“L’arc alpin, Traversée des Alpes à pied du Ventoux (France) au Triglav (Slovénie)” (The Alpine arc, Alpine crossing by foot from Ventoux (France) to Triglav (Slovenia)), by Didier Lécuyer
Didier Lécuyer’s book is a collection of more than 100 luminous watercolours recounting a hike across the Alps over several years, often along the Via Alpina trails. The accompanying texts are also full of interesting, lively information on the culture of the 8 countries. In French, 126 p., 29.7 x 21cm, 25€, ISBN 978-2-36142-085-7, published by Éditions du Fournel (2015). Available from www.editions-fournel.fr/catalogue, online and in bookshops.
“Les rêveries du randonneur” (Hiker's dreams), by Alain Grinda The travel accounts of Alain Grinda, writer and storyteller from the French Maritime Alps, who between 2007 and 2011 linked Trieste and Monaco in ten solitary walks along the Red and Green Via Alpina trails. The first step, The favourite path, What did the shepherd tell me?, To sleep on the earth...in total some twenty “Hiker’s daydreams” to savour. In French, 291 p., 14 x 21 cm, 20 €, published by Editions de Bergier (2013). To be ordered from the author: Alain Grinda, Lou Gimbert, F-06450 Belvédère, alaingrinda(at)9online.fr
“Auf der Via Alpina durch Seealpen und Ligurische Alpen” (On Via Alpina through the Maritime and Ligurian Alps), vol. 1 et 2, by Sabine Bade and Wolfram Mikuteit Guidebook in two volumes describing a loop between Monaco and Garessio on the Via Alpina Red and Blue Trails and several alternative routes. Detailed description with extensive information on the cultural heritage, schemas and altitude-distance graphs (in black and white). In German language, 138 p. (vol. 1) and 94 p. (vol 2), 16x11 cm, 10.,50 € each, 3rd edition 2011. Available from the fernwege.de website: volume 1 and volume 2. See also the website of the authors: www.westalpen.eu.
Guidebook “Die Stillen Pfade der Via Alpina – Unterwegs auf dem Violetten Weg” (Via Alpina‘s quiet paths – En route on the Purple Trail), by Evamaria Wecker The second Via Alpina guide published by Bruckmann (after the one on the Yellow Trail), this time in a middle-sized format. In German language, 192 p., approx. 180 illustrations, 16.5 x 23.5 cm, 24.95 €, published in 2011. Available from the website of Bruckmann publishers and in bookshops.
“Over the Top and Back Again: Hiking X the Alpes”, by Brandon Wilson This is the recount of Brandon and Cheryl Wilson’s 3 ½ months on the Red Trail in 2009 and the fourth travel novel of the award-winner American writer and explorer. It takes us laughing and wincing through their confrontations with ice fields, relentless rain, Föhn winds, lethal ticks and cow patties – merciless but at the same time an irreplaceable inspiration source for anyone tempted by the adventure.
In English, 238 pages long, 22.9 x 15.2 cm, with 53 photos, maps and exclusive cartoons, 11.99 €, published in 2010. Available from bookstores and online, or as Amazon Kindle (7.85 €. Trailer and excerpts on www.pilgrimstales.com/overthetopandbackagain.html and the dedicated Facebook page.
“Über die Alpen” (Over the Alps), by Martin Prinz In this gripping travel novel, subtitled From Trieste to Monaco – on foot across a disappearing landscape, Martin Prinz combines experiences, stories and facts from his crossing of the Alps on the Red Trail in the summer 2008. And settles a score with many clichés about the mountains when evidencing the threats and chances for the Alpine space.
“Via Alpina – 2500 kilomètres d’une mer à l’autre” (Via Alpina – 2500 kilometres from one coast to another), by Vincent Tornay This book recounts the adventure of an integral crossing of the Alpine range. During 119 days, in 2007, Vincent Tornay walked on the Via Alpina Red Trail in order to meet the people and landscapes which make out the Alps of today: 2500 km and 124,000 m elevation difference to link the Adriatic and the Mediterranean seas. As well as an account of his travels, this work is also a guidebook including detailed information about the sections chosen from 4 to 10 stages along the Red Trail. In French, 192 pages long, with many photos, 21 x 28 cm, 59.90 CHF, published in 2009. Available on the website of Editions Rossolis, in bookshops and also as digital bookapp!
„Niente è per caso” (“Nothing happens by chance”), by Manfredi Salemme The travel diary of Manfredi Salemme who hiked along the High Road of the Ligurian Mountains (Alta Via dei Monti Liguri) in 2005, the Italian Pathway (Sentiero Italia) in 2008 and finally the Via Alpina in 2009: from day to day he records his encounters and his personal thoughts that are by no means restricted to the trip itself. 334 p., 15x21 cm, 14 €, published in 2009. Order it on www.lulu.com (all profits will go to the association for bone marrow donors ADMO).
Guidebook “Bruckmanns Tourenführer Via Alpina Gelber Weg – Von der Adriaküste bis in den Allgäuer Alpen” (Bruckmann's touring guide Via Alpina Yellow Trail - From the Adriatic Coast to the Allgäu Alps), by Evamaria Wecker The first of a series of Via Alpina guidebooks published by Bruckmann, covering the Yellow Trail. Published 2009, in German, 19 p., overview maps for each area, approx. 160 photographs, 12.0x18.5 cm, 19.95 €. Available from online bookshops.
“Via Alpina – Traumrouten quer durch die Alpen” (Via Alpina - Dream routes across the Alps), by Mark Zahel Photography book on the five Via Alpina trails. In German, 160 p., approx. 200 photos, 24.5x30.5 cm, 39,90 €, published 2008. Available from the website of Bruckmann publishers and in bookshops.
107 DNI ALP – pohod po rdeči poti Via Alpina (107 DAYS OF ALPS – walk on the Red Trail of Via Alpina)
Book and DVD together give a detailed information about red Via Alpina trail and about deep experience of walking through the entire Alps. Book includes more than 2600 photos from the walk; some of them are marked with geo location (QR code). Besides the official description of 161 stages of red Via Alpina trail you can find authors personal comments and suggestions. In Slovene, 304 p., 210 x 297 mm, 38 € or book + DVD 54 €. Available from: 107 dni Alp.