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Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
C12 Griesalp » Kandersteg
  |   7h10   |   14.5 km   |   1333 m   |   1582 m

Leave the Griesalp heading southward and climb up past the Bundalp to the Hohtürli pass, the highest point on the Via Alpina trail through Switzerland. Below the Blüemlisalp glacier, walk down to the Öschinensee lake. Follow its outlet - the Öschinenbach stream to reach Kandersteg, the stage destination.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1415 m
| D  2.6 km / 1h30
Oberi Bundalp
1838 m
| D  2.7 km / 2h20
2772 m
| D  3.1 km / 1h20
1974 m
| D  2.4 km / 1h00
1587 m
| D  3.7 km / 1h00
1174 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 264 T Jungfrau ~ Swisstopo ( 1:50'000)
  • 253 T Wildstrubel ~ Swisstopo ( 1:50'000)
  • Sannenland-Simmental Frutigland ~ Hallwag Kümmerly + Frey, ISBN 3-259-00805-5 ( 1:60'000)
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  • Eric db - 2022-09-14
    Pas de possibilité d'hébergement à Oberbärgli en 2022, apparemment uniquement des boissons jusqu'à 18 heures (je n'ai pas vérifié si l'on peut manger). Remarque: dans la liste ci-dessus, dans la rubrique Oberbärgli, on trouve le contact pour Unterbärgli, environ 200 mètres de dénivelée plus bas, où on ne peut a priori pas non plus dormir (information par téléphone, à vérifier)
  • Socrate Georgiades - 2019-09-06
    Une des étapes les plus éprouvantes de Suisse, sous le soleil, fort dénivelé mais l'arrivée au refuge vaut le détour. Beaucoup campent au bord du lac Oeschnen avant Kandersteg. J'ai choisi de dormir un peu plus bas, au bord de la rivière et des fraises des bois.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    One of the most difficult stages of Switzerland, under the sun, very uneven but the arrival to the refuge is worth the detour. Many camp at Lake Oeschnen before Kandersteg. I chose to sleep a little lower, by the river and wild strawberries.
  • frankie9594 - 2018-05-01
    Monaco- Trieste

    Decided to bypass Griesalp. The way I chose to do this was by taking the trail east by Schnattweng. Stay on this trail south, and it will take you to the other side of the valley. Do not go towards Gamchi. It will take much longer due to the elevation changes. There is a SAC scout hut called Gspaltenhornhutte. That you can stay the night at. Also there is a flat area off the trail on the way to Rotstockhutte that can be used as a bivouac.
  • Tof - 2015-01-21
    Trieste-Monaco le 4/9/14
    Départ de Bundlager, montée raide. De la neige au col et dans le début de la descente. Encore une belle ambiance haute-montagne!

    A Kandersteg toutes commodités. /!\ A noter que la recharge en gaz de type Primus (avec pas filleté EN417) n'est pas disponible dans cette station aux 3 magasins de sport.

    Bivouac possible avant le centre scout dans un bois en bord de rivière. 10 minutes à pied de la gare sur le chemin de l'étape suivante.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Trieste-Monaco on 04/09/14 Leaving Bundlager, steep climb. Snow collar and in the beginning of the descent. Another beautiful high mountain atmosphere! A Kandersteg all amenities. /! \ Note that the recharge Primus gas type (with not filleted EN417) is not available in this resort for 3 sports shops. Bivouac possible before Scout center in a wooden river. 10 minutes walk from the station on the way to the next step.
  • Thierry M - 2013-12-27
    Monaco - Trieste

    There are 2 hotel/restaurant at Oeschinensee..did not stopped by asked price..45CHF for B&B

    the nearby Oberbärgli also offers accomodation (much nicer location)

    Blüemlisalphütte is 5min off the trail from the pass

    No need to get down all the way to Griesalp...there are 2 options to bypass this low location (one of the trail was closed in July 2013), the other one is passing by a restaurant by the water stream. Water available in that area
  • downhill - 2012-08-25
    Ein aktueller Link zum Thema Wasserknappheit bei der Blüemlisalphütte (im Zusammenhang mit Beitrag joan):
    Automatic translation [Google]
    A recent link about water scarcity in the Blüemlisalphut (related to post joan):
  • joan - 2011-09-22
    20' past Kandersteg you can sleep and eat at your will at the cheapest place of the whole Via Alpina: the International Scout Center. They are a little afar from town, and they are a little bit on the burocratic side, but in September 2011 they asked me 43 Sf. for half board in a small dortoir in September 2011. A miracoulous price for the always expensive Switzerland.
  • joan - 2011-09-22
    I known there are splendids views (if there is good weather), but avoid if you can Blüemlisalphütte: they have NO showers on a very big and very modern refuge. And NO drinking water (except if you pay them 11 swiss francs for a bottle!, in a building sourrended by a glacier). Instead, they propose you thousands of liters of beer and thousands of bottles of wine they carry every two days by helicopter at stratospheric prices.
  • mcccliv - 2011-01-12
    6oct02010: despite frigid water, I could not resist a dip in Oeschinensee. Thanks to the hosts of Blüemlis hut for offering lunch and freshly made apricot pie.
  • Diem - 2010-07-22
    Die Gehzeiten nach Wegweiser gelten nur für die Gehrichtung Kandersteg - Griesalp.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Walking times to guide apply only to the direction of walking Kandersteg - Griesalp.
  • Diem - 2009-08-25
    Gehzeiten nach Wegweiser:
    Aufstieg 5h00, Abstieg 2h30
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Time required to sign: 5:00 ascent, descent 2:30
  • Lou Papé - 2009-07-28
    Alpage de Oberi Bundalp: très bien situé, personnel très serviable mais les patrons sont des "ours mal léchés"
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Alpine Oberi Bundalp: Great location, helpful staff but the bosses are "evil bear licked"
Last update : 2019-12-19