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France / Italy
Piemonte / Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Cuneo / Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Acceglio / Larche
Valle Maira / Ubaye

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
D52 Chiappera » Larche
Trail crossing
  |   5h10   |   11.5 km   |   1007 m   |   1046 m

From Chiappera the trail heads down briefly along Maurin Valley only to climb up the steep slopes westwards again. The route is along an old cart road to Grangia Pausa, and then along a trail. The crossing into France is made via the Sautron pass, a very mineral landscape, and then the trail heads downward through pastureland to the stopover village of Larche, rebuilt after the war.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1627 m
| D  0.5 km / 0h05
Pilone Bastier
1590 m
| D  6.1 km / 3h20
Colle del Sautron
2692 m
| D  3.8 km / 1h20
X GR 5
1940 m
| D  1.1 km / 0h25
1690 m
Detailed route description
Useful topographic maps
Useful guidebooks
  • Monte Viso-Alpi Cozie meridionali, M.Bruno ~ CAI/TCI Milano (ISBN 1987)
  • Camminaitalia, Cannobini, Carnovalini, Valsesia ~ Le guide di Airone, Mondadori (ISBN 1995)
  • In cima-70 normali nelle Cozie meridionali, M.Bruno ~ L'arciere blu, Cuneo (ISBN 1995)
  • La Grande Traversée des Alpes et le Tour de l'Ubaye - Réf. 531 ~ Fédération Française de Randonnée (ISBN 978-2-7514-0267-8)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • frankie9594 - 2017-10-14
    Monaco- Trieste

    Leaving Larche, the trail stays to the left of the river. Make sure to make the correct turn for Col de Sautron.

    Everything said about "Bivouac Danilo Sartore" is true if you can manage to stay there the nigh, it is worth it.

    Possible to Bivouac along the trail by the lake close to Saretto. Camping is also available north of Chiappera.

  • Nathalie & Hubert - 2015-06-16
    Étape parcourue dans le sens Larche -> Chiappera vendredi 12/06/2015: pratiquement plus de neige sur le sentier, col bien dégagé sur les deux versants, sentiers bien balisés. Superbe itinéraire au paysage très varié. Très bon accueil aux gîtes Le Refuge à Larche et Campo Base à Chiappera.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Step in the direction traveled Larche -> Chiappera Friday, 06/12/2015: almost no snow on the trail, although scoop neck on both sides, well-marked trails. Very welcome to the lodgings Refuge in Larche and Campo Base Chiappera.
  • tof - 2015-05-17
    Trieste-Monaco le 8/10/14

    Etape au bivouac de luxe (Danilo Sartore), bien entretenu, pourvu que ça dure. Pas d'eau, des couvertures et matelas. Voir l'histoire de cet alpiniste mort en montagne:

    Avant la montée, repas au refuge Campo Base: super repas, bon prix , bon accueil. ça fait du bien !
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Trieste-Monaco on 10/8/14 Stage at luxury bivouac (Sartore Danilo), well maintained, as long as it lasts. No water, blankets and mattresses. See the history of this mountain climber death: Before the climb, meals Campo refuge Base: great meal, good price, good reception. it feels good!
  • Thierry M. - 2013-11-23
    Monaco - Trieste

    Via Alpina gets off the GR5 shortly after leaving Larche towards East

    It took me 2h30 from Larche camping ground to reach Colle del Sautron, crossing few neves on the way up (mid June 2013)

    more snow on the Italian side when reached Colle del Sautron

    Great located Bivacco Danilo Sartore (always open and free) is about 30mins down...Steep way down from Colle delle Sautron..ground is unstable on the italian careful if snow remains

    water should be available nearby the Bivacco Sartore

    From Bivacco Danilo Sartore to Chiappera Campo Base (food + accomodation), took me about 2hours going down on a nice sunny day

    Rifugio campo base phone number has changed +39 334 841 604

    Rifugio campo Base is worth stopping by..had a great lunch served (good value for money) there by Daniella and friendly staff

  • Sabine Bade - 2013-02-26
    Auf 2.440 Metern Höhe steht das neue Bivacco Danilo Sartore unterhalb des Colle del Sautron;
    Es bietet Platz für 8 Personen und ist stets geöffnet.
    Weitere Infos:
    Automatic translation [Google]
    At 2,440 meters, the new bivouac Danilo Sartore is below the Colle del Sautron, It sleeps 8 people and is always open. Further information: Sabine
  • Neko - 2011-01-23
    Der Campingplatz von Larche (La Marmotte) ist sehr zu empfehlen: gutes Essen, Waschmaschine, sehr freundlich. Öffnet am 1. Juni (Stand Sommer 2010)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The camp of Larche (La Marmotte) is highly recommended: good food, washing machine, very friendly. Opens on 1 June (as of summer 2010)
Last update : 2013-09-04