Stroll to discover Neghino Fort
RESORT: Vinadio (CN) LENGTH: about 2 hours PROGRAMME: The historical-naturalistic “Stroll to discover Neghino Fort” allows tourists to reach a masterpiece of military architecture, built on an elliptical plan and easily reachable from the dust road beginning East in the village of Vinadio. A unique occasion to admire one of the most panoramic areas of the valley and enjoy a bird’s eye view of King Albert’s Fort. Starting from Vinadio (910 m.), one goes along the road leading to S.Defendente, then turns left further up (indications to Neghino Fort) and walks along the dust road to reach the peak above Vinadio overlooking the heights that overtop the plane. Thanks to a loop trail one can go back to the starting point along the path linking to Neraissa Valley that goes down to Vinadio. PRICE: FREE (free hike) PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY OF THE OFFER: May to October FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Associazione Culturale Marcovaldo TEL. 0171/618260 FAX: 0171/610735 MAIL: SITI WEB: |