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Intermediate accommodation possibility
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Bakery / grocery
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A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
D38 Rifugio D. Arlaud » Usseaux
  |   4h40   |   15.02 km   |   878 m   |   1192 m

From the Arlaud hut, a dirt track leads through fields and thin pinewoods to Mount Testa dell'Assietta. A broad mule track, almost level, leads to the Assietta pass. A trail then leads down to Balboutet, where it becomes a mule track again and leads easily on to Usseaux.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Rifugio D. Arlaud
1754 m
| B  7.18 km / 2h30
Colle dell'Assietta
2455 m
| B  6.45 km / 1h50
1579 m
| B  1.39 km / 0h20
1443 m
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The track up Mount Assietta continues through the Finestre pass and on to Susa; it is used by mountain bikers, mostly foreign.
Useful topographic maps
Useful guidebooks
  • Val di Susa a piedi, usando la testa, L.Marchisio, M.Carena ~ ed.Arti Grafiche, Grugliasco (ISBN 1997)
  • Camminaitalia, Cannobini, Carnovalini, Valsesia ~ Le guide di Airone, Mondadori (ISBN 1995)
  • la draia, Guida ai Beni culturali delle Valli Chisone e Germanasca ~ Alzani ed.,Pinerolo (ISBN 1998)
Tourist offers

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • Sabine Bade - 2013-02-26
    Die Casa Assietta ist bewirtschaftet von Mitte Juni bis Mitte September und bietet
    18 Plätze in 6- und 4-Bettzimmern;
    Tel: +39 0122 456117
    Weitere Infos:
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The Casa Assietta is serviced from mid-June to mid-September and offers 18 places in 6 - and 4-bed rooms, Tel: 39 0122 456117 Further information: assietta / Sabine
  • Sabine Bade - 2012-07-10
    Es gibt eine weitere Übernachtungsmöglichkeit auf dieser Etappe:
    Am 15. Juli 2012 wird auf über 2.500 Metern auf dem Assietta-Kamm die ‚Casa Assietta’ eröffnet, die 18 Schlafplätze bietet. Untergebracht im Gebäude der Casa Cantoniera am Lago dell’Assietta steht das neue Rifugio direkt am Weg unterhalb der Testa di Mottas.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    There is another place to stay on this stage: On 15 Opened in July 2012 to over 2,500 meters on the Assietta Crest, Casa Assietta ', which has 18 beds. Housed in the building of Casa Cantoniera Lake dell'Assietta the new refuge is right on the path below the Testa di Motta.
  • Sabine_Bade - 2012-07-08
    Da kann ich D.Lepaul nur recht geben: Die benötigte Zeit für diese Etappe liegt bei 6,5 - 7 Stunden.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Since I can only agree D.Lepaul: The time required for this stage is 6.5 - 7 hours.
  • D. Lepaul - 2012-05-25
    Je pense qu'il faut plus 1h15 pour faire cette étape
    Automatic translation [Google]
    I think it takes more to make this step 1:15
Last update : 2013-06-14