to stay for the night ! Breakfast , wi-fi and private bathroom included in the price ! Booking the room in advance is strongly recommanded since we have got just one room ( max 3 people) . For more info visit our site: or our facebook page\bebinvalle
  • Mountain Girl - 2013-10-21
    Take a sharp L immediately after RR trestle beyond Draga. This is Trail 17, even though marker isn't numbered here (no VA sign either).
    If you miss this turn, fear not: continue on RR track, passing old Sant Elia RR station, cross border & take next L uphill. This will take you up to hamlet of Michele. Follow the paved road to highway, near gas station, where VA is rejoined. Note: If you follow Option 1, turn R on reaching highway. You will need to walk ~1km on this busy road, crossing border into Slovenia, then watch for gas station on left and VA trail marker.
  • John from Bath - 2013-05-21
    The Kokos refuge is open weekends only. If you are using the Kartografija Via Alpina map, this shows 2 routes between Kokos and the stone quarry E of Lipica. If you go to the border crossing, then to the original entrance gate to the Lipica estate (behind the petrol station), there is a private notice. If you then walk down the old drive, there is a security guard at the first buildings who will direct you to go round the road which circles the two hotels to the public road. The paint markings and signs are met again at the stone quarry.
  • Henk - 2013-04-20
    Good news: The trail between Muggia and Premuda is now clearly way marked. Follow red-white (CAI 1) or blue-white (Alpe Adria Trail)
  • Mountain Girl - 2012-12-22
    My general advice for hiking through Slovenia: get a good local map and be vigilant for the red & white trail markings and/or place name signs. Via Alpina follows Trail # 1 through Slovenia, and trail markings DO exist, but are often faded, tiny, or obscured by brush. (It’s a bit like an archeological expedition!) If you haven’t seen any trail markings for a while, you’re probably going the wrong way. Enjoy the experience—it’s a beautiful country!
  • Elisabeth - 2012-11-17
    "Refuge" de Kokos fermé en semaine. Balisage assez confus autour de Lipica (plusieurs sentiers ont le même balisage rouge et blanc. Pas d'indications aux croisements.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    "Refuge" of Kokos closed on weekdays. Markup quite confused about Lipica (several paths have the same red and white markings. No indications at intersections.
  • National secretariat - Slovenia - 2012-09-21
    To avoid any problems, be careful when folowing Via Alpina after the hut on Kokoš. Go straight over the yard and find the path. Do not follow the path to the Lipica border crossing!
  • Mountain Girl - 2011-10-30
    The refuge at the top of Kokos opened WEEKENDS ONLY in June 2011. (I'm not sure about the high season.) It offers food and a simple dorm.
    Hotel Klub at the Lipica Stud Farm offers affordable rooms in a bucolic setting. I loved staying here! The higher-priced hotel next door provides food and draft beer: Enjoyed my first taste of Slovenian beer, "Lasko" on tap. A sublime experience.
  • Daniel - 2011-10-20
    The refuge at Kokos offer no accommodation. You can stay at Lokev (Good, 3 beautiful apartments funded by the EU) opposite the new Tourist Office, and at Ledenica.
  • Alpinisten - 2011-09-27
    Es gibt seit Sommer 2011 eine sehr schöne neue Übernachtungsmöglichkeit auf einer Farm kurz vor Matavun: "Domacija Vrbin", Kcice-Pared 25, 6215 Divaca, Tel.: +386(0)5 763 10 65, GSM: 040 601 651, 041 473 905,; liegt direkt am Weg! Wir haben in Matavun übernachtet in Pr`vncki, ganz toll, muß man aber unbedingt reservieren.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There since the summer of 2011 a beautiful new place to stay on a farm just before Matavun: "Domacija Vrbin" Kcice-Pared 25, 6215 Divaca, Tel: +386 (0) 5 763 10 65, Mobile phone: 040 601 651, 041 473 905, e-mail:, is right on the way! We have stayed in Matavun in Pr `vncki, quite mad, but absolutely necessary to reserve.
  • WestCoastHikers - 2010-09-06
    When descending from Kokos, contrary to the instructions on this site, do not follow the path to the Lipica border crossing. The road from there to Lipica is blocked by a gate and you will be forced to walk along the highway to Skibini.

    I believe there is a path from the back of the mountain hut down to Skibini.
  • vohi - 2010-09-01
    Wege sind ab hier immer schlechter ausgeschildert..
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Paths are signposted here from bad to worse ..
  • ROUSSELLE - 2010-01-06
    A Matavun même, possibilité d'hébergement à l'auberge Pr'VNCKI
    Automatic translation [Google]
    A Matavun even overnight accommodation at the inn Pr'Vncki
  • ROUSSELLE - 2010-01-06
    à Lipica, ne pas entrer dans le domaine des Haras mais partir vers Velenica et Lokev
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Lipica, do not enter the field but from Stud to Velenica and Lokev
  • ROUSSELLE - 2010-01-06
    Possibilité de logement à Draga Sant'Elia : Hôtel Locanda Mario 22 San Dorligo delle Valle 34018 Italie Tél.: 0039 40228193 Bon rapport qualité prix pour la 1/2Pension
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Possibility of housing Draga Sant'Elia: Hotel Locanda Mario 22 San Dorligo delle Valle 34018 Italy Tel.: 0039 40228193 Good value for 1/2Pension
  • miriam - 2009-09-04
    empfehlenswerte Übernachtungsmöglichkeit: . Das sympathische und hilfsbereite junge Gastgeberpaar gab uns interessante Wandertips in der Umgebung und ein herrlich liebevoll hergerichtetes Frühstück :) Dazu Hängematten im Garten und interessante Gespräche mit den GastgeberInnen Ervin und Tamara.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    recommendable place to stay: The sympathetic and helpful young couple hosts gave us interesting Tips for hiking in the area and a wonderful breakfast :) This lovingly prepared but hammocks in the garden and talking with the hosts Ervin and Tamara.
Last update : 2019-12-15