Izdelava zemljevida Vie Alpine s pomočjo sodelovalnega orodja OpenStreetMap, priprava praktičnega vodnika po modri poti s psom, s pomočjo pohodništva odkriti zavarovana območja v 3 državah: to so teme treh projektov, ki so bili izbrani kot prejemniki potovalne štipendije Vie Alpine za leto 2012, ki jo podeljujejo Stalni sekretariat Alpske konvencije, Sekretariat Vie Alpine Kneževine Monako in mednarodna mreža Via Alpina:
Mapping Party po Vii Alpini: Zemljevidi so za pohodnike nujno potrebni, bodisi za pripravo pohoda bodisi za orientacijo na kraju samem. Prav pri dolgih poteh pa je pogosto težko najti podrobne in aktualne zemljevide, ki so na voljo po nezanemarljivi ceni (in imajo določeno težo). OpenStreetMap je orodje, v okviru katerega so vsem brezplačno na voljo zemljevidi, ki jih po vsem svetu pripravlja skupnost, ki zdaj šteje že pol milijona ljudi. To poletje bo mednarodna skupina 15 oseb prehodila 75 etap Vie Alpine po rdeči in modri poti med Monakom in Švico, ob tem zbirala vse potrebne podatke in jih dala na voljo v OpenStreetMap. Prav tako bo nastala vrsta panoramskih posnetkov. Več informacij >>
RANDOCABO - S psom na pohod po Vii Alpini: Mnogi pohodniki imajo pse in želijo v hribih uživati s svojim zvestim spremljevalcem. Toda včasih je težko na pohod v Alpe s psom: zakonodaja, oskrba z vodo in hrano, nastanitev. V okviru svojega projekta želijo Eléonore, Joël in William (La Roquebrussanne, Var, Francija) s svojimi psi Chipom, Diegom in Sherpo identificirati mrežo poti in nastanitvenih možnosti za pohodnike s psi na modri poti z morebitnimi variantami. Več informacij >>
Continuum – Via Alpina: Vse od svoje ustanovitve si Via Alpina prizadeva igrati vlogo rdeče niti med številnimi zavarovanimi območji v Alpah. Letos poleti bo Andrea Pasqualotto, vodnik po naravi iz Belluna v Italiji, to idejo prenesel v prakso, in sicer s pohodom vzdolž rdeče poti po narodnih parkih Triglava, Stilfser Jocha oz. Stelvia in Švicarskega narodnega parka ter po naravnem parku Drei Zinnen – Sextener Dolomiten oz. Tre Cime – Dolomiti di Sesto. Posamezne etape bo povezal z uporabo javnih prevoznih sredstev. S svojim projektom želi po eni strani motivirati druge turistične delavce, da si prisvojijo Vio Alpino in da podobne pohode po čezmejni pohodniški poti ponudijo svojim gostom, po drugi strani pa nabrati izkušnje in material za predstavitve na šolah v okviru okoljske vzgoje in izobraževanja. Več informacij >>
V prihodnje boste lahko sledili napredku vsakega projekta na njihovih blogih. Ob zaključku bomo objavili v okviru različnih dogodkov kratkometražne filme, ki jih bodo posneli v teku teh treh pustolovščin.
Prav tako vam v nadaljevanju predstavljamo povzetke drugih projektov (v angleščini), ki smo jih prejeli. Predložili so jih kandidati iz Nemčije, Slovenije in Nizozemske, z zelo različnimi pristopi pa se lotevajo umetniških, športnih, vzgojno-izobraževalnih ali kulturnih tem. Želeli bi si, da bi imeli na voljo dovolj sredstev tudi za njihovo finančno podporo, saj vsak med njimi prispeva na svoji ravni k pestrosti Vie Alpine. Določeni med njimi bodo kljub temu zaživeli in deležni bodo moralne podpore s strani Vie Alpine, Stalnega sekretariata Alpske konvencije in Sekretariata Vie Alpine – Monako.
Projekti po vrsti, kot so bili vloženi:
Katja Münker : GEHEN TransAlpin (Peš čez Alpe) >>
"GEHEN TransAlpin is a long-term performance woven into the landscape as well as into interior spaces. It is taking its origin from Berlin and passing after a long-distance-walk over the Alps also back to there. For 4 months from June to September 2012 this walk-in-progress-performance leads across the Alps by walking from Trieste to Monaco mostly along Via Alpina trail network connecting the yellow, green, red and blue route. On its way GEHEN TransAlpin stops for showings in studio spaces where gathered material from en route (movement, text, interviews, photos, sounds and postcards) will be able to transform (itself, me, the audience and the space). Therefore collaborations with spaces (for contemporary dance) along the way are searched like for example in Bozen, Dornbirn, Luzern and Grenoble. Opening and final performances will take place in Berlin. Another 2 months of rehearsals are planed in Berlin before and after the walk. GEHEN TransAlpin is a solo-project with audience-participation in different situations and roles: - as planed co-walkers at some stages of the walk, always starting at the performance-stopovers which has to be booked ahead - as spontaneous co-walkers met en route - as active or observing guests in the showings and the performances or - just as readers of an internet-blog which I will update like a travel diary with text and photos throughout the walk. A long-term idea is to travel the final performance again back to the performance stopovers of the journey."
