Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
Schwanberger-Brendlhütte » Koralpenhaus
2h45 |
10.3 km
457 m
58 m
Via Alpina continues from the Schwanberger Brendl hut over soft alpine pastures right along the border between the federal provinces of Carinthia and Styria to the Koralpenhaus lodge, offering wonderful panoramic views over the entire Lavanttal valley. Cross the Glitzfelsen cliffs at an altitude of 1,829m and the Kleiner Frauenkogel and Ochsenstein peaks.
In front of the refuge, the trail leads across meadowland on a gentle incline. Then it branches off to the left, crosses the cattlefield and arrives in sparse woodland. There is a leisurely, even walk in the pleasant shadow of the trees until the Glitzfelsen come into view. A wayside shrine made of loose stones, the "Kramerin", stands in memory of a woman who lost her life here in a snowstorm. Now continue straight ahead, veering slightly to the right at the following fork in the road, not left in the direction of Glitzalm. The trail runs alongside the fence over open countryside upwards to the Glitzfelsen, which unfortunately loses some of its beauty due to the necessary power line (approx. 1h). In the distance, it is already possible to distinguish the Großer Speikkogel mountain from here, which can be recognised through the radar domes of air traffic control. From the Glitzfelsen, there is then a leisurely walk gently downhill and then slightly uphill to the Kleine Frauenkogel mountain, from where the trail again goes downwards and then, once below the Grosser Frauenkogel, heads upwards to the Ochsenstein peak. At the pass, the Lavanttal ridge path branches off to the left via Brandl into the Lavanttal valley. To the right, a track leads directly to the summit cross of the Grosser Speikkogel. However, Via Alpina follows the path straight to the Koralpenhaus inn, which is located in a wonderful setting (approx. 2h from the Glitzfelsen). (Christina Schwann, OeAV)
Natural and cultural heritage
The Koralm meadow belongs to the Central Alps and consists mainly of gneiss and mica schiste. These very old mountains in terms of the earth’s history are characterised by wide rounded forms that were created by weathering. The Koralm meadow forms the western border to the Styrian basin and the eastern limit of the Lavanttal valley. In the lower areas there are imposing high-alpine forests, and in the upper area extensive pastureland. Alpine valerian (in German “echte Speik”) blooms in summer on the limestone-free terrain, thus giving the Speikkogel peak its name. Rock shapes that have been weathered away entirely are described as "Öfen" (ovens). The Koralm crystal trail runs right through the Koralm meadow, imparting all there is to know about this region. On the way to the Glitzfelsen, you will pass the "Die Kramerin" chapel, which was built by the men of the mountain rescue service and their assistants, as several dead women were found in this area. Snowstorms had obviously been the cause of their misfortune. For instance, one of the memorial plaques tells of the tragic fates with these words: "A lady from Carinthia on her way to the glass hut who froze to death in the snow drifts". Indeed, the Koralm meadow is known for its violent winter storms that can lead to massive metre-high snow drifts. (Christina Schwann, OeAV)
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Berta - 01.07.19
Das Koralpenhaus hat geschlossen, es gibt hier keine Möglichkeit zum Nächtigen. Wir haben auf der Glitzalm geschlafen. Es ist eine private Almhütte, sehr einfach mit Lager aber sehr gemütlich und wirklich freundlichen Leuten und gutem Essen. Vorher anrufen und fragen ob es Platz gibt ( 0043664930650 )
Automatic translation
Berta - 01.07.19 http: //behoefler@gmail.com The Koralpenhaus has closed, there is no possibility to stay here. We slept on the Glitzalm. It is a private alpine hut, very basic with camp but very cozy and really friendly people and good food. Call ahead and ask if there is room (0043664930650)
Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.