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M.Capezzone - Prealpi Piemontesi

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
D12 Campello Monti » Santa Maria di Fobello
  |   5h30   |   14.3 km   |   573 m   |   774 m

From Campello Monti the trail is steep but easily walked, through woods and pastures. After the Bocchetta di Campello Monti gap, the trail descends to the hamlet of Roncaccio from where a level trail winds away through rocks and beech and fir woods. From Alpe Res, the trail leads to the hamlet of Belvedere di Fobello, near Santa Maria.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Campello Monti
1305 m
| D  2.6 km / 1h50
Bocchetta di Campello
1924 m
| D  0.6 km / 0h15
Alpe Pianello
1801 m
| A  4.8 km / 1h15
1216 m
| C  1 km / 0h15
Roncaccio Inferiore
1100 m
| D  1.7 km / 1h00
1540 m
| A  3.6 km / 0h55
Santa Maria di Fobello
1125 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The trail follows the GTA route.
Useful topographic maps
  • 10 ~ IGC Monte Rosa, Alagna e Macugnaga (1: 50000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Camminaitalia, Carnovalini, Cannobini, Valsesia ~ CAI-TCI (ISBN 1995)
Tourist offers

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • FX - 2023-09-23
    Itinéraire réalisé de Riale (D1) à MontCenis (D34) du 19/08 au 12/09/23.
    Très joli parcours par la Bocchetta du Campello puis redescente à travers les différents hameaux walser de Rimella (où il semble y avoir des hébergements luxueux !) puis arrivée à Rimella (café, restaurant, hôtel assez cher, présence de wifi). Il faut descendre jusqu'à la rivière pour la passer puis remonter de l'autre coté, dans des hameaux plus sauvages.
    A San Rocco, petite auberge très sympa avec wifi "Circolo Osteria della Piana" (quand on arrive à la route, la prendre à gauche et revenir vers le village sur environ 300m).
    Le chemin suit ensuite la route jusqu'à Santa Maria où il est sensé y avoir un PostoTappa, mais s'il correspond au panneau vu sur une maison délabrée... il ne fait pas envie (mais non exploré) !
    Ce jour-là, nous avons poussé jusqu'au Refuge de Baranca.
    Trace GPX :
  • Andreas - 2015-08-02
    Schöne und leichte Wanderung nach Rimella. Unsere Empfehlung: Campello Monti bis Rimella wandern, dort im Albergo Fontana ( übernachten. Dort kann man auf Nachfrage auch zelten. Sehr tolles Albergo, fantastisches Essen und sehr nette, hilfsbereite Besitzer. Dort kann man auch einkaufen. Dann Campello Monti bis Alpe Baranca wandern und dort übernachten ( Lohnt und teilt die Etappen zwischen Campello Monti und Carcoforo, wohin am nächsten Tag wandert, viel besser ein.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Beautiful and easy hike to Rimella. Our recommendation: Campello Monti to Rimella hiking, stay there at Albergo Fontana ( There you can camp on demand also. Very great Albergo, fantastic food and very nice, helpful owners. There you can also buy. Then Campello Monti to Alpe Baranca hike and stay there ( Worth and shares the stages between Campello Monti and Carcoforo, whereas the next day wandering, much better one.
  • John - 2015-06-24
    Warning! Don't use the provided GPS track! It is completely wrong for the part between Bocch. di Campello Monti and Rimella, it will lead you into very steep and very dangerous terrain between San Gottardo and Sella. Also, the "GTA" markings on this particular part of the trail are often confusing and can be misleading. Best to use the GPS track provided here:
    For Rimella -> La Res a precise GPS track is here:
    and for La Res -> S. Maria di Fobello here:

  • Mountain Girl - 2012-10-25
    In Rimella, Albergo Fontana is an old-style, family-run hotel with cozy rooms and wonderful multi-course dinners. 56 euros for a single with dinner in 2012. Rimella itself is charming; worth a stopover. The whole place is intensely, profoundly, Italian. Reservations recommended.
  • albergo della posta - 2012-07-06
    ciao, l'Albergo della Posta di Fobello ha cambiato gestione e perciò anche tutti i recapiti, quelli nuovi sono sul sito
    tel 0163 55914 cell 342 8335565
    Vi aspettiamo stanze nuove ottima cucina/cantina e sauna!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    hello, Albergo della Posta Fobello has changed ownership and therefore also all the contact details, the new ones are on the site tel 0163 55914 Mobile 342 8335565 We are waiting for new rooms good food / wine cellar and sauna!
  • Martine Keller - 2011-06-16
    Dans le sens Santa Maria - Campello Monti:
    Le sentier au départ de Maria de Fobello est introuvable. Il faut faire de la route jusqu’à Belvédère et suivre le panneau "GTA".
    Automatic translation [Google]
    In the direction of Santa Maria - Campello Monti The trail departing from Maria Fobello is found. Must be the road to Belvedere and follow the sign "GTA".
  • ROUSSELLE - 2010-01-04
    Le point Quota 1540m n'existe pas.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Quota 1540m point does not exist.
Last update : 2018-11-28