Rifugio Levi-Molinari » Rifugio D. Arlaud
From the Levi Molinari hut the trail climbs to the Chabriere pass and then heads down to the road, to be followed as far as Eclause. After Salbertrand, the walker crosses the Dora river and takes the GTA trail through woods to the Arlaud hut in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand nature park.
Detailed route description
From the Levi Molinari hut, follow the trail through the woods to the Chabriere pass. The trail from here is faint in parts as it heads down to the road. Near Eclause, leave the road to follow a trail through fields and woodland to the village of Salbertrand. An attractive series of porticoes leads to the centre of the village. Pass through them to the Dora stream. Cross the stream to the other side of the valley to climb a GTA trail through the Great Salbertrand Wood to the Arlaud hut.
(Regione Piemonte)
Natural and cultural heritage
The Colombano Romean Eco-museum bears witness to the traditions of the past. It contains structures, objects and equipment used in daily life and demonstrations of activities carried out using traditional methods and techniques. Colombano Romean was a miner and digger who, in 1526 and all on his own, began a 500m tunnel (1.80 by 1m) at 2000m of altitude, to channel water from the Touilles stream to the other side of the mountain, above Chiomonte and Cels. He worked on it for 8 years, living inside the mountain on 2 flagons of wine and 2 bundles of rye a month, supplied by the community. He was also paid 5 florins for each fathom he dug.
(Regione Piemonte)
Useful topographic maps
1 ~ IGC Valli di Susa e Chisone (1: 50000)
Last update : 2015-08-05
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