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Quality : very good
St. Gallen

UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Glarner Hauptüberschiebung
Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
C3a Sargans » Weisstannen
  |   4h30   |   12.4 km   |   727 m   |   230 m

Leave Sargans behind and pass Mels heading westward, climbing up on the right-hand side of the valley to Weisstannen. The Sargans - Weisstannen stretch can also be covered by bus.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
484 m
| A  2.1 km / 0h40
496 m
| D  3.5 km / 1h30
1016 m
| D  4.3 km / 1h30
910 m
| D  2.5 km / 0h50
984 m
Detailed route description
Natural and cultural heritage
Useful topographic maps
  • 237 T Walenstadt ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • 247 T Sardona ~ Swisstopo (1: 50'000)
  • Glarnerland-Walensee ~ Hallwag Kümmerly und Frey AG / ISBN 3-259-00865-9 (1: 60'000)
Useful guidebooks

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  • Peter Starling - 2017-12-20
    In sargans, we pitched on the remains of a parking lot near a small wildlife reserve around 47.035092 North, 9.423803 East.
    ...Probably not legal, but we figured it wouldn't hurt anyone if we stayed on the parking lot remains. No regrets.

    The hike to Weisstannen is not strenuous and has plenty of water. Cheese can be aquired along the trail. There's also a small grocery store in Weisstannen, altho it wasn't open when we came by.
  • Tof - 2015-01-07
    Trieste-Monaco le 20/8/14

    Bivouac à Untersasse avant la montée pour le Foopass. Au-dessus d'un centre de vacances.

    Ravitaillement possible en fromage à Vorsiez, un peu cher mais bon. Accueil juste commercial.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Trieste-Monaco on 20/8/14 Bivouac Untersasse before the rise for foopass. Over a resort. Can Vorsiez refueling cheese, a little expensive but good. Trade fair reception.
  • Thierry M. - 2014-01-11
    Monaco - Trieste
    Weisstannen - Sargans is about 3h30 down (forest mainly), transition hike
  • auf-guten-wegen - 2012-10-27
    Der offiziell ausgeschilderte Weg führt ab Steinegg neu dem Bach entlang nach Weisstannen und folgt nicht mehr dem Höhenweg über Windegg.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The officially-marked path leads from Steinegg new along the river to white fir and no longer follows the trail via Windegg.
  • joan - 2011-09-22
    Dortoir at Vorsiez, yes, but a little bit on the expensive side, plus they receive a lot of tourists groups. One of these big groups was using the dortoir first floor as a disco until midnight on the Saturday the 27th of August 2011 I slept there. Add to that that they want you to PAY for drinking water!.
  • Lou Papé - 2010-07-27
    Pris sous une violente averse, nous avons trouvé un bon réconfort (café ét Schnaps) dans une cabane de chasseurs à Raminer Matt. Un grand merci à eux!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Caught in a heavy downpour, we found a good comfort (fl Schnaps coffee) in a hut hunters Raminer Matt. A big thank you to them!
  • Lou Papé - 2010-07-27
    Possibilité d'hébergement bien agréable à Vorsiez pour ceux pour qui l'étape serait trop longue
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Possibility of accommodation in Vorsiez nice for those who step would be too long
Last update : 2019-12-19