Contact: movement-muenker(at)web.de, web: www.movement-muenker.de
Marc Delongie : Z bivakom po Vii Alpini >>
"‘Vol-Bivouac’ means, literally, ‘fly and camp’. Vol-bivouac pilots are paragliders who carry the necessary self-support equipment with them in flight and cross sections of mountainous terrain on foot and by air, using thermals and wind to cover sometimes vast distances over a period of several days or weeks. The vol-bivouac pilot’s goal of the day is to launch in the mountains and fly as far as possible using thermals and wind, landing at the end near a suitable launch from which his or her journey may begin again the next day or walk to the next suitable take-off. (it is very difficult to predict, but a 70% walking and 30% flying on a day could be realistic) During a period, ranging from June to September, I will follow one or more Via Alpina routes using the concept of the Vol Bivouac. The aim is to trigger and gather more paragliders that will join or follow the trails and make an on-line inventory of the places were I took off."
Contact: marc(at)schorisse.be
Urška Erman : Alpski tedni: Alpe, naš dom! >>
" Two days activities in 5 different places with 4 different groups, suitable program and leading group. Introduction into the goals of Alpine convention in a more interesting way. First to the specific group and second to the majority.
In the area of Via Alpina there are 4 most popular mountain sports: Mountaineering, climbing, biking, tour-skiing. Trough the part of the red path Via Alpina, 5 countries will be included: Slovenia- Austria- Italy- France- Switzerland. The project will include 4 working weeks and would participate in the program of Alpine week on 4th of September in Switzerland.
Program of the working groups will take place in the mountain huts. Working weekends will include working days and tour trips. The youth is the main popularity of the project. One of the main acters of sustainable tourism are mountain huts. People gather in one place with the same goals. Where could you find a better info point? The groups are chosen in this way because of the main motivation of participants, that is the activity. But, the first aim is to inform and share the knowledge to the participants in an interesting way. The last, but the most important aim is that the participants spread it around inbetween their social life. From the first to the last aim the working program will be the leading role of the project. Its context is sustainable mountain tourism, video presentations, an introduction to the importance of the participants enrollment and tour trips."
Contact: ursa.erman(at)gmail.com
Julia Reichardt : Prečkati Alpe po poteh, kjer je hodil Hanibal >>
"Hannibal’s famous passage through the Alps in 218 BC remains one of the most intrepid marches in history and has fascinated historians and laymen, old and young over the last two thousand years. I want to cross the Alps in Hannibal’s footsteps on the most probable pass he took: the Clapier pass (part of the blue route). The aim of this trip is the writing of an exciting travel reportage, in which I combine my experience and impressions from the hike with quotes of ancient books about Hannibal as well as the insights of Patrick Hunt, an American historian, who recently led the Hannibal Expedition in the Alps. His studies were sponsored by the National Geographic Society. My photo reportage will convey ancient history in a fun and exciting way and intelligible to everybody. It invites the reader to hike the path, to experience the unique Alpine landscape as well as one’s own physical limits and to relive history."
Contact: juliareichardt(at)yahoo.com
Manca Miko : Lovro potuje – Lovro povezuje >>
"Project goal is to travel on Via Alpina with small child Lovro – in time of journey will be one year old. Showing people that small child doesn’t change parents lifestyle, but enreachen their life with new perspective – spending more time in little joys on every step and showing that “the goal is the way itself”. Lovros father is UIAGM mountain guide, who spends 7 months per year out of Slovenia and in summer time he is taking his family with him. That’s why the journey will be centred on Lovros two homes - Slovenia and France. First part of we will make from it’s very beginning - Trieste, following on north to Tromeja and Austria and second part will be located in Chamonix - from La Flegere, col Grand Saint Bernard to ValGrisenche. We planed to visit 5 countries – Slovenia, Italy, Austria, France and Swiss. On our way we will be using sustainable mobility – our foot and bike and try to use public transport in most possible way. During our journey we will alert on local problems, solutions and plans (Chamonix and Plans Climate Energy, Vrata Valley and pollution in natural environments with cars, etc.)."
Contact: info(at)alps-adventures.com
Urška Erman : Bodi aktiven! >>
"My project will take place on the red and yellow path of Via alpina. My idea is to walk, cycle, climb and canyon in the areas of Via Alpina. I will pick 4 different places in the stages of the red and yellow path and present them as points where many possibilities are promising for the visitors who like to do more sport activities around one place. For every place I will collect the information on the website, which will include: • the general datas (wheather, season, huts, sleeping, food, cheap beer ;), • at least one tour for one sport, • the culture of the place • specialities of the place (people, offer in the huts, food) • introduction how we have to act to sustain the nature."
Contact: ursa.erman(at)gmail.com
Ker nismo prejeli zadovoljivih projektov v kategoriji «Mladi», se je žirija odločila, da tokrat štipendije v tej kategoriji ne podeli.
V vašo vednost bistveni dokumenti v okviru razpisa za leto 2012 (odprt v času od 8. 9. do 15. 11. 2011):
Pravilnik (.doc, 400 Ko)
Pogodba (.doc, 400 Ko)
Prijavni obrazec (.doc, 400 Ko)