Gressoney-Saint-Jean » Piedicavallo
Across pastures, through conifer and hardwood forests and old Walser villages, the stage leads to the Lazouney and Mologna Grande passes. The trail leads down to the Rivetti hut, through scree and grass slopes. Another long descent leads down to lower ground and the hamlet of Piedicavallo.
Detailed route description
From Gressoney-Saint-Jean the road at the bottom of the valley leads downwards. Turn off at Ondro Mettie to head for Lomatto along a minor road. From here a bridleway leads over the Loo stream to the Loo pastures. The signs are now for trail 12. It passes through many pastures and conifer and broadleaf woods. The climb towards the Lazoney pass cuts through the villages of Onder Loo and Ondro Bodma (2076m). Continuing along the valley floor, following the signs for trail 12, it goes over one last ridge and reaches a plain containing a marsh. Turn right here to the Lazouney pass (2402m). Then follow the signs for trail 6a to the Mologna Grande pass. From the Mologna Grande pass a broad trail picks its way through steep and sometimes rocky slopes to the Rivetti hut, at the end of a minor detour. Continuing downhill the trail cuts across the middle of the slope to the Mologna Piccola pass and then joins the trail linking the pass to the bottom of the valley. Turning eastwards sharply the route descends suddenly into the valley of the Mologna stream and, passing some crumbling alpine huts, leads finally to Piedicavallo.
(Regione Piemonte)
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
From the Rivetti hut there are routes that climb to the following peaks: Punta Tre Vescovi, Monte Rosso del Croso, Gemelli di Mologna, Monte Cossarello. Partly follow GTA stage 237.
Useful topographic maps
9 ~ IGC Ivrea Biella, Bassa Valle d'Aosta (1: 50.000)
Monte Rosa ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
Useful guidebooks
Guida delle Alpi Biellesi, G.Regis ~ libreria Giovannacci, Biella (ISBN )
Guida n°3-Le Valli del Monte Rosa ~ Guide dell'Escursionista (ISBN )
Guide IGC/TO Cervino,Mattherhorn, Monte Rosa, G.Berutto ~ IGC/TO (ISBN 1996)
Picture gallery
Last update : 2013-07-16
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