Rifugio Garibaldi
Cima (2838m) can be reached on foot in 20 minutes. From the top one can have an overall view of the mountains of the area as well as those of the low Engadina. On these mountains the “War under the Stars” was fought during the First World War.
Italian lines were well back from the Italian-Austrian border: they started at Rims point (on the Swiss Border), came down to the 4th Cantoniera road to ascend again, through Filone del Mot to the Ablès Pass, from where they carried on to reach the Val Zebrù.
Austrian lines started from Garibaldi’s point and than descended to the Stelvio Pass only to climb again to Nagler and Cristallo.
Info: The hut will open in summer 2010 after renovation works.
Rifugio Garibaldi
Letzte Änderung : 07.01.10